这部名叫"艾福特曼2"的影片讲述的是在2012年,影片的同名男主角与"本·拉登"相作战的故事。他来到比利时寻求避难,并在欧盟总部逐渐受到重用。 The film -- "Afterman 2" -- is set in 2012 and pits the eponymous hero against "bin Laden," who comes to Belgium as an asylum seeker and rises through the ranks of the European Union.
塞尔马美国阿拉巴马州中部偏南一城市,位于蒙哥马利市以西。在1965年,这里是小马丁·路德·金领导选举者登记运动的所在地。人口23,755 A city of south-central Alabama west of Montgomery. In1965 it was the site of a voter registration drive led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Population,23, 755.
加兹登,詹姆斯1788-1858美国外交家、政治家和铁路创办人,曾参与加兹登购地的谈判 A city of northeast Alabama northeast of Birmingham. It is an industrial center. Population,42, 523.
美国阿拉巴马州中部阿拉巴马河畔一城市;在1965年,这里是选举者登记运动的中心。 a city in central Alabama on the Alabama river; in 1965 it was the center of a drive to register Black voters.
伊拉克保护着一个致命的恐怖网络。该网络的头目是穆萨布扎卡威,他是本·拉登的副手和合作者。 Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, an associated in collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida lieutenants.
因为他是智谋,而不是用巫术,所以,虽然他出身于最破旧的雪屋,却登上了首领的位子,在以后的岁月里,他的臣民过着幸福的生活,没有人因为饥饿而在夜里暗暗哭泣。 Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
注意:环球航空公司飞香港的第七班机现在开始登机。 Attention: Universal Airlines Flight 7 for Hongkong is now.
这是西北航空公司的登机手续办理处吗? Is this the northwest airlines check - in?
这是西北航空公司的登机手续办理处吗? Is this the Northwest Airlines check-in?
这是西北航空公司的登机手续办理处吗? Be this the northwest airlines check-in?
影视及娱乐事务管理处辖下的书籍注册组,负责登记首次在香港印刷、制作或出版的书刊,并按季在宪报刊登一份注册书刊的名录。 The Books Registration Office of the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority is responsible for registering books first printed, produced or published locally. A bibliography of the registered books is gazetted at quarterly intervals.
沿河的堤岸,虽然冲垮了,或者说有几个地段中断了,还是沿着塞纳河而下,从比利炮台一直延伸到树林炮台,换言之,从今日丰登谷仓所在地直至杜伊勒里宫所在地。 Its quay, broken or interrupted in many places, ran along the Seine, from the Tour de Billy to the Tour du Bois; that is to say, from the place where the granary stands to-day, to the present site of the Tuileries.
她初次登台感到有点不安。 She was a bit queasy at her first appearance on the stage.
凡尔登加拿大魁北克省南部的一个城市,它是蒙特利尔的一个住宅郊区,位于蒙特利尔岛上。人口61,287 A city of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on Montreal Island. Population,61, 287.
所有婚姻纪录,均由金钟道政府合署的登记总办事处永久保管。 All records are maintained permanently at the General Register Office in the Queens way Government Offices.
登山者是属于大t性格的人,大多数警察是大t性格的人,当然,快速下降滑雪比赛的参赛者们也是。 Mountain climbers are Big T; so are most cops, and so, for certain, are the downhill racers.
(英国)堵住登记经纪人在跑道上用手势发信号的系统。 (Brit) system of signalling by hand signs used by bookmakers at racetracks.
新的保险单上没有神秘、费解的术语;深奥、难懂的秘密;普罗维登斯的令人费解的工作方式;在神秘的过去,它包含有所有模糊生命的起源——雷切尔·卡森;对其他国家的人来说完全神秘的仪式。 the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms; a deep dark secret; the inscrutible workings of Providence; in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life- Rachel Carson; rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands.
但那些成功登上峰顶的人,啊! But those who reach the top.Ah。
皇帝家空军中度过了12年后,戈登发现再过平民生活很不习惯。 Gordon found it strange going back to Givvy Street after spending the previous twelve years in the RAF.
原来他们是从莱佛士1819年登陆新加坡那时候算起。 The answer is very simple. To them, the history of Singapore began in 1819 - when Stamford Raffles landed here.
我们禁鸦片烟运动,土改运动,那样大的规模,都不登报,搞得那么细致,搞得那么好,都是在深入细致的工作基础上搞好的。 It is through meticulous work that we achieved great success in the large-scale movements of banning opium-smoking and the opium trade and of agrarian reform, without publicizing them in the newspapers.
我在地方报纸上登了条广告后,很快就把我的那辆旧车卖了。 I soon sold my old car by advertising it in the local rag.
禁鸦片烟,不登报,完成了;土地改革和镇压反革命,不登报,完成了。 We were successful in the movement to ban opium-smoking and opium trade, in agrarian reform and in suppression of counter-revolutionaries, all without making use of the newspapers.
基米来到了普兰特旅馆登记时签的是拉尔夫·d·斯宾塞,他在那里租赁了一个房间。 Jimmy went to the planters’ Hotel, registered as Ralph D.Spencer, and engaged a room.
旅客们走上活动舷梯登上飞机。 The passenger walk up the ramp to board the airplane.
其实,只要我们纵向地回顾一下奥林匹克精神走过的路程,我们就会发现体育还是始终沿着人类理性不断上升的坡道在攀登。 In fact, as long as we look back lengthwise the journey that the Olympic spirit has gone by, we will find that sports have always been climbing along the ramp, on which the human intellect moves up endlessly.
攀登,爬云梯攀登设防的高墙或城垣的行为 The act of scaling a fortified wall or rampart.
两人间的战时关系通过往来的信号不断发展,只因盟国调遣坎贝尔所在的船只投入诺曼底登陆行动而突然终止。 Their wartime relationship, which blossomed over the signals, came to an abrupt end when the Allies ordered Campbell's ship, the Matt W. Ransom, into service for the D-Day invasion at Normandy.
他填了一张关于他过去历次被捕的表格。该表格称为刑事犯登记表。 He filled out a sheet of paper for listing all his arrests. It is called a rap sheet.
当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的名字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更遭殃。 Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud.
与此同时,李登辉也主导了意识形态的转型,以便使他的政治动作合理化和正当化。 At the same time, Lee Teng-hui orchestrated a change over of ideology across the island so as to justify and rationalise his many political moves.