法国旧社会的崩溃,他自己家庭的破落,一般流亡者可能因远道传闻和恐怖的夸大而显得更加可怕的九三年的种种悲剧,是否使他在思想上产生过消沉和孤独的意念呢? The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of '93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror,--did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him?
在崩塌滑坡危险区和泥石流易发区禁止取土、挖砂、采石。 Earth-fetching, sand-digging and quarrying shall be prohibited in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mudrock flow is liable to occur.
第三十四条 在县级以上地方人民政府划定的崩塌滑坡危险区、泥石流易发区范围内取土、挖砂或者采石的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止上述违法行为、采取补救措施,处以罚款。 Article 34 In the case of earth-fetching, sand-digging or quarrying in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mud-rock flow is liable to occur, as designated by the local people's government at or above the county level, the department of water administration under the people's government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the above law-breaking acts and the adoption of remedial measures, and shall also impose a fine.
尽管有外来的协助,已千疮百孔经济仍陷入崩溃状态 An already ailing economy precipitated into ruin despite foreign intervention.
经济崩溃是不太可能发生的事。 Economic collapse is a rare circumstance.
因为这是在上古世界的崩溃中所发生的,所以一种着重来世的倾向便也产生出来,拯救的问题便替代了人生幸福的问题或简朴生活问题的本身。 As this happened during the decay of the ancient worlds, a tendency grew up to emphasize the afterlife, and the question of salvation supplanted the question of happiness or simple living itself.
每当部署一种新的应用软件时,工作人员的生产力就要降低,因为雇员要装上新应用程序、设置他们的系统、学习新程序以及每次系统崩溃时重新启动。 Worker productivity drops every time you deploy a new software application, as employees try to load the application, configure their systems, learn the new program and reboot every time the system crashes.
因此,他编剧并执导了这部二千五百万美元的大片,一篇描述身心崩溃的史诗,一首情感复燃的颂歌,这就是片长三个多小时的《木兰花》,已于十二月上映,但时至今日其风潮才在美国各地高涨。 Instead, he wrote and directed a $25 million epic of psychological and physical collapse, an ode to emotional reconnection, with the three hours-plus Magnolia, which opened in December but expands across the country today.
最终崩溃的政治制度 A regime that finally crumpled.
腐朽的伪政权正在土崩瓦解。 The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.
雪崩地区路基 subgrade in snow slide region
里查的扮演者孙红雷:有一次联排(尽管)结束了,我却控制不了(自己)了,完全崩溃了,就觉得反正进(到这部戏里)去了。我在想剧本对人性的残酷,对人最本质东西的揭露。 Sunhonglei--the actor:when a general dress rehearsal was finished, I was immersed in the drama. I was just thinking that the script showed the cruelty of human nature and the inner side of human.
里查的扮演者孙红雷:有一次联排(尽管)结束了,我却控制不了(自己)了,完全崩溃了,就觉得反正进(到这部戏里)去了。我在想剧本对人性的残酷,对人最本质东西的揭露。 Sunhonglei - the actor: when a general dress rehearsal was finished, I was immersed in the drama. I was just thinking that the script showed the cruelty of human nature and the inner side of human.
但由于去冬今春长江中下游大规模的堤防工程建设和水毁工程修复,与1998年相比,险情减少7750处,减少82%;较大险情减少587处,减少84%。其中管涌险情减少1737处,减少86%;崩岸险情减少296处,减少90%。 However, thanks to large scale of bank reinforcement and rehabilitation of damaged projects in the middle and down stream of the Yangtze River, compared with 1998, the dangerous situations reduced by 7,750 or 82%, severe dangers reduced by 587, or 84%, among which, piping and foundation break decreased by 1,737 and 296 respectively, or 86% and 90%.
此次战争发动于世界帝国主义首先是法西斯国家大崩溃的前夜,敌人也正是为了这一点才举行这个带最后挣扎性的冒险战争。 The present war was launched on the eve of the general collapse of world imperialism and, above all, of the fascist countries; That is the very reason the enemy has launched this adventurist war, which is in the nature of a last desperate struggle.
时至二十世纪三十年代的日本帝国主义,由于内外矛盾,不但使得它不得不举行空前大规模的冒险战争,而且使得它临到最后崩溃的前夜。 In the Nineteen Thirties, the internal and external contradictions of Japanese imperialism have driven her not only to embark on an adventurist war unparalleled in scale but also to approach her final collapse.
由于没有向外的力量对抗重力吸引,残留物就会向它自身里面崩塌。 With no outward forces to oppose gravitational forces, the remnant will collapse in on itself.
敌人的反抗很快地土崩瓦解了。 Enemy resistance soon caved in.
随着布莱顿森林体系的崩溃,加之欧洲国家主要货币饱受汇率动荡之苦(贬值和重新估价),1969年12月,欧洲国家元首和政府首脑在海牙决定将经济与货币联盟设为欧洲一体化的官方目标。 With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system and the fluctuations (devaluation and revaluation) of the exchange rates inflicted upon major currencies of European nations, in The Hague in December 1969, the Heads of State and Government decided to make economic and monetary union (EMU) an official goal of European integration.
摇晃的椅子散架了。作战俘多年,他崩溃了 The rickety chair fell apart. He fell apart after years as a POW.
罗杰和爱兰闹崩了,我感到十分意外。我还以为他们很合得来呢。 It's a surprise to me that Roger and Elaine are breaking up. I thought that they were particularly well suited to one another.
例如,如果一个企业激活了一个灾难恢复站点以取代某个崩溃的原服务提供站点,来自合作伙伴的大部分调用想访问那个已经崩溃的服务提供站点时,会遭遇失败。 For example, if a business has activated a disaster recovery site, most of the calls from partners will fail when they try to invoke services at the failed site.
崩溃指突然的、灾难性的倒塌、衰败或失败;溃败 A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout.
敌军已全线崩溃。 The enemy troops were put to rout all along the line.
与吵吵嚷嚷的孩子们呆了一天後,她的神经快要崩溃了。 After spending a day with screaming children, her nerve is frayed.
与吵吵嚷嚷的孩子们呆了一天後,她的神经快要崩溃了 After spending a day with screaming children, her nerve was frayed
伪军彻底崩溃了。 The puppet troops came apart at the seams.
今冬明春防洪工程建设的重点是以欠高堤段加高培厚、基础防渗、迎流顶冲部位堤面防护、崩岸治理、穿堤建筑物及病险水库除险加固等为重点,根据堤防的重要性,按照轻重缓急分步实施。 The focus of dyke construction this winter and next spring will be the increase of height and thickness of some low dykes, seepage prevention of foundation, surface protection of dykes on the sections of flow-ward side and against-flow side, slump banks harassment, strengthening and removal of danger for the bank-crossing structures and risky reservoirs. The construction will be in stages and in the order of importance and urgency according to the importance of the dykes.
我们的敌人以为美国是软弱和物欲横流的,我们会在恐惧和自私面前分崩离析。 Our enemies believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in fear and selfishness.
“四人帮”胡说什么“四个现代化实现之日,就是资本主义复辟之时”,疯狂进行破坏,使我国国民经济一度濒于崩溃的边缘,科学技术与世界先进水平的差距愈拉愈大。 The Gang made the senseless statement that "the day the four modernizations programme is realized will mark the day of capitalist restoration". Their sabotage brought China's economy to the brink of collapse and led to a constant widening of the gap between us and the countries with the most advanced science and technology.
让你的嗓音分崩离析。 Let division shake thy throat.
马上就要发生雪崩了。 The glacier will be shifting before long.