部分受华文教育者担心采用汉语拼音教学会抹煞了学童对那美丽的方块字的欣赏能力。 Some among the Chinese-educated are worried that hanyu pinyin would lower if not erase appreciation of the beauty of the language.
金在第二轮(共四轮)中连中三个`10环,但弗朗西利一路奋力拼搏,在比赛进行到一半时将比分拉平至各方84分。 Kim fired three consecutive bull's-eyes in his second quadrant but Frangilli pegged the score's level at 84 apiece at the halfway stage.
没有设计的、拼凑起来的被子。 a patchwork quilt without a design.
她正在设法用碎布拼缝成一条被子。 She is trying to piece together a quilt.
拼缝物缝合起来的形形色色的缝织物,如在被子上的 Needlework consisting of varicolored patches of material sewn together, as in a quilt.
2月1日加拿大多伦多市一只名叫buddy的小猫一夜之间成了英雄,它在大火中拼命将熟睡的主人叫醒,从而救了他一命。 Buddy the cat is being hailed a hero on Friday after saving his owner's life by waking the sleeping man during a raging fire.
玛丽拼命地跑。 Mary ran like beans.
我们拼命地跑。 We ran like anything.
他们现在更加拼命地推行侵略政策了。 They have become more desperate in pushing their policies of aggression.
我把我的旧洗衣机的旋转式脱水筒开到最快速度时,它就会拼命发出格格的响声。 My old washing machine rattles like fun when I put it on maximum spin speed.
阿佳莎的母亲拼命地用手捶打着地下室的门。 Agatha’s mother beat the door of the vault wildly with her hands.
这些包在其目的地重新拼在一起之前,可以利用任何一个因特网服务供应商(isp)通过任何路由传送。 These packets can then be routed anywhere, using any Internet Service Provider (ISP), before the packets are reassembled at their destination.
我为我的粗心脸红,可是,为了表示我并不觉察到我的冒失,我赶紧加一句,“事实是,先生,前半夜我在——”说到这儿我又顿时停住了——我差点说出“阅读那些旧书”,那就表明我不但知道书中印刷的内容,也知道那些用笔写出的内容了。因此,我纠正自己,这样往下说——“在拼读刻在窗台上的名字。 I blushed at my inconsideration; but, without showing further consciousness of the offence, I hastened to add--`The truth is, sir, I passed the first part of the night in'--Here I stopped afresh--I was about to say perusing those old volumes', then it would have revealed my knowledge of their written, as well as their printed, contents: so, correcting myself, I went on, `in spelling over the name scratched on that window-ledge.
现代编故事的人已经把这些形象编在了他们推销的从跑车到花园中穿的木底鞋等每一样商品中,而且他们并不需要拼命推销。1991年的一份调查发现,只有16%的美国女孩天生是金头发,而80%的美国男孩喜欢她们甚过那些浅黑色或红头发的女孩。 Modern storytellers have tapped into those images to sell everything from sports cars to gardening clogs.They don't need to push too hard:A 1991 study found that while only 16 percent of American girls are born blond,80 percent of American boys prefer them to brunets or redheads.
不时,这声响,这喧哗,随着涌向中央大台阶的人流的折回、混乱或旋转,益发振耳欲聋了。这是因为府衙的一名弓箭手在推人,或是一名捕头骑马横冲直撞,拼命维持秩序。 From time to time the uproar redoubled, the current which bore the crowd towards the grand stairs was choked, thrown back, and formed into eddies, when some archer thrust back the crowd, or the horse of one of the provost’s men kicked out to restore order;
有人问我曾否遗憾,是的,我有一桩憾事:我没有机会在未来4年为国人打拼,尤其是为需要抛开负担、排除困难的一群,尤其是为感到没有人听到他们的声音的一群。 Some have asked whether I have any regrets and I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the American people over the next four years,especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed,especially for those who feel their voices have not been heard.
战士们拼死坚守阵地,直到援军到来。 The soldiers held the fort desperately till reinforcement arrived.
马惊了,弗雷德拼命勒住缰绳。 The horse bolted, but Fed held on to the reins like grim death.
附加菜在正菜之外,如拼盘、甜点之类的附加菜 A side dish, such as a relish or dessert, served in addition to the principal course.
但是,采用汉语拼音教学法仍旧是个引起人们争议的课题。 But hanyu pinyin remains controversial.
一般情况下你不得不先拼凑起一份个人简历,再等待消息。 " Usually you have to put together a resume and wait to hear something.
英文字的拼法没什麽规律。 English spelling has little rhyme or reason.
“seen”和“been”同韵,拼法也相似。 "Seen"rhymes with"been", they are also close in spelling.
快,伙计们,尽一切努力拼命干好吧! Come on man, give it all you’ve got and let it rip!
你知道怎样以罗马字拼你的名字吗? Do you know how to Romanize your name?
把拉丁语言引入…把…拼写成拉丁字母表中的字母;使罗马化 To transliterate into the characters of the Latin alphabet; Romanize.
今天在节目的最后我们将留给你们这些网虫的是一个汉语拼音缩略语,如果我说“zj”,你知道是什么意思吗? So today we'll leave you computer geeks with a "汉语拼音" acronym. Would you understand me if I say "ZJ".
划掉一个拼错的词 Rule out a misspell word
爱伦扑上去,抱住他,拼命解释。 Helen, rushing and clinging to him, trying to explain.
俄语的拼法是音形一致的。 Russian spelling is phonetic.
一听到枪声,一个小男孩就吓得拼命地向天边跑去。 At the sound of the shot one little boy ran like a scalded cat for the horizon.
这是"schedule"的正确拼法吗? Be that the correct spelling of"schedule"?