  • boil
  • cook
  • cuisine
  • Cooking
  • boil, cook
  • quick fry, stir fry
  1.   (烹饪时)把...调[拌]入   fold in
  2.   (烹饪时)把...调[拌]入   fold into
  3.   n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方   recipe
  4. v.  一般认为像木工和饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要.   Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths
  5.   万能烹饪锅   universal cooker
  6. v.  为排出调气味而安装於厨房中的电扇.   a fan in the kitchen for expelling cooking smells
  7. n.  为调或食用准备(食物)   for cooking or eating
  8. n.  为调而将面粉、蛋、奶等搅拌成的)糊状物   beaten mixture of flour, eggs, milk, etc for cooking (
  9. n.  他以前对饪从不感兴趣, 但是现在可著迷了.   he's got the bug
  10. n.  他善於制又好吃又便宜的饭菜.   in cooking good cheap meals
  11.   供暖与烹调设备   heating and cooking equipment
  12. v.  先让冷冻食物解冻再调   leave frozen food to thaw before cooking it
  13. adj.  加蘑菇和酸奶油炒的, 以酸奶油、肉汤、蘑菇等调的   stroganoff
  14. n.  卤汁宽面(加肉汁、 蕃茄和乾酪制的).   dish made from layers of this with meat sauce, tomatoes and cheese, baked in the oven
  15. n.  印度饪用的半流质的)精炼奶油.   purified semi-liquid butter used in Indian cooking (
  16. n.  厨师, 炊事员, 调, 煮制过程   cook
  1. 烤,炙由直接辐射热量调,如在烤架上或电器件下
    To cook by direct radiant heat, as over a grill or under an electric element.
  2. 小的、晒干的无核葡萄干,生长在地中海地区和加利福尼亚州;用于调。
    small dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking.
  3. 在小烧锅中用奶油或黄油单个制的鸡蛋。
    egg cooked individually in cream or butter in a small ramekin.
  4. 现有的应用包括食品检查、食品质量定级、鱼肉检查、发酵控制、检查蛋黄酱的变质、自动化调味控制、监测奶酪成熟过程、证明桔汁是否是天然的、饮料容器检查、微波炉好控制和威士忌酒分级等。
    Existing applications include inspection of food, grading quality of food, fish inspection, fermentation control, checking mayonnaise for rancidity, automated flavor control, monitoring cheese ripening, verifying if orange juice is natural, beverage container inspection, microwave oven cooking control and grading whiskey, etc.
  5. 她对法国调赞不绝口.
    She simply raved about French cooking.
  6. 于是,我拿起一桶多未饱和饪油和一捆再生纸巾,皱着眉头走向收款台。
    I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter.
  7. 未受精的龙虾卵;饪时变红;用作装饰或给酱油加色。
    unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces.
  8. 法国人擅长烹饪.
    The French are renowned for their cooking.
  9. 由绝热材料制成;用于饪。
    made of heat-resistant material; used for cooking.
  10. (表面的,尤指饪用具)不粘锅的,可以很容易地移开粘着的食物颗粒。
    (of surfaces especially of cooking utensils) permitting easy removal of adherent food particles.
  11. 白色的晶状化合物,用作食品添加剂来增强味道;常用于中国调中。
    white crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance flavor; often used in Chinese cooking.
  12. 完全成熟的红色甜辣椒;通常饪用。
    fully ripened sweet red pepper; usually cooked.
  13. 以烧烤的法兰克福香肠为主要食物的野外饮。
    a cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main course.
  14. 一种野外饮,食物在一堆明火上制而成;尤其是指动物的整个畜体在锹上烧烤。
    a cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; especially a whole animal carcass roasted on a spit.
  15. 烤牛肉香肠用调味后的小牛肉、面粉、洋葱和板油的混合物填满,先煮再烤调而成的牛肠
    Beef casing stuffed with a seasoned mixture of matzo meal or flour, onion, and suet, prepared by boiling, then roasting.
  16. 首先,主持人发出的问题包罗万象,包括一些比较轻松的问题例如娱乐,体育,饪和著名的建筑物等。目的不止是考验参赛者的学识,也在测试他们对一般事物的认识。
    First, the nature and scope of the questions is diffused and aims at ferreting out one's versatility, not merely one's intellectual acumen, including especially the participant's familiarity with lighter topics like entertainment, sports, cuisine and famous landmarks.
  17. 可食用的淡白色根;饪后食用。
    whitish edible root; eaten cooked.
  18. 调前先把盐擦在肉上。
    Rub salt into the meat before cooking it.
  19. 有绿色或带红色酸性长叶柄的植物,叶柄成基生丛;茎(只有茎)饪后可食;叶有毒。
    plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous.
  20. (犹太制法)黑麦面粉做成的面包;常含有香菜籽。
    (Jewish cookery) bread made with rye flour; usually contains caraway seeds.
  21. 调会所提供的碟形小冰片不够标准。小冰块溶解得太快。
    The small, saucer-shaped ice disks supplied by the Culinary Institute did not make the grade; small cubes melt too fast,…
  22. 徐:正如很多客人所想的那样,青岛的饪特色以海味为主。
    As many visitors might expect, Qingdao's culinary specialties revolve around seafood.
  23. 大块肉和海鲜,在热油里制,然后浸在任何一种沙司里。
    cubes of meat or seafood cooked in hot oil and then dipped in any of various sauces.
  24. 在海滨进行的野外饮,在那里,可以制蛤、鱼和其它食物,通常在盖有海草的加热的石头上制。
    a cookout at the seashore where clams and fish and other foods are cooked--usually on heated stones covered with seaweed.
  25. 肉丸加佐料制的小碎肉团
    A small ball of ground meat variously seasoned and cooked.
  26. 茎生吃、饪后吃或用作调味品。
    stalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning.
  27. 普通姜植物的有刺激性味道的根茎;生姜用作调味品,尤其在东方调术中。
    pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Oriental cookery.
  28. 叶、茎、花饪后可作为食物或调料的各种草本植物。
    any of various herbaceous plants whose leaves or stems or flowers are cooked and used for food or seasoning.
  29. 牛至欧亚大陆的一种多年生唇形科草本植物(牛至牛至属),长有芳香的、可用于调的叶子
    A perennial Eurasian herb(Origanum vulgare) of the mint family, having aromatic leaves that are used as a seasoning.
  30. (假如卫生、住房、食物、制冷以及饪等室内用火需要能源的话,那么抽水、净化水以及将海水脱盐以供灌溉也同样需要能源。)
    ( Providing sanitation, housing, food, refrigeration and indoor fires for cooking takes energy, as do the pumping and purifi cation of water and the desalination of seawater for irrigation.)
  31. 她的才能包括缝纫、调、弹钢琴和跳舞。
    Among her accomplishments were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing.
  32. 她的才能包括缝纫、调与舞蹈。
    Among her accomplishments are sewing, cooking and dancing.