可怜楼上月徘徊应照离人妆镜台 Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower; It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.
这些关厢村镇有些还是很大的。首先是从小塔作为起点的圣维克多镇,那里有一座在比埃弗尔河上的单拱桥,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志铭(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,还有一座有着八角尖顶、尖顶旁有四个十一世纪小钟楼的教堂(这样的教堂现在在埃唐普还有一座,还没有拆毁); Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
配电装以电线或设备(如装备一座楼房)以利用电能 To wire or equip(a building, for example) for the use of electric power.
城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。 A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms.
昨天夜里我们看到有几个人在楼附近荡来荡去。 We noticed sever al men loitering about the bridling last night.
我们两个都在打盹,不料有人来捣乱,那就是约瑟夫放下一个木梯,它经过一个活门直通阁楼里:我猜想这就是他上升阁楼之路了。 We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
最后,远处东边是樊尚林苑及其七座四角塔楼;南边是比塞特及其尖顶小塔; Finally, far away to the east, Vincennes, and its seven quadrangular towers to the south, Bic阾re and its pointed turrets;
楼廊,拱廊教堂正殿里侧廊上层的带拱的走廊或露天通道 A gallery of arches above the side-aisle vaulting in the nave of a church.
但如果要实现五角大楼所希望的覆盖全球的昼夜雷达监测,则需要在低地球轨道设置至少20多颗高性能卫星群。这种全球性的昼夜雷达监测,将使飞行员无须冒生命危险,也不会侵犯别国领空。 But for the global, around-the-clock radar coverage that the Pentagon wants--a system that would not risk pilots’lives or intrude in foreign airspace--a constellation of two dozen or more high-powered satellites in low Earth orbit would be needed.
因此,请您聆听一下这钟楼乐队的奏鸣,想象一下在整个音响之上弥散开来的五十万人的悄声细语、塞纳河永无尽期的哀诉、风声没完没了的叹息、天边山丘上宛如巨大管风琴木壳的四大森林那遥远而低沉的四重奏; Lend an ear, then,to this concert of bell towers; spread over all the murmur of half a million men, the eternal plaint of the river, the infinite breathings of the wind, the grave and distant quartette of the four forests arranged upon the hills, on the horizon,like immense stacks of organ pipes;
灰尘遍布的不通风的阁楼;可怕的闷气的气氛;又热又不通风,空气中充满了沉闷的味道。 a dusty airless attic; the dreadfully close atmosphere; hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke.
本酒楼还供应烟脂香鹅,烧鹅,白切鸡,广州文昌鸡。如果你们喜欢鱼的话,我们还供应清蒸鲩鱼和清蒸桂鱼。 We also serve the Carmine Goose, the Roast Goose, the Soft-Boiled Chicken, the Sliced Chicken with Chicken liver and Ham, and the Steamed Grass Carp and the Steamed mandarin Fish, if you like fish.
为了寻找男低音,合唱团实施了公关闪电行动,在每座宿舍楼里都大量而醒目地张贴了告示,号召“真正的男子汉高声唱吧!” In its quest for low-end sounds, the group conducted a public relations blitz, plastering every dorm with signs declaring "Real Men Sing Loud!"
所有刻不容缓的机场设施,由飞行区以至客运大楼和地面运输中心,由机场岛道路网络以至公用设施、通讯系统等的安装工程,均如期施工。 All time-critical elements of the airport, from the airfield to the passenger terminal building and ground transportation centre, and from the airport island's road network to the installation of utilities and communications systems, were well in hand.
当飞机抵达时,一部分侦探等在主楼里面,而另一部分则等在停机坪上。 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.
他们悄悄地离开了大楼。 Quietly, they left the building.
就在爱伦犹豫不决的时侯,楼上传来了温柔、凄婉、肯切的小提琴声。音乐家和他的琴声在召唤她; And while she hesitated, from the room above came the soft, racking, petitionary music of a violin.
为此,迁入新居后父亲最先对房舍采取的措施之一就是把楼上卧室中的暖气搬走,说这样做是为了节省取暖费用。 Therefore, one of my father's first acts of home improvement was to remove all the radiators from the upstairs bedrooms. This was to save on heating costs.
为安全起见安置在楼梯或公路旁边的栏杆。 a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety.
护栏楼梯或公路上的保护性栏杆 A protective railing, as on a staircase or along a highway.
筑于外墙,与楼上一房间相通,且有栏杆和扶手包围的台子。 a platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet.
阳台从楼房的墙上伸出被栏杆,扶手或护墙围绕的平台 A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet.
大厅里——朱诺在那儿站岗,还有——不,你只能在楼梯和过道那儿溜达。 and the house--Juno mounts sentinel there, and--nay, you can only ramble about the steps and passages.
像体操运动员一样健壮、敏捷;像鹿一样敏捷;敏捷的手指;步履敏捷;那条老狗非常敏捷,在我们能够止住它之前,它已经跑上了楼梯的一半。 sleek and agile as a gymnast; as nimble as a deer; nimble fingers; quick of foot; the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it.
这城楼或许就是城墙的一部分。 Perhaps the tower is part of the rampart of the city.
土地审裁处处理租务申索、差饷及物业估价上诉申请、强制售卖楼宇重建发展的申请,以及政府收地或土地发展引致地值下跌所涉及的赔偿评估事宜。 The Lands Tribunal handles tenancy claims, rating and valuation appeals, applications for the compulsory sale of buildings for redevelopment, and compensation assessments when land is resumed by the Government or reduced in value by development.
这就是一四八二年的乌鸦①从圣母院钟楼顶上所见到的巴黎。 Such was the Paris which the ravens, who lived in 1482, beheld from the summits of the towers of Notre-Dame.
我记不得它是在2楼还是在3楼。 I can not remember whether it is on the 2 nd floor or the 3 rd floor.
立法会通常于星期三下午在立法会大楼会议厅举行会议,处理立法会事务,包括省览向立法会提交的附属法例、其他文件和报告,向政府提出质询,提交并审议法案和拟议的决议案,以及就有关公共利益的事项进行议案辩论。 The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes the tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; asking of questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and proposed resolutions; and debates on motions concerning matters of public interest.
立法会通常於星期三下午在立法会大楼会议厅举行会议,处理立法会事务,包括省览向立法会提交的附属法例、其他文件和报告,向政府提出质询,提交并审议法案和决议案,以及就有关公众利益的事项进行议案辩论。 The Legislative Council normally meets on Wednesday afternoons in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building to conduct business which includes tabling of subsidiary legislation and other papers and reports for the council's consideration; questions for replies by the Government; the introduction and consideration of bills and resolutions; and debates on motions relating to matters of public interest.
改善和美化首都剧场、长安大戏院,完成吉祥剧院、西单剧场的复建,改造、修缮安徽会馆大戏楼、湖广会馆等在内的各具特色的宣南传统剧场区和其他剧场。 The Capital Theatre and the Chang’an Grand Theater will be upgraded; the Jixiang Theater and the Xidian Theater will be rebuilt; and the traditional theaters in southern Xuanwu district, including the Anhui Hall Grand Opera Tower and Huguang Hall, will be reconstructed and refurbished.
现正计划拆除这幢旧大楼以拓宽马路。 There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.