这听起来轻松平常,实际上却完全可以称作划时代的。 That sounds soft and mushy and commonplace, but in fact it can legitimately be called epochal.
难以根绝的祸患难以轻松解决的、头绪多的、复杂的问题 A persistent or multifaceted problem that cannot be eradicated by a single effort.
海松一种地中海松树(海岸松松属),具有金字塔形状和成对簇生的松针 A Mediterranean pine tree(Pinus pinaster) having a characteristic pyramidal form and needles clustered in fascicles of two.
对照这些地区的经验,提倡创意,建议为学生“松绑”,改变多年来以考试为主导的方式,并且鼓励学生研读跨领域的学科,似乎是大家共朝的方向。 The orientation of Hong Kong's reform, however, is akin to those of other places. Here, too, creativity is being emphasised, schoolwork burdens cut down, teaching made less exam-oriented, and students encouraged to take courses in various fields.This seems to be the general trend nowadays.
(美国用法)鹌鹑或松鸡的肉。 (US usage) flesh of either quail or grouse.
风筝很轻松地就抬起了方尖石,而且只用了25秒钟。 There was more than enough force to hoist the obelisk. The total airtime? Only twenty-five seconds.
鹧鸪多种欧亚或非洲鸟的任一种鹧鸪,与鹌鹑和松鸡有关并与之相似 Any of various Eurasian or African birds of the genus Francolinus, related to and resembling the quails and partridges.
莫高窟岩体在地质学上属第四纪沙泥质、钙质半胶结砾岩,结构十分松散。 Geologically, the rock mass of the Mogao Grottoes is semi-binder calcirudite of the quaternary sediment of very loose structure.
国王王后们难得轻松一下。 Kings and queens can seldom let their hair down.
北美洲西部普通的有黑色条纹的红褐色地松鼠;形似大花鼠。 common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America; resembles a large chipmunk.
第五集团军指挥所设在机场附近的松林里,英王的座机可在此降落。 The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty's plane was going to land.
动作的轻松或迅速;敏捷 Ease or quickness of movement; agility.
以轻松和敏捷的察觉为特点。 characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving.
杜松子酒和奎宁水混合成的酒。 gin and quinine water.
那位妻子拉着丈夫的手立刻松开了,她的头垂下来,那男人的嘴唇开始颤抖,他靠近售票口又问了一遍,“您刚才说多少钱?” The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. The father leaned a little closer and asked, " How much did you say?"
那只兔子奔进落叶松林里。 The rabbit ran into a larchen wood.
径赛包括短跑、中跑、长跑、接力跑、跨栏跑、障碍跑以及超长跑马拉松等项目。 Events on the track consist of sprints, middle distance races, long distance races, relays, hurdles, barriers, and marathon-the extreme distance race.
这位马拉松赛跑者在比赛的开始阶段跑在前面,但他过高地估计了自己的力量,结果在离终点仅3英里时,跑得筋疲力尽力而不得不退出比赛。 The marathon runner raced ahead in the early stages of the race but he had overplayed his hand and had to drop out exhausted with only three miles to go.
茎中部只有一对多汁叶片的纤细植物,松散的花序,具有白、粉红或玫瑰红碗状花瓣和可食的球茎。 small slender plant having 1 pair of succulent leaves at midstem and a loose raceme of white or pink or rose bowl-shaped flowers and an edible corm.
有两片三角形叶子的兰花,总状花序短小、疏松,花绿色至铁锈色,唇瓣紫红色;产自欧洲、亚洲、北美洲和格陵兰岛。 orchid having two triangular leaves and a short lax raceme of green to rust-colored flowers with the lip flushed mauve; Europe and Asia and North America and Greenland.
中美小型树种,松散的总状花序,开略带紫色的绿色花。 small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers.
万带兰属的任何一种美丽的兰花,花大,有疏松的总状花序。 any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes.
欧亚的一种植物,具有疏松的粉红色或紫色总状花序、有刺的茎和坚韧的根。 Eurasian plant having loose racemes of pink or purple flowers and spiny stems and tough roots.
密尔顿兰属的任何一种兰花,花单生,总状花序疏松,花舒展而艳丽。 any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers.
虽然旅游部门应使澳门是个有生气的现代化城市,但与香港相比,它真正的魅力在于它的宁静和令人放松。 Although the tourism industry would like to sell Maucau as a racy, modern city, its real appeal is that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong.
惬意的放松;迷人的景色。 pleasureful relaxation; an agreeable prospect.
怡人的具有令人放松和愉悦性质的 Having a soothing, agreeable quality.
吸收了松树焦油的布;使击球手更坚固的用于棒球的把柄上。 a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip.
在煎锅里制成的发酵松饼。 raised muffin cooked on a griddle.
用来从炉子中松开倾斜煤渣的铁片。 iron bar used to loosen and rake clinkers out of furnaces.
冗长松散的笑话,笑料来自于其无意义性。 a long rambling joke whose humor derives from its pointlessness.