现在,已经很少人能够清楚划分政治和宗教之间的界线,任何理性的分析都将徒劳无功。 Alas, when no one can see the fine line between politics and religion anymore, any level-headed ditch to reason will prove futile.
告警和告警清除消息 alarms and alarm clear messages
以尼罗河流域各国为对象,开发计划署支助的项目旨在确定一个可接受的合作框架,为尼罗河的公平、合理利用扫清道路。 For the countries that share the Nile River basin, a UNDP-supported project aims to define an acceptable framework for cooperation that will pave the way for equitable and legitimate use of the Nile.
好吧,你是知道的,呃,我要你把的帐单付清了。 Well, you know, er, I want my bill paid.
因此,必须坚决肃清由“四人帮”带到党内来的无政府主义思潮以及在党内新出现的形形色色的资产阶级自由主义思潮。 Therefore, we must resolutely eradicate the trend towards anarchism that was introduced into the Party by the Gang of Four as well as the trend towards various kinds of bourgeois liberalism that is emerging within the Party.
我们要彻底清除“四人帮”的流毒,把尽快地培养出一批具有世界第一流水平的科学技术专家,作为我们科学、教育战线的重要任务。 We must eradicate for good the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four and take up the major task of producing -- as quickly as possible -- experts in science and technology who are up to the highest international standards.
彻底清除“四人帮”所造成的这种恶果,是关系到巩固无产阶级专政的一项极其严重的政治任务。 The eradication of the Gang's pernicious influence is a political task which is of the utmost importance and which has a direct bearing on the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.
凡此一切流寇思想的表现,极大地妨碍着红军去执行正确的任务,故肃清流寇思想,实为红军党内思想斗争的一个重要目标。 All these manifestations of the ideology of roving rebels seriously hamper the Red Army in performing its proper tasks; consequently its eradication is an important objective in the ideological struggle within the Red Army Party organization.
在已有数据上再输入新的数据并将原有数据清除。 write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data.
从磁盘上清除掉一个文件 Erased a file from the diskette.
重写本尤指纸莎草纸或羊皮纸的底稿,已被写了不止一次,以前写的东西已被不完全擦掉,通常是清晰易读的 A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
永久性地存储数据。例如,把数据从硬盘传送到磁带或软盘上,而允许数据从原介质上清除掉。 To store data permanently. For example, to transfer data from hard disks to tapes or floppy disks, allowing them to be erased from the original medium.
一种不包括数据仅有参考结构的数据媒体。如预印格式、仅有中导孔的穿孔纸带、已清除的磁带等。 A data medium that does not contain data other than a frame o f reference, for example, a pre-printed form, tape punched only with feed holes, a magnetic tape t hat has been erased.
计算机安全学中,用删除或重写存储信息或用寄存器清除等方法消除无用数据的过程。 In computer security, the removal of obsolete data by erasure, by overwriting of storage or by resetting registers.
要想弄清楚大金字塔究竟有多大相当困难。 It is very hard to realize just how big the Great Pyramid is.
汤姆:咱们从这个过道下去,坐到本垒后面,那我们就更能看清投手,看他怎样投曲线球。 Let's go down this aisle and sit behind home plate. Then we can see the pitcher better and watch how he throws his curves.
可以很清楚分辨出那三座被查理五世合并为这座行宫的大厦,尽管它们由几道带有彩色玻璃窗和小圆柱的长廊与行宫主体建筑巧妙地紧紧连结在一起。这三座大厦是小缪斯府邸、圣莫尔神父府邸和埃唐普伯爵府邸。小缪斯府邸,屋顶边缘装饰着花边形栏杆,神采优雅; One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three Hotels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the Hotel du Petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof;
建设和完善城市地区生活垃圾收容设施,做到密闭清运,日产日清。 Domestic refuse collection facilities shall be rehabilitated to realize airtight and prompt transportation and the clearance of the waste.
(五)具备安全、高效的清算、交割能力; Has qualifications to conduct foreign exchange and RMB business;
这种承诺可以是明白表达的(即用文字清楚式,其中注以“限……天内接受”,或其他类似的限制性文字。 The promise may be expressed (that is clearly stated in words) , as when it takes the form of a letter; or it may be implied (that is understood) , as when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the words "For acceptance within . . . days" , or similar qualifying words.
如果我们先弄清两条技术术语“应力”和“应变”,从数量上来研究虎克定律就很容易了。 It will be easier to deal with Hooke's Law quantitatively if we pause to define a pair of technical terms:"stress" and"strain".
销售清单拟每季交送一次。 Account sales will be forwarded to you quarterly.
一种清亮的石英,用于制作电子、光学设备。 a clear quartz used in making electronic and optical equipment.
船主微笑着目送着他,直到他上了岸,消失在卡纳比埃尔街上的人流里。这条街从清晨五点钟直到晚上九点钟都拥挤着川流不息的人群。卡纳比埃尔街是马赛最有名的街道,马赛的居民很以它为自豪,他们甚至煞有其事地庄重地宣称:“假如巴黎也有一条卡纳比埃尔街,那巴黎就可称为小马赛了。” The shipowner, smiling, followed him with his eyes until he saw him spring out on the quay and disappear in the midst of the throng, which from five o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night, swarms in the famous street of La Canebière,--a street of which the modern Phocaeans are so proud that they say with all the gravity in the world, and with that accent which gives so much character to what is said, "If Paris had La Canebière, Paris would be a second Marseilles."
先生,你能向后退一点吗?我们要把路上的垃圾清除掉。 Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
本酒楼还供应烟脂香鹅,烧鹅,白切鸡,广州文昌鸡。如果你们喜欢鱼的话,我们还供应清蒸鲩鱼和清蒸桂鱼。 We also serve the Carmine Goose, the Roast Goose, the Soft-Boiled Chicken, the Sliced Chicken with Chicken liver and Ham, and the Steamed Grass Carp and the Steamed mandarin Fish, if you like fish.
两年后,清朝平定伊斯兰教白山派首领大、小和卓(大和卓波罗泥都、小和卓霍集占)叛乱,巩固了对西域各地的军政统辖。 Two years later, it quelled a rebellion launched by the Islamic Aktaglik Sect leaders Burhanidin and Hojajahan, thus consolidating its military and administrative jurisdiction over all parts of the Western Regions.
不能等暴乱完全平息,现在就要一面抓彻底平息暴乱,一面清理一下我们过去究竟失误在哪些方面,如何改正,以及现在急迫需要解决的是些什么问题。 We cannot wait until we have completely quelled the rebellion. We should, on the one hand, work to do that and, on the other hand, sort out the mistakes we have made, find ways to remedy them and identify the urgent problems.
灭火不论水清浑。 Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。 The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops, the Steamed Carp, the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus.
先生,这就你点的清煎鲤鱼和烤牛肉。 Here are the Fried Carp and the Roast Beef, sir.
我点的是烟熏鲑鱼,不是清煎鲤鱼! I ordered the Smoked Salmon, not the Fried Carp!