最严重的火灾痕迹可以通过全面的再造林计划予以消除;太大了的声音不能通过消音磁头一次给抹去。 the fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation; a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head.
态度的明显改变;原稿上非常明显的涂抹痕迹;举止的明显改变。 a discernible change in attitude; a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript; an observable change in behavior.
在探索如何治疗伤口而不留疤痕的过程中专家们已在近三千的病人进行了试验,其中许多并未达到预期效果,而且没有一例能使受伤的皮肤完全恢复到原来的状态。 In the quest to heal wounds without leaving a scar, researchers have looked at some 3,000 treatments. Many have not lived up to expectations, and none can induce repair that leaves the skin in pristine condition.
无论是种族之间,或是在种族内部,裂痕总是存在的; Fault lines will always be there whether between the different races or within a race.
看那些疯狂的轻车短程赛车手们;他们在我屋前留下了车胎的痕迹。 Look at those crazy drag racers; they laid rubber in front of my house.
整容外科术整形的外科手术,为了除去脸部有皱纹的皮肤,下垂的赘肉或其它能看到的老化痕迹 Plastic surgery to remove facial wrinkles, sagging skin, fat deposits, or other visible signs of aging for cosmetic purposes.
我希望时间会治愈裂痕。当艾丽思(女儿)对婚姻有安全感时,她和女婿会跟你们两位接近。那样对每个人都理想。我祝你们好运。 I hope time will heal the rift and that when Iris (the daughter) feels her marriage is more secure, she and Randy (the daughter's husband) will move closer to you both. That would be ideal for all concerned. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
桌上的刻痕;在他下巴上剃须造成的伤痕 Nicks in the table; razor nicks on his chin.
退去了的洪水留下了满地的泥泞和毁坏痕迹。 the receding waters left muddy devastation.
化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等 A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.
擦净消除…所有的痕迹 To remove all traces of.
另一方面,围绕冰冠周围残余冰块的裂缝和环形痕迹也说明了在过去的几千年里火星上失去了大量的水。 on the other hand, the fissures and ring of residual ice around the perimeter of the cap suggest it has lost a great deal of water over the millennia.
凹陷被刻凹痕后保持印记。用于皮肤 To retain an impression after being indented. Used of the skin.
他有一条红色丝带;有疤痕。 He wore a red ribbon; bear a scar.
皱纹,波状,褶痕 A wrinkle, ripple, or fold.
在西蒙大拿州的密苏拉附近,pardee发现一个古老的湖泊沉积矿上的褶皱就仿佛河床上形成的波痕,但是比例巨大无比:15米高,几百米长。 Near Missoula in western Montana, Pardee found ripples on an ancient lakebed just like the ones that form on streambeds, but of absurdly large proportions: 15 metres high and hundreds of metres long.
而且在大壁炉里我并没看出烧煮或烘烤食物的痕迹,墙上也没有铜锅和锡滤锅之类在闪闪发光。 and I observed no signs of roasting, boiling, or baking, about the huge fireplace; nor any glitter of copper saucepans and tin cullenders on the walls.
在跟那罗密欧约会后,她的脖子上满布吻痕。 Her neck is covered with zits after her date with that Romeo.
黄精属的多种植物之一,花黄绿色、对生、下垂,其根状茎有六角星形魔符状疤痕。 any of several plants of the genus Polygonatum having paired drooping yellowish-green flowers and a thick rootstock with scars shaped like Solomon's seal.
平顺的没有破裂、凹痕,高低不平或其它参差状态的;平滑的 Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations; smooth.
这些痕迹擦不掉。 These marks will not rub off.
这些痕迹擦不掉。 These marks won't rub off.
凹槽,褶痕沟如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹 A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture.
弄皱的纸;她的裙子起了折痕;摺皱的灰色套装。 crumpled paper; her skirt had become creased; a rumpled gray suit.
带有青春豆留下的疤痕 Carries scars from acne.
火车在这块地里轧出了辙痕。 The farm carts have worn ruts in this field.
他满脸泪痕,咸咸的。他坐起来,脑海里还懵懵懂懂地萦绕着那个梦。 He sat up, his head muzzy with the dream, his cheeks salty, tear-stained.
他的音调里有一点讽刺的痕迹。 there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone; he detected a ghost of a smile on her face.
有了这种可自行分解的绷带就不必要经常更换绷带,减少了感染机会,大大增加了不留疤痕而复原的机会。 Such biodegradable scaffolds eliminate the need to change dressings, cut the risk of infection and improve the odds of scarless healing.
生物降解绷带在疗伤药品竞争中不敢说首屈一指,如果其功能真如广告所宣传的那样,那么至少治愈的伤口不会留下疤痕是指日可待的。 Biodegradable scaffolds might not win the healing race, but if they live up to their promise, at least there won't be a scar in sight.