  • Footpath
  • footpath, trail
  • track
  1. n.  交叉拱, 鼠, 腹股沟, 穹棱, 丁坝, 防波堤, 折流坝   groin
  2. n.  他买这幅画时不虞内有跷(如未想到是贼赃).   He bought the painting in good faith, eg not realizing that it had been stolen
  3. v.  他别开径十分称心如意.   His new-found prosperity sits well on him, ie suits him well
  4.   婴儿鼠蹊疝气   Inguinal hernia operation
  5. adj.  对某问题别辟径的处理方法   a new and refreshing approach to a problem
  6. n.  捕捉, 陷阱, 捕获物, 抓住, 稳稳地接住, 接球, 捕获物(量), (值得)获得的物(人), 很好的结婚对象, 挂钩, 锁环, 诡计, 难人的问题, 跷, 钩   catch
  7.   腹壁疝气修补术,嵌顿性,-无肠切除腹壁疝气修补术,复发性-无肠切除鼠疝气修补术-并肠切除   Repair of inguinal hernia ——with bowel resection
  8.   蹊线   streak line
  9.   阴茎癌阴茎全部切除合并鼠淋巴切除术及会阴部尿道造口术   Total penectomy with inguinal LND, with perineal cutaneous urethrostomy
  10.   阴茎癌阴茎部份切除合并鼠淋巴切除术   Partial penectomy with inguinal LND
  11.   髋鼠部淋巴根除术-单侧   Ileo-inguinal lymphadenectomy, Unilateral
  12.   髋鼠部淋巴根除术-双侧   Ileo-inguinal lymphadenectomy, Bilateral
  13.   鼠疝气修补术,嵌顿性,-无肠切除鼠疝气修补术,复发性,-无肠切除股疝气修补术-无肠切除腰椎疝气修补术   Repair of lumbar hernia
  14.   鼠疝气修补术-无肠切除   Repair of inguinal hernia ——without bowel resection
  15. adj.  鼠部的, 腹股沟的, 腹股沟的   inguinal
  1. 俱乐部的盗窃案有些跷。
    It's a queer go, that burglary at the club.
  2. 那辆新车这么便宜,里面一定有跷!
    That new car is very cheap; there must be a catch in it somewhere!
  3. 那个问题看起来容易,但这里面有跷。
    That question looks easy, but there's a catch in it.
  4. 事到如今,阿特感到有点跷,不禁问那声音:“什么特别的人?”。
    By now Art was gettting a little cranky. " What special person?" he asked the voice.
  5. 腹股沟,鼠两大腿内侧和躯干相连接的折皱或凹陷,包括相近部位,通常也包括外生殖器
    The crease or hollow at the junction of the inner part of each thigh with the trunk, together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals.
  6. 然而,台湾的《壹周刊》不介意以狗仔队自居,并以狗吠剪影为标志,这样的做法还是足以让台湾媒体耳目一新,成功在饱和的市场另辟径。
    The Next magazine in Taiwan does not mind being known as the weekly with the most famous or infamous paparazzi, better known as the “doggie teams”. It even uses an outline of a barking dog as its symbol. Yet the strategy has worked in giving people something different to look forward to - and it has managed to find a niche for itself in an already squeezed Taiwanese media market.
  7. 但暂且不谈这些跷之处(虽说这些跷并非不值得在适当的场合思量思量),笔者在此只想探讨一下哪些人好嫉妒他人,哪些人会遭受嫉妒,以及公众的嫉妒和私人间的嫉妒有何不同。
    But leaving these curiosities (though not unworthy to be thought on, in fit place), we will handle, what persons are apt to envy others; what persons are most subject to be envied themselves; and what is the difference between public and private envy.
  8. 我觉得此事有点跷。
    It looks very suspicious to me.
  9. 他觉得那件事似有跷。
    The matter seemed suspicious to him.
  10. 这所房子非常便宜. 这里面一定有跷.
    The house is very cheap. There must be a catch somewhere.
  11. 这里有点儿蹊跷。
    There's a little catch.
  12. 这里有点儿蹊跷。
    There's something to it.
  13. 可是,有点蹊跷。
    Well, there's a little catch.