过于频繁的重要的插话演变成为说教式的谈话-凯瑟琳·巴恩斯。 too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation- Kathleen Barnes.
1986年这些电视配乐以恩雅的名字命名作为独唱专辑发行。 The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album.
乍得非洲中北部国家。曾为法属赤道非洲的一部分,1960年获得独立。恩贾梅纳为首都和最大城市。人口4,405,000 A country of north-central Africa. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in1960. Ndjamena is the capital and the largest city. Population,4, 405, 000.
恩特普赖斯阿拉巴马东南一城市,位于蒙哥马利东南偏南,加工业和制造业中心。人口20,123 A city of southeast Alabama south-southeast of Montgomery. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,20, 123.
今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败。--吉恩·布朗 Today's opportunity erase yesterday's failures.-- Gene Brown
伯恩:这是我们去年的年度报告。 ere is our annual report of last year.
不过作为一名业余埃及学家,毛瑞恩-克莱蒙斯提出了一个新的看法,在她看来,古埃及人借助了风筝的力量造出了金字塔。 But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids.
阿莱恩斯美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于扬斯敦西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376 A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
普朗克,马克斯·卡尔·恩斯特·路德维希1858-1947德国物理学家,因其在有关量子理论方面的发现而获1918年诺贝尔奖 German physicist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for discoveries in connection with quantum theory.
博恩,马克斯1882-1970德裔物理学家。因在量子力学方面的开拓性工作而获1954年诺贝尔奖 German-born physicist. He shared a1954 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in quantum mechanics.
目下我们有他在一本四开本书的边上所写的注,书名是《贵人日耳曼和克林东、柯恩华立斯两将军以及美洲海域海军上将们的往来信札》,凡尔赛盘索书店及巴黎奥古斯丁河沿毕索书店印行。 We now have under our eyes a note written by him on the margin of a quarto entitled Correspondence of Lord Germain with Generals Clinton, Cornwallis, and the Admirals on the American station. Versailles, Poincot, book-seller; and Paris, Pissot, bookseller, Quai des Augustins.
横跨位于曼哈顿岛和奎恩岛之间的东哈得逊河的一座悬臂桥。 a cantilever bridge across the East River between Manhattan and Queens.
我们得冲洗油漆面,擦洗地板。你是否注意到要干脏活时布赖恩总是消失得无影无踪? We've got to wash down the paintwork and scrub the floor. Have you noticed how Brian is always missing when there's dirty work to be done?
狄恩打算用功以得奖学金。 Dean aim to study on a scholarship.
吉恩的母亲劝她不要退学。 Jean's mother talked her out of quitting school.
不知是凑巧呢,还是他听见了主人的声音,他爬到恩萧先生的门前,而他一出房门就发现了他。 By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber.
玛里恩跑得棒极了。 Marion ran a perfect race.
给某人很大恩惠 Rain benefits upon sb.
科恩说:"关于踏板车的动力系统目前我们并无定论。" "We're pretty agnostic on power sources for (the scooter)," Cohen said.
伯恩:(提高噪门)14.90美元,我不能再提了。 (raises his voice) $14.90, I can't go any further.
纽约还有一家非常不错的巧克力店叫sweetbliss.它的主人伊列娜·沙恩曾是名设计师拉尔夫·劳伦的私人厨师。 There's also Sweet Bliss, a New York-based company started by Ralph Lauren's former personal chef, Ilene Shane.
鲍恩接着说,“熊冲向季奚,季奚赶紧跑开,但是跑的时候,他把一个小圆球扔在冰地上,熊停下来嗅嗅,然后把圆球吃了下去。 Bawn, the other hunter said, “The bear began to run toward Keesh. Keesh ran away. But as he ran, he dropped a little round ball on the ice. The bear stopped an d smelled the ball, then ate it.
马里恩美国衣阿华州中部一东部城市,是塞达拉皮兹的一个居民郊区。人口20,403 A city of east-central Iowa, a residential suburb of Cedar Rapids. Population,20, 403.
上帝说:“你这狂妄不逊、忘恩负义的贱人! " "You presumptuous, ungrateful rat ! " said God.
他既在独立制作的作品中扮演角色,也在好莱坞大制作中亮相,如《侏罗纪公园》、《追踪红色十月号》、《马语者》和高收视率的迷你剧《玛丽恩》。 He varies his roles from small independent outings to major Hollywood offerings like Jurassic Park,The Hunt For Red October,The Horse Whisperer and the big-rating Merlin mini-series.
迪恩说,印第安人相信,如果你把死响尾蛇挂到外面风干,它会给你带来雨水。 Dean said that Indians believe that if you hang a dead rattler out to dry, it will bring rain.
想要收获自由之果的人,必须承受维护自由的劳苦。(潘恩) Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.( T. Paine)
下午好,伯恩先生。 Good afternoon, Mr Bowen.
伯恩:你能否重新安排一下你的计划,照顾一下我的订货? Can you rearrange your schedule and make my order your top priority?
1975年9月5日香港出版的《远东经济评论》所载《美国中央情报局对西藏的阴谋》一文记述:1958年5月,首批受美训练的两名特务携带电台到叛乱头目恩珠仓·公布扎西设在山南的总部与美国中央情报局联系。 An article entitled The CIA Tibetan Conspiracy in the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review disclosed in its September 5 issue of 1975 that in May 1958, two agents trained by the Americans in the first batch brought a transceiver to the headquarter set up by the rebel leader Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi in Shannan to make contact with the CIA.
来自南非的威恩·费里拉。 Wayne Ferreira from South Africa.
当然,莱茵科尔与布切尔之流所显露的失态,纯粹是出自他们被亵渎的球风,与1986年世界杯四分之一决赛上被马拉多纳打败“无关”,当时他们是英格兰队队员。在那场比赛中,马拉多纳羞辱了英格兰,不是靠上帝之恩赐,而是靠第二个进球,靠令人眼花缭乱地绕过半数的队员,使英格兰的后卫芬威克斯和布切尔看上去像毫无球艺的饭桶。 Of course, the bile displayed by the likes of Lineker and Butcher came purely from their sense of affronted sportsmanship, and had"nothing" to do with the fact that these players were part of the English team beaten by Maradona in the quarter final of the 1986 World Cup, He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and Butchers of the English defence look like the artless shit kickers they were.