  • continous
  • floss
  • Cotton
  • incessant
  • downy
  • soft
  1.   (拳击)(扔掉擦身用的海)认输, 投降; 放弃斗争   throw [toss, chuck] up [in] the sponge
  2.   n.海绵   sponge
  3. adj.  一扫而去的, 凶猛的, 广泛的, 扫除的, 扫荡的, 连的, 呈弯曲状的, 范围广大的, 包括无遗的, 总括的, 笼统的, 包罗万象的, 空泛的, 彻底的, 规模大的   sweeping
  4. n.  三叉蕨素,白绵马素   albaspidin
  5.   丘布特绵羊毛   Chubut wool
  6.   丝梳绵机   noil silk card ■
  7.   丝绵毯   silk wadding blanket
  8.   丝绵球   silk tops
  9.   丝绵线   silk wadding yarn
  10.   中国杂色绵羊毛   China mixed colour sheep wool
  11.   中国混合绵羊毛   Chinese mixed section sheepwool
  12.   乳胶海绵地毯垫   foam rubber carpet underlay
  13.   乳胶海绵垫   foam rubber cushion
  14.   乳胶海绵底   foam rubber sole
  15.   乳胶海绵座垫   foam rubber seat cushion
  16.   乳胶海座垫和靠背垫   foam rubber seat & back cushion
  1. 用海状物擦除;像在黑板上的名字。
    erase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboard.
  2. 一种旧大陆的枣儿属植物,具有窄的基生叶和粉红色的或蓝色的或白色的总状花序。
    an Old World plant of the genus Scilla having narrow basal leaves and pink or blue or white racemose flowers.
  3. 公羊雄性的绵羊
    A male sheep; a ram.
  4. 一大片连的乡村地产
    A large rambling country estate.
  5. 芭蕾舞演员泰格利欧尼准备晚会演出时,在跟着父亲上了两小时非常严格的芭蕾课程之后,她会精疲力尽跌倒在地,不得不让别人帮她脱下衣服,用湿海擦身,使她从完全失去知觉中苏醒过来。
    When the ballet dancer Taglioni was preparing herself for her evening exhibition, she would, after a severe two hours' lesson from her father, fall down exhausted, and had to be undressed, sponged, and resuscitated from being totally unconscious.
  6. 牛肉或猪肉的前半部分的肋骨架,特别是小羊羔和羊。
    rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton.
  7. 震颤病一种在羊身上发作的病毒性传染病,由虫螨传播并能影响神经系统,羊得病后会小步飞跑和疾走,经常伴有长时间的颤抖
    An infectious viral disease of sheep that is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus and affects the nervous system, causing galloping and trotting by little leaps and often prolonged trembling.
  8. 她渴望美酒和佳肴、爱意和浪漫情调。
    She wants to be wined and dined, courted and romanced.
  9. 乳胶柔软的深层。
    a deep yielding layer of foam rubber.
  10. 牛科动物牛科的或属于牛科的,包括有蹄的、两边有角的反刍动物,如牛、羊、山羊和水牛
    Of or belonging to the family Bovidae, which includes hoofed, hollow-horned ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and buffaloes.
  11. 那奇特的声音不绝,阿特在家中收集的手工纸中翻箱倒柜地寻找,最终他找到了一张平平整整、亮光闪闪的金箔纸。
    The strange voice was so insistent that Art actually found himself rummaging through his collection of origami papers at home until he found one flat, shiny piece of gold foil.
  12. 短毛羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发
    The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.
  13. 孤立的小世界就如同撒哈拉沙漠连的沙海中突然出现一个不相连的位于棕榈树荫下的水井一样让人意外-科学月刊。
    little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara- Scientific Monthly.
  14. 这块海已经浸透了,再也吸不了水。
    The sponge is saturated; it can't take up any more of the water.
  15. 如果把敦煌492个洞窟45000平方米的壁画按2米高度首尾连接,将会延22.5公里之长。
    If the 45,000 sq. m of murals in the 492 grottoes at Dunhuang were connected from beginning to end at a height of 2 meters, the scroll would extend 22.5 km.
  16. 他使劲用海把自己擦洗干净。
    He scrubbed himself down with a sponge.
  17. 这种关心也许搀杂着某些私心,说不定在他这种痛苦下,我已揣测到有一个缠悱恻的爱情故事;也可能我正是因为急于想知道这个故事,所以才对阿尔芒的销声匿迹感到如此不安的。
    It may be that my interest was not without an element of selfishness; perhaps I had glimpsed a touching love story behind his grief, perhaps, in short, my desire to be acquainted with it loomed large in the concern I felt about Armand's silence.
  18. 如打包时用于隔热或吸震的轻质蜂状半硬性或海状材料
    Any of various light, porous, semirigid or spongy materials used for thermal insulation or shock absorption, as in packaging.
  19. 这支歌软绵绵的。
    This song is too sentimental.
  20. 一片连不断的一大片或一个系列
    A continuous mass or series.
  21. 现在要阴雨连下个不停了。
    It is settling in to rain now.
  22. 他今年夏天剪了200只羊。
    He sheared 200 sleep this summer.
  23. 一次剪下的羊毛,如
    The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.
  24. 羊毛皮已修剪并加工过的、类似海狸呢或海豹皮的羊皮
    Sheepskin that has been sheared and processed to resemble beaver or seal.
  25. 从动物(如羊)身上剪下的纤维,捻成纱线用于编织。
    fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving.
  26. 角生长于某些哺乳动物(例如牛、羊、山羊或羚羊)头上的坚硬的,通常为永久性的结构,其以骨质结构为中心,外覆一层角质物
    One of the hard, usually permanent structures projecting from the head of certain mammals, such as cattle, sheep, goats, or antelopes, consisting of a bony core covered with a sheath of keratinous material.
  27. 两只绵羊丢失了。
    Two sheep are missing.
  28. 两只绵羊丢失了。
    Two sheep were missing.
  29. 绵羊"咩咩"叫。
    A sheep bleats/ baas.
  30. 幼虫寄生在羊的身上。
    larvae are parasitic on sheep.
  31. 两只绵羊丢失了。
    Two sheep have been lost.
  32. 羊羔长成了绵羊。
    A lamb grows into a sheep.