  • Peak
  • store
  • stand erect, stand up
  • pile up
  1.   [口]面對面, 相持不下, 對   eyeball to eyeball
  2. n.  同等, 同格, 同位, 同等, 相同, 類似, 平價, 價值對等, 比率, 宇稱, 奇偶性, 對, 均勢, 平等, 奇偶校驗, 奇偶   parity
  3. n.  對審, 面對面, 面對, 對[抗], 對質   confrontation
  1. 上個世紀,人類經歷了兩次世界大戰的浩劫,也經歷了冷戰對的磨難,付出了巨大的代價。
    In the last century, mankind underwent the scourge of two world wars and endured the hardships of the Cold War and confrontation, thus paying a heavy price.
  2. 軍事方面,主動緩和海峽兩岸軍事對狀態,停止對金門等島嶼的炮擊,並把福建沿海一些前沿陣地、觀察所開闢為經濟開發區和旅遊點。
    On the military plane, initiatives have been taken to ease military confrontation across the Straits. Shelling of Jinmen and other islands have been discontinued. Some forward defense positions and observation posts along the Fujian coast have been transformed into economic development zones or tourist attractions.
  3. 第二次世界大戰後,在當時東西方兩大陣營對的態勢下,美國政府基於它的所謂全球戰略及維護本國利益的考慮,曾經不遺餘力地出錢、出槍、出人,支持國民黨集團打內戰,阻撓中國人民革命的事業。
    Against the backdrop of East-West confrontation in the wake of the Second World War and guided by its conceived global strategy and national interest considerations, the U.S. government gave full support to the Kuomintang, providing it with money, weapons and advisors to carry on the civil war and block the advance of the Chinese people's revolution.
  4. 使用謹慎拖拉的策略來消耗對方;避免直接的對
    using cautious slow strategy to wear down opposition; avoiding direct confrontation.
  5. 處在爭論或者對的狀態中。
    in a dispute or confrontation.
  6. 最終,這一切又把我們帶回到朝鮮(故事開始的地方)的一場激烈的對當中。
    Ultimately,it all leads to an explosive confrontation back in Korea,where it all started.
  7. 國民黨統治集團退踞中國的臺灣省,在外國勢力的支持下,與中央政府對,由此産生了臺灣問題。
    The Kuomintang (KMT) ruling clique retreated from the mainland to entrench in China's Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces. This is the origin of the Taiwan issue.
  8. 鄧:三大障礙主要是越南侵柬,因為中蘇實際上處於熱點和對,不過方式是通過越南軍隊同中國對
    Deng: Of the three major obstacles, the main one is Vietnamese aggression against Kampuchea, because although it is Vietnamese armed forces that are pitted against China, the hot spot, the confrontation is actually between China and the Soviet Union.
  9. 美國政府繼續幹預中國內政的錯誤政策,造成了臺灣海峽地區長期的緊張對局勢,臺灣問題自此亦成為中美兩國間的重大爭端。
    The erroneous policy of the U.S. government of continued interference in China's internal affairs led to prolonged and intense confrontation in the Taiwan Straits area and henceforth the Taiwan question became a major dispute between China and the United States.
  10. 最近我出席多個大專大學畢業典禮和叁觀一些學校,與香港的青年人有機會接觸,香港青年人予我總體的印象是一群有理念、有承擔感,是對香港回歸充滿信心,有志嚮在下一代、在下一個世紀當傢作主的青年人,看到這樣朝氣的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高興,我們正身處一個大時代之中,在這一個大時代的標志,從香港來說,香港結束了長達一百五十六年的殖民統治,重新回歸到祖國的大家庭,從整個國際形勢來說,世界從過去兩極對格局變成多極的發展,和平與及發展成為當今世上的主題,經濟更加開放,資訊科技推動了經濟,社會和各個領域迅速的變化,製造了更多發展的機會,帶給我們更加多的挑戰。
    During my recent attendance in the graduation ceremonies of a number of tertiary institutions and visits to schools, I had the chance to come into contact with some of our young people. From them I got the overall impression that they are a group of youngsters with their own values and a sense of commitment, who have confidence in Hong Kong after the reunification and are aspiring to be the future masters of Hong Kong. It has given me great consolation and delight to see such a vivacious younger generation. We are now in an era of great historical significance. To Hong Kong, this era marks the end of 156 years of colonial rule and its reunification with the motherland after a prolonged separation. In the international scene, it represents a transformation from the past polarisation to development in all spheres. Peace and development are the main agenda of the world today. Economies have become more open and information technology is propelling rapid changes in economies, societies and other various areas. This in turn has created more opportunities for development as well as brought about more challenges.
  11. 兩軍正在對峙。
    The two armies are facing off.
  12. 在4月26日的德國校園槍擊案中,當平日為人謙和的藝術歷史係教師賴納·海澤和當時已經槍殺了16個人的"少年殺手"面對面對的時候,他對這位昔日的學生說道:"開槍啊,朝我開槍,但是請你看着我的眼睛!"
    "Go ahead and shoot me -- but look me in the eyes! " demanded mild-mannered art and history teacher Rainer Heise when he confronted the teenaged killer who had shot dead 16 people in his old school.
  13. 2.儘管兩極軍事對的歷史已經結束,數十個有着獨特歷史的新的民族國傢出人意料地出現了,它們每一個都在為確立自己的地位而進行競爭。
    2.While we as a planet withdraw from a bipolar militaristic stand off,we unexpectedly find ourselves joined by dozens of new nation-states filled with unique nation-state histories,each competing for its own identity.
  14. 國民黨當它從國內戰爭的戰場嚮民族戰爭的戰場轉變時,主要由於輕敵,同時也存在着一種恐日病(以韓復榘、劉為代表),而遭受了很多不應有的損失。
    When the Kuomintang changed over from civil war to national war, it suffered many needless losses mainly because of its underestimation of the enemy, but also because of its morbid fear of Japan (as exemplified by Han Fu-chu and Liu Chih).
  15. 在兩軍隔淝水對的時候,晉軍將領要求淝水以北的秦軍讓出一片戰場來,以便晉軍渡水决戰。
    When the armies lined up on opposite banks of the Feishui River, Hsieh Hsuan, taking advantage of the overconfidence and conceit of the enemy troops, requested Fu Chien to move his troops back so as to leave room for the Eastern Tsin troops to cross the river and fight it out.
  16. 雖然巴基斯坦和印度的核對具有明顯的地方特點,但兩國都嚴重依賴其他有核國傢。
    Although the standoff between Pakistan and India has distinct local characteristics, both countries owe much to other nuclear states.
  17. 戰爭或戰役也有以相對的優劣或平衡狀態而結局的,那時,在戰爭則出現妥協,在戰役則出現對
    A war or campaign may also end in a situation of relative superiority or of parity, in which case there is compromise in the war or stalemate in the campaign.
  18.  一九七九年一月一日,中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會發表《告臺灣同胞書》,鄭重宣告了中國政府和平解决臺灣問題的大政方針,呼籲兩岸就結束軍事對狀態進行商談。
    On 1 January 1979 the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China issued a message to compatriots in Taiwan, pronouncing the Chinese Government's basic position regarding peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question. It called for the holding of talks between the two sides of the Straits to seek an end to the military confrontation.
  19. 對蔣光鼐、蔡廷鍇兩師,則打成對,讓其逃去了。
    As for the divisions under Chiang Kuang-nai and Tsai Ting-kai, the fight resulted in a stalemate and they got away.
  20. 五,中華民族大分裂——封建王朝的覆滅與意識形態的僵持,讓中華民族出現超過半個世紀的對
    5. The great division of the Chinese nation. The fall of the feudal dynasty and the ideological stalemate that followed resulted in the Chinese nation being divided for more than half a century.
  21. 五,中華民族大分裂——封建王朝的覆滅與意識形態的僵持,讓中華民族出現超過半個世紀的對
    5.The great split of the Chinese nation. The fall of the feudal dynasty and the ideological stalemate that followed resulted in the Chinese nation being divided for more than half a century.