int. 哎哟! 可别再应邀去缪里尔大婶那里参加茶会了! Oh horrors! Not another invitation to tea with Aunt Muriel
n. 因过失、 不幸或缪误而受苦或受害 suffer because of wrongdoing, misfortune or an error
n. 塞缪尔(男子名), 塞缪尔, 撒母耳, 《撒母耳记》 samuel
夏缪斯丝绉缎 crepe charmeuse
多偶极等离子体朗缪尔探测仪 multidipole plasma Langmuir probe
n. 希腊或罗马神话中的)缪斯(九位女神, 均为宙斯或朱庇特之女, 专管诗歌、 音乐、 舞蹈、 历史及其他文艺科目). the nine goddesses, daughters of Zeus or Jupiter, who protected and encouraged poetry, music, dancing, history and other branches of art and literature (
既然将来你十有八九会谋职于私企,何不现在就未雨绸缪,学习一下私企生存发展之道呢?学长及人力资源专家在这和大家分享建议: So, since there's a big chance you'll work for a privately-owned company in the future, why not prepare yourself so you will know how to survive and excel? Here, graduates and HR experts share their advice:
朗格缪尔探针 langmuir probe
未雨绸缪地, 以备不时之需(常与动词 lay up, provide , put by 和 save 连用) for a rainy day
可以很清楚分辨出那三座被查理五世合并为这座行宫的大厦,尽管它们由几道带有彩色玻璃窗和小圆柱的长廊与行宫主体建筑巧妙地紧紧连结在一起。这三座大厦是小缪斯府邸、圣莫尔神父府邸和埃唐普伯爵府邸。小缪斯府邸,屋顶边缘装饰着花边形栏杆,神采优雅; One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three Hotels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the Hotel du Petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof;
未雨绸缪。 Keep something for a rainy day.
我们应该未雨绸缪,储蓄点钱。 We should put by something for a rainy day.
约翰逊研究者塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的崇拜者或研究者 An admirer or a student of Samuel Johnson or his work.
“通过精心的策划,他已经挽回了……一个十分严重的损失”(塞缪尔·巴特勒) By a brilliant coup he has retrieved... a rather serious loss?Samuel Butler).
(罗马神话)洛缪拉斯的孪生兄弟。 (Roman mythology) the twin brother of Romulus.
她与她的室友卡洛琳·巴赛洛缪,匆匆忙忙地梳洗打扮并为黛安娜做好了去赴这个重大约会的准备。 She and her roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew, hurried to dress and prepare Diana for her big date.
狄尔登,塞缪尔·琼斯1814-1886美国政治家,1876年民主党总统候选人,他赢得了公众支持率选举,但在竞选论战中失败而失去总统宝座,一个支持拉瑟福德·b·海斯的参议员委员会平息了这场论战 American politician. The Democratic presidential nominee in1876, he won the popular election but lost the presidency in an electoral college controversy that was settled by a Senate committee in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes.
塞缪尔天生具有才智。 Samuel possessed wisdom from high.
马克·吐温是萨缪尔·兰亨·克里曼斯的笔名。 Mark Twain is a pseudonymity for Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
"叫塞缪尔。"我说,"希伯来语的意思是,上帝在倾听。 "Samuel, " I said, "Hebrew for God listens."
塞缪尔巴特勒小说《虚幻国》中家乡的地方。 fictitious land described in the novel Erewhon by Samuel Butler.
马克·吐温和塞缪尔·克莱门斯是一个人。 Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same.
约翰逊的塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的,似约翰逊文体的,与约翰逊或其作品有关的 Of, resembling, or relating to Samuel Johnson or his writings.
马克·吐温和赛缪尔·克莱门斯是一个人。 Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens were one and the same person.
塞缪尔。克莱门斯,以马克吐温知名,成了美国有名的作家。 Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
塞缪斯·克莱门斯,以马克·吐温知名,成了美国名作家。 Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
塞缪尔中学毕业后上了大学,在剑桥大学化学得第一名。 Samuel went on the university after school and got a first in chemistry.
丹泽尔·华盛顿凭借影片《训练日》而赢得最佳演员奖,但是却是由另一名黑人影星萨缪尔·杰克逊替他领奖。 Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L.Jackson accepted the prize for him.
丹泽尔·华盛顿凭借影片《训练日》而赢得最佳演员奖,但是却是由另一名黑人影星萨缪尔·杰克逊替他领奖。 Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L. Jackson accepted the prize for him.
“性情聪明温顺的当地人”(塞缪尔·巴特勒) "The natives... being... of an intelligent tractable disposition"(Samuel Butler).
易驾驭的年青的头脑;金子是容易加工的;土著人有易驯良的天性-赛缪尔.巴特勒。 tractable young minds; gold is tractable; the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition- Samuel Butler.
其父塞缪尔做的是美容用品的生意,他寄希望于儿子能秉承父业。 His father, Samuel, who was in the beauty-supplies business. hoped his son would someday work with him.
本文简介:塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯在1812年12月23日出生于苏格兰.是11个孩子中最大的。 IN THIS ARTICLE: Samuel Smiles, the eldest of eleven children, was born on 23rd December, 1812 in Scotland.
我塞缪尔·利维,无永久住址,被控游荡鬼混,因此我必须立即离开伦敦,永不再来。 I, Samuel levy, of no fixed abode, am being charged with loitering and soon I must leave London for ever.
他同样也受到了影响;一些人没有想过去做好事,同样也他们没有能力阻止自己不做坏事-塞缪尔.约翰逊。 He was similarly affected; some people have littlepower to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil- Samuel Johnson.
“他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况)(塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治) "He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and(as it were) fuses, each into each?Samuel Taylor Coleridge).
“一个观点越不受欢迎,这个观点的持有者越应谨小慎微地观察习俗惯例”(塞缪尔·巴特勒) "The more unpopular an opinion is, the more necessary is it that the holder should be somewhat punctilious in his observance of conventionalities generally"(Samuel Butler).
传说讲的是一个叫塞缪尔·威尔逊的肉食品检验官,他的任务是为联邦政府检验军队采购的肉的质量,然后批准是否可以食用。 Samuel Wilson, so goes the legend, was a meat inspector in the service of the federal government whose task it was to approve the quality of meat bought by the army.
人生不长,切不可花费太多的时间去考虑应该怎样度过这一辈子。 --塞缪尔·约翰逊 Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation on how it shall be spent. --Samuel Johnson
国会...给人以这样的印象...一群混乱的、分离的地方势力-萨缪尔.卢贝尔;一个独立民族的联盟-e.b.怀特;松散的联合;分裂的团体。 Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces-Samuel Lubell; a league of disunited nations- E.B.White; a fragmented coalition; a split group.
巴特勒,塞缪尔1835-1902英国作家。以讽刺维多利亚时代英格兰家庭生活的半自传体小说众生之路(1903年)最为著名 British writer best known for The Way of All Flesh(1903), a semiautobiographical novel satirizing family life in mid-Victorian England.