1982年崔琦和两合作者发现了fqhe,这是近年来量子物理学中完全出乎意料的重大发现,将电流在磁场中的量子现象引入了新的领域。 In 1982, Cui Qi and two other colleagues discovered FQHE, an unexpected and major discovery in quantum physics. Our understanding of the quantum effect of electric current in a magnetic field has been pushed to new frontiers.
崔琦教授于1982年和两位合作者在量子物理学中的重大突破,终于使他获得了1998年度的诺贝尔物理奖。 In 1982, Professor Cui Qi, with two collaborators, achieved a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum physics. In 1998, he was finally awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.
韩国的高基玄在该赛季世界杯的1500米赛五轮比赛中,前二轮都获得了胜利。她的同胞崔敏敬总分列第三位,她们也准备对杨扬发动挑战。 South Korea's Ko Gi-Hun, who won the first two of the season's five World Cup 1,500-metre rounds, and her compatriot Joo Min-Jin, third overall, are also out to challenge Yang.
崔琦获得1998年诺贝尔奖的消息,虽然不出乎物理学界的意料,仍然给我带来了极大的欢欣。 That Cui Qi received the 1998 Nobel Prize did not come as a surprise to physicists, but I was still elated by the news.
作为诺贝尔物理奖的得奖人,崔琦无疑是本世纪最卓越的科学家之一。 As a Nobel Prize laureate, Prof Cui is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant scientists in this Century.
崔教授作为语言学家名声很高. Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist.
崔教授并不是在香港出生,他12岁才到香港,当时他是一个战争遗孤。但从10月19日《亚洲周刊》的报道可以看得出,他的成功和他就读香港著名华校培正中学时所受的中学教育,有着很大的关系。 Prof Cui was not born in Hong Kong but went there as a war orphan at the age of 12, but from the description in the October 19 issue of Yazhou Zhoukan, it is quite obvious that his success had much to do with his high school education spent at the famed Chinese School in Hong Kong, Pui Ching Middle School.
崔教授并不是在香港出生,他12岁才到香港,当时他是一个战争遗孤。但从10月19日《亚洲周刊》的报道可以看得出,他的成功和他就读香港著名华校培正中学时所受的中学教育,有着很大的关系。 Sure, Prof Cui was not born in Hong Kong but went there as a war orphan at the age of 12, but from the description in the October 19 issue of Yazhou Zhoukan, it is quite obvious that his success had much to do with his high school education spent at the famed Chinese School in Hong Kong, Pui Ching Middle School.
约翰.派崔克:(ibm)“很快我们将把互联网接入电视机。媒介内容将更丰富,还可以互相沟通,就像一起工作般看到对方。” John Patrick: (IBM) “I think the things we’ll see soonest are using the Internet to, uh, access television, to get rich media, to communicate with one another and see one another as we’re working together.
因此,香港最终能够造就出一个崔教授,并不稀奇。 Thus, it is not surprising that Hong Kong finally lays claim to Prof Cui's achievement.
至少香港能够说,它对崔教授的影响比中国大陆或台湾来得大。 At least, Hong Kong can claim to have influenced Prof Cui more than Mainland China or Taiwan.
这两年朱棣文与崔琦连获诺贝尔奖,引起报章杂志上许多讨论:为什么还没有能获奖的作业在中国人的土地上出现? With Steven Chu and Cui Qi receiving the Nobel Prize in the last two years, there has been much discussion in the newspapers and magazines on why there hasn't been any prize-winning work done on Chinese soil.
我当时并不感到惊奇。直到这个星期,公教中学的老校友林延龄医生(新加坡全国心脏中心主任)到北京来找我,并带来了关于崔琦教授的报章和杂志剪报,我才开始明白崔教授赴美国之前的少年形成时期是在香港度过的! That did not surprise me until Professor Lim Yean Leng (Director of Singapore's prestigious National Heart Centre), my old friend from Catholic High School, came to visit me in Beijing this week and showed me the newspaper clippings and magazine articles on Professor Cui Qi. Then it dawned on me that Prof Cui had spent his formative teenage days in Hong Kong before going to the United States!
当然也有不堪回首的:白水事件、崔弗盖特事件、莫尼卡丑闻。 Of course, there was ugliness too:Whitewater;Travelgate;Monica gate.