四周抛跳是否会出现在自由滑比赛中将取决于短节目比赛的结果和他们在自由滑抽签中的最后结果。 Whether the quadruple Sal chow throw will show up in the free program will depend on what happens in the short program and what draw they get for the free program.
美丽是很抽象的。 Beauty is abstract quality.
四分卫幸好只是碰抽了筋,没过几个球,他就又能上场参加比赛了。 The quarterback's injury was fortunately only a charley horse, so he was able to re-enter the match after only a few plays.
此外,教委会与语文教育及研究常务委员会联合组成的工作小组,亦进行了一项抽样问卷调查,藉此了解现行教学语言政策在推行上所遇到的问题,以协助当局制定这方面的长远政策。 A Working Group comprising members of BOE and the Standing Commission on Language Education and Research conducted a sampled questionnaire survey to find out the problems related to the implementation of the existing policy for medium of instruction (MOI) to help the administration formulate a long-term MOI policy.
6月22日至7月10日,国际奥委会聘请专家,研究申办城市的答卷并打分。国际奥委会将在2000年8月28-29日决定哪些城市成为"候选城市",并抽签决定候选城市向国际奥委会执委会作陈述报告的顺序。 From June 22 to July 10, the IOC will invite some experts to study the questionnaires and give them scores. On September 28 and 29, 2000, the IOC will vote for the candidate cities.
抽出空气垫里的空气。 deflate the air mattress.
他从箭袋里抽出一支箭搭在弦上,但他刚看了她一眼,就不禁被她的美丽惊呆了。他意识到自己已经死心塌地爱上波西卡了。 He drew an arrow from his quiver and fitted it to his bow,then he took one look at her but he was startled by her great beauty,and he found himself hopelessly in love with Psyche.
那只兔子抽动它的鼻子。 The rabbit wiggled its nose.
抽吧,随便抽。 Go ahead and suit yourself.
辐射计检测辐射能强度的一种装置,装有一个部分抽干的玻璃管,管内有若干轻质的垂直翼,每个翼的一边为黑色,在一个垂直的周围辐射悬垂,在受到投射辐射时它们可以绕轴旋转 A device that measures the intensity of radiant energy, consisting of a partially evacuated glass bulb containing lightweight vertical vanes, each blackened on one side, suspended radially about a central vertical axis to permit their revolution about the axis as a result of incident radiation.
二零零一年,食物环境卫生署按照食物监察计划,抽取了57906个样本进行化学、微生物及/或辐射化验,确保消费者不会接触到食物中会危害健康的污染物。 Under the food surveillance programme, 57 906 samples were taken in 2001 for chemical, microbiological and/or radiological testing to ensure that consumers were not exposed to contaminations in food that night pose a health risk.
以抽彩的方式售出货物。 dispose of in a raffle.
他的抽奖券赢得了一辆汽车。 He won a car in the raffle.
她获得了(慈善抽奖)头奖。 She won first prize (in the raffle).
使他大吃一惊的是,特德在抽彩中得了头奖。 Much to his surprise, Ted won first prize in the raffle.
我的运气来了--在有奖抽彩中我得了一辆新汽车。 My luck's in I won a new car in a raffle.
抽奖销售的头奖是两个人到巴黎度假旅游。 First prize in the raffle is a holiday for two in Paris.
我失去工作以後,听说我抽中了公司的奖券,有同画饼。 After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told I'd won the office raffle.
我去教堂参加盛大招待会,主教把出售抽彩券的工作交给了我。 I went to the church fete and the vicar saddled me with the job of selling raffle tickets.
他的脸因发怒而抽搐。 His face was convulsed with rage.
赌徒们获取各自一份的抽头。 Gamblers get their shares of the rake-off.
我会抽时间听祖父叨絮他的青年时代。 I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
随机的抽取或被随机抽取。 taken or to be taken at random.
任意抽出一些样品来检查;进行抽样检查。 pick out random samples for examination; make spot checks.
抽出的签被抽取物,尤指签、牌或任意抽的牌 Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random.
消防处在153名申请者中,抽签选出30名来自各行各业的市民,出任第四届公众联络小组成员。 Thirty members of the public from all walks of life were randomly selected from among 153 applicants to form the group's fourth-term membership during the year.
房间已被彻底洗劫过,抽屉和橱柜里的东西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。 The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor.
南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。 In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.
抽打用生牛皮鞭抽打 To beat with a rawhide whip.
抽象推理;理论科学。 abstract reasoning; abstract science.
哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的 Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.