  • average
  • equal
  • even
  • flat
  • peaceful
  • plane
  • smooth
  • common
  • level
  • calm
  • equal
  • suppress
  • level
  • tie
  • put down
  • draw
  • make the same score
  • plane
  • level
  • Ping
  1.   (-ing) smoothness 印刷滑度   print
  2.   (与...)并驾齐驱, 保持同一水   stay abreast (of)
  3.   (两个楼梯台之间的)一段楼梯   a flight of stairs
  4.   (两人或两人以上)安相处   rub along[on, through]
  5.   (作修饰语用)(船只)远在只见桅杆, 看不到船身的地方(因船身在地线之下); (坦克等)隐蔽在能观察敌人并能向其射击的地方   hull down
  6.   (刺绣)斜向平行针脚   tent stitch
  7.   (剪着)头, (留着)短发   a close crop
  8.   (因不, 生气等而)撅嘴   make (up) a lip
  9.   (平局后)再赛以决胜负   play off a match
  10.   (总数、均数等) 达, 共计   come out at
  11.   (拳击中)打自己倒下的对手; 用不公的手段战胜某人; 乘某人之危打击他   hit sb. when he's down
  12.   (排练中)淡淡地说完台词   walk through one's part
  13.   (比赛中)追成平局   out of the hole
  14.   (法国大革命前, 贵族及僧侣以外的)中产阶级, 民, 第三阶级T-House [美俚](国会的)第三院(院外活动集团) T-International 第三国际(共产党)(1919年成立于莫斯科, 1943年宣布解散)   third estate
  15.   (精神病患者)神志清醒的时期; 阴天太阳偶而出现的时候; 在暴风雨似的事件中的静时期; 生活静的时刻   lucid interval
  16.   (精神病患者的)神志清醒时候; (暴风雨, 扰乱等的)暂时静的一段时间   a lucid interval
  1. 主教区会议美国新教圣公会主教区的一部分神职人员和民代表的集会
    An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.
  2. 内皮被覆于浆液腔、淋巴管及血管的扁上皮细胞的薄层
    A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.
  3. :既是学校本身发展的需要,也是适应时代的需要嘛。
    Wang Ping: That is the result of the development of the university. It is also the needs of the epoch.
  4. 这听起来轻松常,实际上却完全可以称作划时代的。
    That sounds soft and mushy and commonplace, but in fact it can legitimately be called epochal.
  5. 半个世纪的经验和教训,联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,和与发展的时代主题,向我们提出庄严而迫切的要求。
    Our experience and lessons over half a century, the purposes and principles of the Charter and the epochal theme of peace and development, have all raised solemn and urgent demands on us.
  6. 恬静的性情;没有人像他那样脾气温和;尽管一再拖延还是保持静。
    an equable temper; not everyone shared his placid temperament; remained placid despite the repeated delays.
  7. 如今妇女享有等权力和机会。
    These days women have equal rights and equal opportunities.
  8. 二、平等的法律地位
    Chapter II Equal Legal Status
  9. 她们和男人等,这表现在同工同酬上。
    They are on an equal footing with men; this is expressed in equal pay for equal work.
  10. 人人生而平等。
    All man are born equal.
  11. 人生来平等。
    All men are born equal.
  12. 人人生而平等。
    All men are created equal.
  13. 争取和某人等或能与人相比。
    strive to equal or match.
  14. 大限来临,人人等。
    The end make all equal.
  15. 经济工作中的均主义
    equalitarianism in economic work
  16. 全线出击的口号,是伴随军事冒险主义而来的军事均主义。
    This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism.
  17. 红军中的绝对均主义,有一个时期发展得很厉害。
    Absolute equalitarianism became quite serious in the Red Army at one time.
  18. 军事均主义,到一九三四年第五次反“围剿”时,发展到了极点。
    Military equalitarianism reached its extreme point in our fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in 1934.
  19. 这些都证明红军官兵中的绝对均主义还很严重。
    Absolute equalitarianism, as shown in these examples, is still very serious among officers and soldiers of the Red Army.
  20. 但是必须反对不问一切理由的绝对均主义,因为这不是斗争的需要,适得其反,是于斗争有妨碍的。
    But absolute equalitarianism beyond reason must be opposed because it is not required by the struggle; on the contrary, it hinders the struggle.
  21. 现在工资规定低一点也可以,但不能太低,不能搞均主义,不能吃大锅饭。
    Salaries may still be fixed rather low at present, but they shouldn't be too low.We must do away with equalitarianism and the practice of "sharing food from the same big pot".
  22. 坚持效率优先、兼顾公,既要提倡奉献精神,又要落实分配政策,既要反对均主义,又要防止收入悬殊。
    We should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness, earnestly implementing the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guarding against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism.
  23. 军事均主义者到一九三三年,有所谓“两个拳头打人”的说法,把红军主力分割为二,企图在两个战略方向同时求胜。
    In 1933 the exponents of military equalitarianism put forward the theory of "striking with two 'fists'" and splitting the main force of the Red Army in two, to seek victories simultaneously in two strategic directions.
  24. 绝对均主义的来源,和政治上的极端民主化一样,是手工业和小农经济的产物,不过一则见之于政治生活方面,一则见之于物质生活方面罢了。
    Absolute equalitarianism, like ultra-democracy in political matters, is the product of a handicraft and small peasant economy -- the only difference being that the one manifests itself in material affairs, while the other manifests itself in political affairs.
  25. 纠正的方法:应指出绝对均主义不但在资本主义没有消灭的时期,只是农民小资产者的一种幻想;就是在社会主义时期,物质的分配也要按照“各尽所能按劳取酬”的原则和工作的需要,决无所谓绝对的均。
    The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
  26. 公平税负原则
    principle of tax equality
  27. 种族平等协会
    Congress of Racial Equality.
  28. 等重、平衡
    Equality of weight; equipoise.
  29. 等海拔高度海面以上的高度相等
    Equality of elevation above sea level.
  30. 他主张就业平等。
    He stands for equality in employment.
  31. 帮助少数民族妇女取得经济上的等权利
    Helping minority women to economic equality.
  32. 基本等或均等的状态。
    a state of essential equality or equivalence.