阿兰醒来时,晨阳暖暖地照在他的脸上。 Alan woke with the early-morning sun gently warming his face.
他给草莓锄草,五朋上午的太阳照得人暖融融的。现在他感到腰弯得太久了,而且觉得很渴,必须喝一大杯冰茶才行。 The mid-morning May sun had warmed him as he worked to rid the plants of weeds and now he was feeling the effects of having stooped too long and felt the thirst that only a large tumbler of ice tea would quench.
主要是温暖海水中成群活动的类似鲤鱼的小鱼;用作鱼珥、水族馆展览或治蚊。 small mostly marine warm-water carp-like schooling fishes; used as bait or aquarium fishes or in mosquito control.
暖空气向上流动 Warm air convecting upward.
一个高大的禾本属,具穗状的总状花序,一年或多年生;产于温暖地区。 tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions.
供暖装置不工作了;他们有辐射供暖装置。 the heating system wasn't working; they have radiant heating.
太阳辐射被大气层包围导致的日趋变暖;由允许太阳光通过但是吸收从地球温暖表面反射的热量大气气体造成。 warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere; caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth.
你有没有开暖炉? Have you switched on the radiator?
狗倚著暖烘烘的散热器。 The dog nestled up against the warm radiator.
她站在取暖电炉旁,衣服着火了。 Her dress caght alight as she was standing by an electric radiator.
她把它们放在一张纸上,放到暖气上去烤。 She placed them on a piece of paper to warm on the radiator.
那小孩尽量靠近暖气片取暖。 The child got up against the radiator in his efforts to keep warm.
他把大衣扔到椅子上,把手放在暖气片上烤了烤。 He tossed his coat on a chair and warmed his hands at a radiator.
我们到达饭店时,我们的房间很冷,但我们打开了暖气。 When we arrive at the hotel our room is cold, but we switched the radiator on.
我们到达饭店时,我们的房间很冷,但我们打开了暖气。 When we arrived at the hotel our room was cold, but we switched the radiator on.
虽然父亲把暖气设施搬走后屋子里衣服冻得硬邦邦的,他们的居室仍然透着暖意。 Though clothes were frozen crunchy after her father took out the radiators, their house was a source of warmth.
为此,迁入新居后父亲最先对房舍采取的措施之一就是把楼上卧室中的暖气搬走,说这样做是为了节省取暖费用。 Therefore, one of my father's first acts of home improvement was to remove all the radiators from the upstairs bedrooms. This was to save on heating costs.
房屋内宜人的温暖 An agreeable warmth in the house.
非常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域。 very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas.
我以快速行走于身体暖和。 I heated myself by rapid walking.
囚犯们用敲击暖气管的办法互通消息。 The prisoners communicated with each other by message rapped out on the beating pipes.
囚犯们用敲击暖气管的办法互通消息。 The prisoners communicated with each other by messages rapped out on the heating pipes.
马盖麻一种龙舌兰属植物(马盖麻龙舌兰属),主要为获得其叶纤维而在东半球大陆的温暖地区种植 A species of agave(Agave cantula) cultivated chiefly in warm regions of the Old World for its leaf fibers.
试试温暖的温馨浴(bluebaths),再在"30岁人茶馆"中来杯热茶。 Try the thermal Blue Baths, taking tea afterwards in the Thirties tearooms.
无论用任何暖和方法,人工呼吸仍是救生所必需的。 Whatever method of heating was used, artificial respiration was essential for reanimation..
十月,冬天开始露出阴冷的脸色,直到次年的三、四月份才渐渐转暖。 Winter rears its ugly head in October and often does not look back until March or April.
这些结构被认为是水气回收的器官,用于从温暖、潮湿的空气中吸收水分。 These structures are believed to function as moisture-recovery organs, recapturing water from warm and moist exhaled air.
多少个美妙的、带着露水的黎明,他们一同走在田野上;多少个暖洋洋的夏日午后,他们同在凉爽的白色牛奶房里搅黄油,做乳酪。 Together they went afield in the wondrous dewy dawns and the warm summer afternoons found them making butter and cheese in the cool, white dairy-house.
请把无线电[煤气,暖气,录音机]关上。 Please turn off the radio [gas, steam, recorder].
甚至中学生都会对可能产生的结果列举一二:海洋将会变暖;冰川将会融化,引起海平面上升,海水将会淹没许多地势较低一带海岸附近的民居。 Even high school students can reel off some projected outcomes: the oceans will warm, and glaciers will melt, causing sea 1evels to rise and salt water to inundate settlements along many low-lying coasts.
挚爱的孩子们;有爱心的父母;挚爱的拥抱;挚爱他的侄子;慈爱的目光;温暖的拥抱。 affectionate children; caring parents; a fond embrace; fond of his nephew; a tender glance; a warm embrace.
表达温暖或者爱意的意愿。 a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling.