类,属分类学中介于科和种之间的特级,由包含显示相似特点的种所组成的群。在分类学术语中,属被单独使用或后面跟一个拉丁形容词或定语,来形成一个种的名称 A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species.
既然必须和新的群众的时代相结合,就必须彻底解决个人和群众的关系问题。 Since integration into the new epoch of the masses is essential, it is necessary thoroughly to solve the problem of the relationship between the individual and the masses.
卡德摩斯惊恐万状,准备迎战这群敌人。但是其中的一个武士向他说:“不要插手我们的内战。” Cadmus, alarmed, prepared to encounter a new enemy, but one of them said to him,"Meddle not with our civil war."
常微分方程变换群理论 transformation group theory in ordinary differential equation
在金牛星座天赤道东部的星座;包含参宿四(位于猎户星座的一颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年)和参宿七(猎户座星群中的一颗明亮的双星)。 a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.
建国后,为迅速改变旧中国遗留下来的经济文化落后面貌,革除束缚、歧视和摧残妇女的旧制度和旧习俗,在全国范围内掀起了一系列波澜壮阔的群众运动,使妇女的社会地位和状况发生了翻天覆地的历史性变化。%$ After the founding of the People's Republic, there was a surge of mass movements throughout the country to quickly change the backward economic and cultural outlook left over by old China and eradicate the antiquated system and outmoded customs that fettered, discriminated against and humiliated women. This effected an earth-shaking historic change in the social status and condition of women.
国家禁毒委员会每年都部署全国开展禁种铲毒工作。各级政府层层落实禁种铲毒责任制,发动群众搞好宣传教育和禁种检查,做到种毒必究、有毒必铲。 Every year, the NNCC instructs governments at all levels to promote the activities to eradicate drug cultivation and to carry out a responsibility system along that line. Anti-drug publicity and education is conducted among the people and efforts are made to investigate illegal drug planting and to see that drug growers are punished and the plants are uprooted wherever they are found.
比如说文艺界的宗派主义吧,这也是原则问题,但是要去掉宗派主义,也只有把为工农,为八路军、新四军,到群众中去的口号提出来,并加以切实的实行,才能达到目的,否则宗派主义问题是断然不能解决的。 Take, for instance, the sectarianism in literary and art circles. This too is a question of principle, but sectarianism can only be eradicated by putting forward and faithfully applying the slogans, "For the workers and peasants!", "For the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies!" and "Go among the masses!" Otherwise the problem of sectarianism can never be solved.
国家组织、协调有关部门和群众团体共同实施人口与计划生育方案,将计划生育与发展经济、消除贫困、保护生态环境、合理利用资源、普及文化教育、发展卫生事业、完善社会保障、提高妇女地位等紧密结合起来,努力从根本上解决中国的人口与发展问题。 The Government organizes and coordinates the relevant departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family planning program, striving to integrate the family planning program with economic development, poverty eradication, protection of ecological environment, rational resource utilization, universal education, advancement of public health and social security, and improvement of women's status. This is aimed at seeking a thorough solution to the problem of population and development.
事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
一群动物,一群鸟一群动物或鸟,尤指云雀或鹌鹑 A group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail.
一窝,一小群一窝或一小群鸟,尤指鹧鸪或鹌鹑 A family or small flock of birds, especially partridge or quail.
一群鹌鹑停落在我家附近的树上。 A bevy of quails lit in the tress near our house.
为地震受灾群众提供了衣服、食品和其他需要的东西。 The quake-afflicted people were all provided with clothing, food and other things they needed.
但如果要实现五角大楼所希望的覆盖全球的昼夜雷达监测,则需要在低地球轨道设置至少20多颗高性能卫星群。这种全球性的昼夜雷达监测,将使飞行员无须冒生命危险,也不会侵犯别国领空。 But for the global, around-the-clock radar coverage that the Pentagon wants--a system that would not risk pilots’lives or intrude in foreign airspace--a constellation of two dozen or more high-powered satellites in low Earth orbit would be needed.
它的主要表现和危害是:高高在上,滥用权力,脱离实际,脱离群众,好摆门面,好说空话,思想僵化,墨守陈规,机构臃肿,人浮于事,办事拖拉,不讲效率,不负责任,不守信用,公文旅行,互相推诿,以至官气十足,动辄训人,打击报复,压制民主,欺上瞒下,专横跋扈,徇私行贿,贪赃枉法,等等。 Its harmful manifestations include the following: standing high above the masses, abusing power, divorcing oneself from reality and the masses; spending a lot of time and effort to put up an impressive front;Indulging in empty talk; Sticking to a rigid way of thinking; Being hidebound by convention; Overstaffing administrative organs; Being dilatory, inefficient and irresponsible; Failing to keep one's word; Circulating documents endlessly without solving problems; Shifting responsibility to others; And even assuming the airs of a mandarin, reprimanding other people at every turn, vindictively attacking others, suppressing democracy, deceiving superiors and subordinates, being arbitrary and despotic, practising favouritism, offering bribes, participating in corrupt practices in violation of the law, and so on.
这样,就可以避免沾染官气,就可以避免脱离群众、脱离实际,就可以使我们的国家坚持社会主义制度、并在将来发展到共产主义的道路上去,就可以使我们党坚持马克思列宁主义的原则。 Only by so doing can we pay more attention to upholding the Party's fine traditions, avoid being tainted with bureaucratic airs, and keep from becoming divorced from the masses and reality. Only thus can China adhere to the socialist system and advance along the road to communism, and can our Party uphold Marxist-Leninist principles.
在群众面前把你的资格摆得越老,越像个“英雄”,越要出卖这一套,群众就越不买你的账。 The more you put on the airs of a veteran before the masses and play the "hero", the more you try to peddle such stuff to the masses, the less likely they are to accept it.
我们要尊重群众,不要摆架子。 We must respect the masses and avoid putting on airs.
他和群众打成一片,从来不摆架子。 He mixed freely with the people , never putting on airs.
数量词;用于复数名词或用于计数名词以表明总数、数额或群体人数的。 quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class.
基于比较数据的数量分析来重建树结构以概述生物体群间的种类关系与进化历史的一个生物分类系统。 a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct trees summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.
介子任一种具有较强相互作用力的亚原子粒子群,由一夸克与一反夸克构成,并具有通常介于轻子和重子间的质量 Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons.
六十年代,皮埃尔-巴尔梅为新加坡航空公司设计了具有马来群岛风格的围裙式制服; In the 1960s, Pierre Balmain designed a sarong-style Singapore Airlines uniform.
在人群中警察迷失了跟踪目标 The police lost their quarry in the crowd.
这一边学子比工匠多,因此更吵闹,人群也更多,真正说起来,河沿街只从圣米歇尔桥到纳勒塔这一段而已。 Students furnished more of a crowd and more noise there than artisans, and there was not, properly speaking,any quay, except from the Pont Saint-Michel to the Tour de Nesle.
船主微笑着目送着他,直到他上了岸,消失在卡纳比埃尔街上的人流里。这条街从清晨五点钟直到晚上九点钟都拥挤着川流不息的人群。卡纳比埃尔街是马赛最有名的街道,马赛的居民很以它为自豪,他们甚至煞有其事地庄重地宣称:“假如巴黎也有一条卡纳比埃尔街,那巴黎就可称为小马赛了。” The shipowner, smiling, followed him with his eyes until he saw him spring out on the quay and disappear in the midst of the throng, which from five o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night, swarms in the famous street of La Canebière,--a street of which the modern Phocaeans are so proud that they say with all the gravity in the world, and with that accent which gives so much character to what is said, "If Paris had La Canebière, Paris would be a second Marseilles."
望着一群小学生挤在那堆残骸中扯下扣子留作纪念,我感到有什么东西在喉咙梗住似的。 I watched with a lump in my throat as schoolchildren swarmed over the wreck ripping off buttons for souvenirs.
女皇向群众发表讲话。 The Queen addressed the crowd.
关于鱼类在澳大利亚,科学家想通过引入转基因的雄鱼以产生大量雄性后代的办法来控制带有侵略性的欧洲鲤鱼种群。 Fish story Down in Australia, scientists dream of controlling invasive species like the European carp by introducing males genetically altered to produce mainly male offspring.
主要是温暖海水中成群活动的类似鲤鱼的小鱼;用作鱼珥、水族馆展览或治蚊。 small mostly marine warm-water carp-like schooling fishes; used as bait or aquarium fishes or in mosquito control.
这群人当中的网际网络使用者比例到底多大,则是个有待探讨的问题。 It remains questionable how many among those Chinese-speakers are Internet-users.