她母亲每周给她写一封长信. Her mother sends her a long epistle every week.
想当初,罗贝尔·塞纳利曾把巴黎圣母院比做埃费索斯的著名的狄安娜神庙——被古代异教徒奉若神明并使埃罗斯特拉图斯名字永留于世——,认为圣母院这座高卢人大教堂“在长度、宽度、高度和结构上都远胜一筹”。 How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
但当她刚朝他迈步时,他马上警觉起来,举起猎矛,就要投射。这时朱庇特发现了并及时制止了这种忤逆行为,把母子二人从地上带走,放置在天上,成为大熊星和小熊星。 As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear.
他的母亲为他恐怖的表情所担心。 His mother is alarmed at the ghastliness of his face.
例如,生物科学方面的合成牛胰岛素、酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸的人工合成,农业科学方面的杂交水稻,高能物理方面的正负电子对撞机,以及原子弹、氢弹和每秒1亿次运算的巨型计算机等的研制,“长征3号”运载火箭的发射,卫星通讯和超导研究等,这些方面都已跃居或接近国际先进水平。 In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
母马,母驴雌马或其它马科动物中的雌性 A female horse or the female of other equine species.
爱伦和罗茜违抗罗茜父母的愿望上星期私奔了。 Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy's parents' wishes last week.
阿拉丁把灯给他母亲看:“我们可以把灯卖了,拿钱买食物。” Aladdin showed the lamp to his mother, "We can sell this and bring food with the money."
阿拉丁和他的母亲生活在中国,他们很穷,没有足够的食物。 Aladdin and his mother lived in China. They were too poor to have enough food.
有一天,阿拉丁的母亲叫他去田里采花,然后把花卖了换食物回来。 One day Aladdin's mother told Aladdin to get flowers in the fields and sell the flowers for food.
壁上的时钟打着十下了,新儿的母亲还在替新儿缝一件小衣服。 The clock on the wall had just struck ten. Xin-er's mother was still busy sewing Xin-er's little outfit.
新儿的母亲又捧着一碗面,面着新儿坐下。 Xin-er's mother brought out another bowl of noodle and sat down face to face in front of Xin-er.
新儿的母亲在厨下说。 Xin-er's mother called out from the kitchen.
新儿的继母有些不耐烦的说。 Xin-er's step mother asked in an impatient tone.
如救助贫困母亲的“幸福工程”、专门资助贫困地区失学女童的“春蕾计划”、援助西部缺水地区妇女的“母亲水窖工程”等,为加快农村妇女脱困发挥了积极作用。 Such activities as the Happiness Project to help impoverished mothers, the Spring Buds Program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty-stricken areas and the Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.
他从文章中删去打印错误的字母。 He erased the misprinted letter from his article.
阿金小姐在荷兰长大,父母是土耳其人。她承诺将以良好的风范代表全世界妇女。 Miss Akin,who was raised by her Turkish parents in the Netherlands,pledged to represent the women of the world in a good way.
卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻名。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚出现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425 A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population,17, 425.
吡哆醇吡啶的衍生物,c18h11no3,尤其出现于谷类,酵母,肝脏和鳞中,作为氨基酸合成作用中的辅酶 A pyridine derivative, C18H11NO3, occurring especially in cereals, yeast, liver, and fish and serving as a coenzyme in amino acid synthesis.
杰别斯·伯兰德罕牧师是不是你母亲的亲戚? Was not the Reverend Jabes Branderham akin to you on the mother's side?
店主笑了,吹了一声口哨,从窝里出来一只母狗,它沿着小店的过道跑过来,后面跟着5个小毛球。 The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur.
婚礼那天,我女儿杰妮决定我与她的母亲(就是我的前妻)一同陪她走过婚礼走道。 The day of the wedding, my daughter, Jenny, decided to have both her mother, my ex-wife, and me walk her down the aisle.
待我们吃完糖果或水果,她总要将我们送到屋前的门廊,叮嘱我们要多谢母亲给她送食品,要我们对父母亲转达一些稀奇古怪的老式祝愿,然后就转身回到屋里,随手关上门,使那里再次成为神秘世界。 When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.
在过去的数年中,他证明自己在doom和quake的世界里是无敌的,特别著名的就是他在微软赞助的一次游戏比赛中把johncarmack捐赠的法拉力赢回了家(那时开始他父母开始支持他打游戏,thresh的大名从此威震四方)。现在22岁的他从伯克利的加里福尼亚大学休学,学起了真的乔丹开始投身商海。 Over the past several years,Fong has proven unbeatable in Doom and Quake tournaments,scoring everything from a Microsoft sponsorship to a Ferrari donated by the co-creator of the games he has mastered.Now the 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley dropout is living up to the Jordan comparison by making the precipitous journey from athlete to entrepreneur.
星期天下午三点到机场接母亲。 Meet mother airport three afternoon Sunday.
一种由石英和云母构成的花岗石。 a granitic rock composed of quartz and mica.
云英岩一种主要由石英和云母构成的花岗石 A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.
一种半透明石英,含有闪烁的云母或其他金属颗粒。 a translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals.
矿金石一种石英或长石中,外加云母、赤铁矿或其它物质的颗粒 Any of several varieties of quartz or feldspar flecked with particles of mica, hematite, or other materials.
在他们之间的恋情处于萌芽状态时,海蒂的父母果断地终止了它的发展,然而,海蒂迷人的丰采竟使查理终生难忘。 But her parents quashed[5] the the romance before it really begun-- but the memory of pretty Hetty stayed with Charlie all his life.
和我计划到魁北克他父母那儿去过圣诞节。 John and I plan to visit his parents in Quebec at Christmas.
我的祖母曾经见过维多利亚女王。 My grandmother once saw Queen Victoria.