·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • revive, resurrect
  • a species of thyme
  • transliteration of 'Soviet'
  • (plant)
  • place name
  • revive
  • Sue
  • Se
  • Soo
  • Hsu
  • Su
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   "别噜苏了,我懂了。"   I'm hip.(美)(非正式)
  2. n.  &a.低地, 低地, 低地, 格兰低地   lowland
  3. n.  (pl.Sioux)苏族   sioux
  4. n.  (pl.Sioux)苏族   sioux
  5.   (人)处于正常状态; 显得自然[真诚]; []独自一人   be oneself
  6.   (昏迷后)醒过来; 恢复理性, 停止胡闹   come to oneself
  7.   (苏联)十月革命   the October Revolution
  8.   (苏联)红场   Red Square
  9.   L.C.苏拉   Sulla
  10. n.  Scandinavia半岛的最北端地区, 拉普兰, 拉普兰(挪威、瑞典、芬兰和联各国北部拉普兰人居住的地区)   lapland
  11. n.  Scotland西南部一州, 该州产的乳牛, 艾尔郡, 艾尔郡所产的一种乳牛, 艾尔郡毛毯, 格兰西南部一州   ayrshire
  12.   [land of cakes]"糕饼之国"(指格兰, 因当地居民常吃燕麦饼而得名)   Land o' Cakes
  13.   [land of cakes]"糕饼之国"(指格兰, 因当地居民常吃燕麦饼而得名)   Land of Cakes
  14.   [美]“大泥河”(密里河的别称)   Big M-
  15.   [美]密里州(Missouri)的别名   Bullion State
  16.   [美]明尼达州(Minnesota)的别名   Gopher State , Northern-Star State
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 格兰英国国教教会中主持会议的主教。
    the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland.
  2. 我是格兰主教派教会的成员,这教会多灾多难,现已几乎不存在了。
    I am a member of the suffering Episcopal Church of Scotland—the shadow of a shade now.
  3. 副主教用作对英国国教或格兰圣公会的副主教的一种尊称
    Used as a form of address for an archdeacon in the Anglican Church or the Episcopal Church.
  4. 辉石一种绿色的,棕色的,或黑色的易裂可切开的矿石,主要成分(fe,mg)2si2o6
    A green, brown, or black splintery, cleavable pyroxene mineral, essentially(Fe, Mg)2Si2O6.
  5. 他让姗开心,即使是在那些糟糕的日子里,她下车时摔倒或是把满包的文件撒在过道上的时候。
    He made her laugh, even on those not so good days when she would trip exiting the bus, or drop her briefcase full of papers on the aisle floor.
  6. 不知内情的珊娜在父亲陪伴下走在教堂的甬道上,感到十分幸福。
    Suzanne was innocently happy as she walked down the aisle with her father.
  7. 州附近的太湖上的木渎地方,有这种柏树四棵,其名称是“洁”、“罕”、“古”、“怪”。
    At Mutu, a point on the Taihu Lake near Soochow, there are four such cypress trees which have been given the four respective names "Pure," "Rare," "Antique" and "Quaint."
  8. 有谣言说格兰最伟大的旅行家早已入乡随俗,并已娶了被奇妙地叫做“非洲妃子”的女人为妻。
    There were rumors that Scotland's greatest traveler had long gone native and married what was quaintly called an "African princess."
  9. 曼丽的几位妹妹,本在房间那头和卢家小姐们在一起,正在跟两三个军官跳舞跳得起劲,曼丽奏完了一支很长的协奏曲之后,她们便要求她再奏几支格兰和爱尔兰小调,她也高高兴兴地照办了,为的是要博得别人的夸奖和感激。
    and Mary, at the end of a long concerto, was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs, at the request of her younger sisters, who, with some of the Lucases and two or three officers, joined eagerly in dancing at one end of the room.
  10. 有时,我觉得美国与我所见到的印第安族社会和佛教社会不同。太多的指手画脚的舆论专家们将我们的社会撕扯成了一个四分五裂、争论不休的希腊雅典式的社会,那些个人的艺术成就被怀疑为攫取财富的企图,或是政治宣传的声明。
    I sometimes think that America, unlike the Sioux or the Buddhist societies I've seen, is torn by too many opinion-makers that divide us into a quarrelsome Athenian society where individual artistic achievements are suspected as attempts to enrich ourselves, or as political propaganda statements.
  11. 在接受访问时,他将联上月试飞成功的氢动力民航机比作1957年发射斯普特尼克。“我们又一次错过机会,”他说,“我们只能希望下一届政府比这一届更注意氢[动力]”。
    In an interview, he compared the flight of the hydrogen-powered Soviet airliner last month to the launching of Sputnick in 1957. "Once again we've missed the boat," he said, "and we can only hope that the next administration will be more interested in hydrogen than this one has been."
  12. 雌雄同体热带大型常绿树种,生长快,披针状叶,有光泽;分布在门答腊和菲律宾到昆士兰北部一带。
    a large fast-growing monoecious tropical evergreen tree having large glossy lanceolate leaves; of rain forests of Sumatra and Philippines to northern Queensland.
  13. 1956年匈牙利起义很快被残酷的联军队镇压了下去
    The 1956 uprising in Hungary was soon quelled by ruthless Soviet military action.
  14. 春雨使大地复苏。
    Spring rain quickened the earth.
  15. 有些西方观察家认为,联的经济问题是[西方的]机会。戈尔巴乔夫的经济困境越深,西方越能利用贸易和科技转让诱使联在外交上收敛,或在军备控制及人权方面获得进展。另有些人,包括英国首相撒切尔夫人的观点是:假定不需任何交换行动,经济改革“对西方有利”。
    Some observers in the West see the Soviet economic problems as opportunities. The worse Mr.Gorbachev's economic bind, the more the West can use trade and technology transfers as inducements for Soviet diplomatic restraint, or progress on arms control and human rights. Others, including Prime Minister Thatcher of Britain, view successful economic reforms as "in the Western interest," presumably without any such quid pro quo.
  16. 珊过去总是忙于寻欢作乐的社交活动,但现在已经改过了。
    Susan used to racket about, but has mended her ways now.
  17. (主要用于格兰)令人愉快、亲切。
    (chiefly Scottish) agreeable and genial.
  18. 训练范围非常广泛,包括抗灾、扑灭山火、清理油污、水灾拯救、核辐射防护、心肺复法及一般抢救技巧等。
    The training covers counter-disaster skills, fire-fighting, anti-oil pollution, flood rescue, radiological protection, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and conventional rescue instruction.
  19. 格兰雨林树种或灌木,圆锥形树冠,浅绿色镰状树叶;一种罕见的寄生紫杉。
    rainforest tree or shrub of New Caledonia having a conic crown and pale green sickle-shaped leaves; host species for the rare parasite yew.
  20. 打和酪乳制成的圆面包;通常包有香菜籽和葡萄干。
    round loaf made with soda and buttermilk; often containing caraway seeds and raisins.
  21. 与此同时,联队虽然小组预赛中以17比19落后于日本,输了关键的第五局,但在半场赛中他们击败了当时的世界头号种子中国队,让世人为之一惊。
    Meanwhile the USSR, which had lost 17-19 in the fifth to Japan in pool play, went on to leave the world aghast by blanking then top world power china in the semifinal.
  22. 珊在路上发现被害的一具男尸,似乎被吓呆了。
    Susan looked aghast on finding the body of a murdered man in the road.
  23. 英法则始终不赞成平等互惠原则,只要求联保证它们的安全,它们却不肯保证联的安全,不肯保证波罗的海诸小国的安全,以便开一个缺口让德国进兵,并且不让联军队通过波兰去反对侵略者。
    But, from start to finish, Britain and France rejected the principle of equality and reciprocity; they demanded that the Soviet Union provide safeguards for their security, but refused to do likewise for the Soviet Union and the small Baltic states, so as to leave a gap through which Germany could attack, and they also refused to allow the passage of Soviet troops through Poland to fight the aggressor.
  24. 这就是德互不侵犯协定的全部政治意义。
    Such is the full political significance of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty.
  25. 这种阴谋,被德互不侵犯条约击破了。
    The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty smashed this plot.
  26. 苏德互不侵犯条约
    Treaty of non-Aggression Between Soviet Union and Germany
  27. 对不起,这里是姑旅行社吗?
    Excuse me, is this the Gusu Travel Agency?
  28. 据调查,仅陕西、江等十省的女职工近三年内就提出合理化建议387万条,创经济效益21亿元。
    According to one survey, women workers and staff in Shanxi, Jiangsu and eight other provinces alone raised 3.87 million rationalization proposals in the last three years, generating 2.1 billion yuan in economic returns.
  29. 他又苏醒过来。
    He became himself again.
  30. 她的舞蹈使那种古典风格复
    Her dancing reanimates the classical style.
  31. 为了纾解民困,以及为经济复提供必要条件,特区政府今年内已经作出了多项税务宽减以及推出了一系列专为纾缓市民困难的措施,包括退还差饷和设立协助中小型企业的信贷保证基金。
    The Government has put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic revival. These included substantial tax cut, rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  32. 但是,3月17日夜,噶伦索康、柳霞、夏等叛乱头目挟持达赖喇嘛逃离拉萨,前往叛乱武装的“根据地”山南。
    However, on the evening of March 17, Galoins Surkang, Neuxar and Xaisur and other rebel leaders held the Dalai Lama under duress and carried him away from Lhasa to Shannan, the "base" of the armed rebel forces.