  • face
  • disorderly, messy
  • huge, big
  • (surname)
  • enormous
  • Huge
  • tremendous
  • Pang
  1. n.  ' 最近一期的《奇》杂志   the current number of `Punch
  2. adj.  一个大帝国的最高统治者   the supreme ruler of a vast empire
  3. n.  乳齿象, 柱牙象, 然大物, 巨人, 重量级拳击家, 〈古生物〉乳齿象, 乳齿象   mastodon
  4.   何塞庞阿尼班村   Jose Panganiban
  5. adj.  卷数多的, 大部份的, 著书多的, 宽松的, 宽大的(衣服), 大的, 容积大的(容器), 长的, 部头大的(作品), 多产的(作家), 大部分的, 容积大的, 体积大的, 丰满的, 长篇的, 大的   voluminous
  6. n.  口罩, 假面具, 掩饰, 面具, 面罩, 伪装, 防毒面具, 戴面具的人, 化装舞会, 面部模型, 面或头像, 头或脸, 狗狐等头部的嘴周围黑色部分, 掩蔽物, 掩体, 蒙片, 蔽光框, 屏框, 时标, 时间标志, 掩码, 分离字, 【心理】人格面具, 面膜, 【电子】模板, 船尾护木, 石膏面像   mask
  7. n.  喷气式飞机, 体大而笨拙的人, 然大物, 大象, 显赫的人, 大受欢迎的人, 大型喷气式客机, 移动式钻机台, 钻车, 渣口冷却器, 活动开挖架, 盾构, 前桅下横桁三角帆, 大型动物, 巨型动物, 巨人, 巨物, 珍宝机   jumbo
  8. adj.  国家坚如磐石的大结构   the monolithic structure of the state
  9. n.  大海兽, 巨大之物, 海中怪兽, 海中巨兽, 任何然大物, 巨型远洋舰, 大人物, 《利维坦》, 极权主义的国家, 然大物, 海中怪兽, 巨物   leviathan
  10.   她把新歌剧院称作`那讨厌的然大物'.   She calls the new opera house 'that hideous erection'.
  11. v.  她那绯红的脸(如因激动所致)   her heightened colour, ie the increased colour in her face, eg caused by emotion
  12. n.  好大的, 大吹牛, 然大物, 重击的人   whacker
  13.   容积散装大散装货物大量载货   bulk
  14. n.  巨兽, 然大物, 沉重的或异常之大的东西或力量, 河马, 然大物   behemoth
  15. adv.  巨大地, 大地, 非常地   enormously
  16. n.  巨大症, 巨大, 大, 巨大畸形, 巨大发育, 巨体   giantism
  1. 不一会儿,烟就(从睡袋口冒出来,)在艾尔的脸四周缭绕着。
    Soon smoke curled around Al's face.
  2. 如若用剃刀就可以开采出花岗岩,用丝线即能系泊位船只,那么,也许你才能希望用人的知识和理性这样美妙而优雅的东西去与人类的情感与高傲那样的然大物进行抗争。
    Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.
  3. 屈从于修补工作而看起来疲倦的她;由于失眠她的脸憔悴而枯槁;疲惫但高贵的脸;震惊地看到他英俊年轻的脸露出疲倦的神情-查尔斯.狄更斯。
    looking careworn as she bent over her mending; her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness; that raddled but still noble face; shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face- Charles Dickens.
  4. 香胶根一种北美洲西部多年生菊科香胶根属草本植物,有黄色的辐射状头形花序。有些种类的大根系被某些美国印第安人用作食物
    Any of several western North American perennial herbs of the genus Balsamorhiza in the composite family, having radiate heads of yellow flowers. The large roots of some species were used as food by certain Native American peoples.
  5. 他的后面,有一支大的穿着异常洁白服装的歌唱队。
    Behind him, there was a large choir dressed in whiter than white raiment.
  6. 在柯立芝“繁荣”时期,美帝国主义的扩张和反动行为极为猖獗。它的总的掠夺精神表现在:海陆军备的大扩张;屡次武装侵入加勒比海区和中美洲各国……利用所谓“门户开放”政策打进中国。
    During the Coolidge "prosperity” period American imperialism was aggressively expansionist and reactionary. Its general predatory spirit was exemplified by the huge growth of military and naval armaments, repeated armed invasions of Caribean and central American countries…and inroads upon China through the device of the "Open Door" policy.
  7. 事实上,在现今的电子科技年代,每天都有大的资金在世界各地不断流转,其方便与快捷的程度,实在前所未见。
    The fact is that in the electronic age, huge funds move around the world everyday with ease and rapidity never experienced before.
  8. 我们的目光继续朝这伸向远处的圆形行宫一层层往上攀登,视线越过新城圣安东街那条在鳞次栉比的屋顶之间的峡谷,便可以看到——我们总是只谈主要的文物——昂古莱姆府邸,一座经过好几个时期才告成的大建筑物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整体中显得有些格格不入,就好比一件蓝色短外套补了一块红补丁。
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  9. 市民预算委员会(工商界财力支援之监督市政府预算团体)会长霍顿说,“我认为下一步在于市府。大家对市府希望如何相当明显——要看市长提议如何处理市府过于大的员工人数了。
    Raymond D. Horton, president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a watchdog group financed by businesses, said: "I think the ball is in the city's court, and I think it's pretty clear what that expectation is, and it has to do with what the Mayor proposes to do with the size of the municipal work force."
  10. 政府在公共服务上有这样大的投资,使香港市民人人得享方便而负担得来的优质健康医护服务。
    With such heavy investment in the public sector, we have successfully made quality health care services accessible and affordable to each and every resident of Hong Kong.
  11. 一千四百年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信女的历代踵修,终于建成了大的佛教禅林和文化圣地。
    After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims, it finally became an enormous Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.
  12. 大的财产化为乌有。
    His great fortune was reduced to zero.
  13. 此外,中国国营企业裁员,以及农村劳动人口过剩,均可继续为中国的劳工市场提供大的人力资源。
    And in China there is continues access to a huge labour pool made up of redundant state sector workers and surplus labour in rural areas.
  14. 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures, 1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
  15. 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
  16. 如此大的人口总量和年人口增长量,对于中国这样一个底子薄、耕地少、经济文化水平比较落后和地区之间发展不平衡的国家来说,是一个沉重的负担。
    Such massive total population and annual population growth constitutes a heavy burden for China, a country that has a weak foundation and little cultivated land, whose economic and cultural level is rather backward and where development is regionally imbalanced.
  17. 特大者,然大物极大或极出众的事物
    Something exceptionally big or remarkable.
  18. 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。他的竞选过程中处处充满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,充满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。
    Toledo capitalized on his dark, chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory.
  19. 市政档案馆中的旧土地契约;制片档案室;大的存放无声电影拷贝及废片的场处
    Old land deeds in the municipal archives; the studio archives, a vast repository of silent-film prints and outtakes.
  20. 不然的话,机构大,人浮于事,官僚主义,拖拖拉拉,互相扯皮,你这边往下放权,他那边往上收权,必然会阻碍经济体制改革,拖经济发展的后腿。
    Otherwise, organizational overlapping, overstaffing, bureaucratism, sluggishness, endless disputes over trifles and the repossession of powers devolved to lower levels will retard economic restructuring and economic growth.
  21. *本港大的外汇储备和财政储备,为未来的经济发展提供了强大基础。
    * Our high foreign exchange reserves and fiscal reserves will provide an anchor for our future economic development.
  22. 尽管我们部队这样大,但连队并不充实,而各级机关却十分大,臃肿的情况很严重。
    Though ours is a big army, its companies are not adequately staffed. On the other hand, various army offices are overstaffed, or seriously bloated.
  23. 据说他蓄积了大的财富。
    He was said to have heaped up great riches.
  24. 狂暴的风浪;猛烈的雷鸣向我怒吼着它们的音乐——以斯拉·德;狂暴的天气;狂暴的大海。
    boisterous winds and waves; the fierce thunders roar me their music- Ezra Pound; rough weather; rough seas.
  25. 如果销售增加,分包商可以生产更多的游戏[玩具],gamesgang[玩具公司]就会付广告费,发明人就会收到数目大的版税支票。
    If sales grow, the subcontractor can churn out more games, the Games Gang will spring for advertising and the inventor will receive hefty royalty checks.
  26. 现已灭绝的两栖动物,与然大物的火蜥蜴和鳄鱼相似,头骨坚硬扁平,牙齿呈圆锥形;生活于泥盆纪至三垩纪。
    extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic.
  27. 每位累积了大财富的人士,都曾无误地奉行这一条法则。
    This is in harmony with the methods followed by every person who has accumulated a great fortune.
  28. 布尔沃·利顿,爱德华·乔治·厄尔·利顿1803-1873英国作家,以其颇受欢迎的历史小说而闻名,尤其是贝城的最后一日(1834年),以及他那看起来永无止境的错综复杂的句子
    British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences.
  29. 在我们加强执法的行动中,也检获了数量大的冒牌服装和配件。
    Vigorous action has also seen a high level of seizures of clothing and accessories bearing false trade marks.
  30. 国际奥委会委员,截止到2001年6月为123人,分布于78个国家或地区。国际奥委会目前有11名执行委员,组成执委会,分别是:萨马兰奇(西班牙)、德(加拿大)、德弗兰茨(美国)、姆巴依(塞内加尔)、高斯珀(澳大利亚)、巴赫(德国)、猪谷千春(日本)、金云龙(韩国)、霍德勒(瑞士)、罗格(比利时)、何振梁(中国)。
    According to the statistics in February 2000, there are 113 committee members from 78 countries and districts around the world and 11 of them formed the executive board.They are J.A. Samaranch (Spain), R.W.Pound(Canada), A.L.DeFrantz(theUS), S.E.Mbaye(Senegal), R.K.Gosper(Australia), T.Bach(Germany), Chiharu Igaya(Japan), S.E.UnYongKim(Korean), MeMarc Holder(Switzerland), C.J.Rogge(Belgium), He Zhengliang(China).
  31. 作为最大、最壮观的地球生物体,巨大的红杉在我们的名单上位居第九。
    For being the largest and most magnificent living organisms on the planet,the giant sequoia is rooted on our list at No.
  32. 红杉树的祖先是谢尔曼将军树――种被认为是地球上体积最大的单生生物树种。
    The granddaddy of sequoias is General Sherman--a tree believed to be the largest single living thing on the planet.