  • flinch
  • Scratch
  • yield
  • disturb, bother
  • submit
  • scratch
  • tweezers
  1.   (在英国议会中)提出暂停辩论的动议(目的常在于阻)   move to report progress
  2. vt.  ..处于困难境地, 从中作梗, 阻碍, 阻   stymie
  3.   [-ties]无异议, 不反对, 不阻   make no difficulty
  4. adj.  下定决心的, 断然的, 决心的, 不屈不的, 决意的   resolved
  5. adj.  不为所动的, 坚决不变的, 铁面无私的, 残酷无情的, 不可动摇的, 不屈不的, 无情的   inexorable
  6. adj.  不划线的, 不受阻碍的, 不受反抗的, 未划叉的, 未被划掉的, 未受挫的, 未遭阻的, 未划线的   uncrossed
  7. adv.  不厌倦地, 不屈不挠地   indefatigably
  8. adv.  不厌倦地, 不知疲倦地, 不屈不地   tirelessly
  9. n.  不屈不挠, 不疲劳   indefatigability
  10. adj.  不屈不的, 一心一意的, 专心致志的, 坚定不移的   unbendable
  11. adj.  不屈不的, 不松懈的, 不宽恕的, 严峻的, 无情的, 坚定的, 毫不松懈的, 持续不断的, 冷酷的   unrelenting
  12. adj.  不屈不的, 不能征服的, 大无畏的, 不气馁的, 坚强不屈的, 不屈服的   indomitable
  13. adj.  不屈不的, 大胆的, 无所畏惧的   dauntless
  14. adj.  不屈不的, 无畏的, 勇敢的, 大胆的, 刚毅的, 无所畏惧的, 大无畏的   undaunted
  15. adj.  不屈不挠的抵抗精神.   the unbreakable spirit of the resistance
  16. adj.  不屈不的民权运动人士.   an indefatigable campaigner for civil rights
  1. 瓜叶菊,千日莲一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物(千里光属自咏恢郑??稍??诩幽抢?旱旱钠分址庇??矗?醒蘩龅摹⒃由?姆派渥赐纷椿ㄐ蚝鸵?俗⒛康幸??庠蟮囊蹲樱?魑?夷谥参锘蚧ㄌ持参锒?惴旱卦灾
    Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.
  2. 丘疹越挠越坏。
    Scratching the rash will make it worse.
  3. 他提醒听众,共和党想方设法阻他的(针对"基地"组织的)反洗钱法案获得通过,还阻止他对销毁帐簿、后来应为安然公司破产案负责的会计师严加约束。
    He reminds his listeners that the GOP blocked his anti-money-laundering legislation (aimed at Al Qaeda), not to mention stopping his efforts to rein in the book-cooking accountants later responsible for Enron.
  4. 我们稳扎稳打、不屈不地收复了失地,并开始从军事防御转为军事进攻。
    Slowly but surely and relentlessly, the lost ground was recovered and we began to pass from the defensive to the offensive.
  5. 坚韧,刚毅承受痛苦或逆境的勇气,不屈不的精神
    Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.
  6. 他们的不屈不、适应能力、伸缩性和对工作的投入确保了制度的成功运作。
    They are the ones who have demonstrated the resilience, the adaptability, flexibility and the commitment to ensure that the system works.
  7. 反对或抵抗的行为
    The act of opposing or resisting.
  8. 香港人富有不屈不、勇往直前的精神,加上中国中央人民政府领导人决意贯彻「一国两制」的构想,香港的前景是一片光明的。因此,我认为现在是重新研究拓展日本和香港两地伙伴关系的时候,研究如何作出更具雄心壮志的发展大计。
    With the indomitable spirit of the Hong Kong people, and a strong commitment from the leadership of the Central People's Government to the full implementation of the 'one country, two systems' concept, Hong Kong's future is assured, I feel it is time to rethink the scope of the Japan-Hong Kong partnership. To think bigger.
  9. 所谓“民主和制度之争”是阻中国统一的借口。
    The so-called controversy about democracy and system is an excuse for obstructing the reunification of China.
  10. 另一方面不能不看到,美国确也有人至今仍不愿看到中国的统一,制造种种藉口,施加种种影响,阻台湾问题的解决。
    On the other hand, one cannot fail to note that there are people in the U.S. who still do not want to see a reunified China. They have cooked up various pretexts and exerted influence to obstruct the settlement of the Taiwan question.
  11. 一个通过抓别人来进行手淫的人。
    someone who masturbates by rubbing against another person (as in a crowd).
  12. 阻挠,欺骗;毁灭
    To foil or cheat; ruin.
  13. 从鸦片战争开始,经过太平天国运动、戊戌变法、义和团运动,中国人民进行了不屈不的斗争,无数仁人志士苦苦探索救国救民的道路。
    From the Opium Wars, through the Movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom , the 1898 Reform Movement and the Yihetuan Movement, the Chinese people carried out dauntless struggles and numerous people with lofty ideals were trying to explore strenuously for the road of salvaging the country and the nation.
  14. 民主党党员组织了阻议事。
    The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate.
  15. 印度曾阻中国西藏的和平解放,而且容留达赖集团利用印度领土进行分裂祖国的活动。
    India once tried to prevent the peaceful liberation of China's Tibet, and sheltered the Dalai clique, allowing it to use its territory to conduct splittism activities against China.
  16. ”在我肯定地回答他后,他便成了一名不屈不的“侦探”。
    " I answered yes, and he became an unrelenting sleuth.
  17. 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现善。人的勇气就是坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不的努力。(法国作家 赖奇特 J. P)
    We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. (Euripides , ancient Creek dramatist.)
  18. 因此,面对丹麦军队的进攻,阿尔弗雷德避免正面硬拼,而是骚敌军。
    So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy.
  19. 他们的野心受到阻
    They were thwarted in their ambition.
  20. 第二次世界大战后,在当时东西方两大阵营对峙的态势下,美国政府基於它的所谓全球战略及维护本国利益的考虑,曾经不遗余力地出钱、出枪、出人,支持国民党集团打内战,阻中国人民革命的事业。
    Against the backdrop of East-West confrontation in the wake of the Second World War and guided by its conceived global strategy and national interest considerations, the U.S. government gave full support to the Kuomintang, providing it with money, weapons and advisors to carry on the civil war and block the advance of the Chinese people's revolution.
  21. 他们成功地阻了敌人的计划。
    They succeeded in baffling the enemy 's plan.
  22. 将这根金属线的末端向后曲。
    Bend the end of the wire back.
  23. 诈骗者通过犯罪,如勒索、放高利贷、贿赂和阻正义来继续进行非法商业活动的人
    A person who commits crimes such as extortion, loansharking, bribery, and obstruction of justice in furtherance of illegal business activities.
  24. 同样,任何大得足以使板块发生曲并形成一个新的海沟和俯冲带的推力,也当然会很快在一个现有扩展中心附近形成海沟和俯冲带。
    Similarly, any pushing force great enough to buckle a plate and form a new trench and subduction zone would certainly form one immediately adjacent to an existing spreading center.
  25. 许多情况可以判为侵人犯规,最常见的有:对对方无球队员加以阻、阻挡、推对方、撞对方、拉对方、对方投篮时用手打对方投篮的手。
    Many cases might be judged a personal foul. Blocking an opponent who does not have the ball, obstruction, pushing, charging, grabbing, and hand to hand contact when an opponent is shooting are among the most common personal fouls.
  26. 在美国参议院阻议事是可能的,因为参议院的规定允许无限制地辩论以便阻议事。但可用终结动议案来将它结束;在英国,这种方法也被应用
    Filibuster is possible in the us senate, because the rules of the senate allow unlimited debate. a filibuster may be end by a cloture motion; the technique be also used in the uk.
  27. 伊拉克并没有履行自己的义务,没有按照联合国安理会第1441号决议的要求,允许武器核查人员立即、不受阻,不受限制地私下采访伊拉克的任何官员和其他个人。
    Iraq has not complied with its obligation to allow immediate, unimpeded, unrestricted and private access to all officials and other persons as required by Resolution 1441.
  28. 这种不屈不的斗争精神是所有新兴国家的宝贵财富。
    This dauntless fighting spirit constitutes the most valuable treasure of all new emerging countries.
  29. 他总是百折不挠。
    He bobs up like a cork.
  30. 反对;阻挠
    To go counter to; thwart.
  31. 计策对付;用反计策来阻
    To plot against; thwart with a counterplot.
  32. 他事事阻挠我。
    He crossed me in everything.