为其过错或罪孽而感到后悔。 feeling regret for a fault or offence.
苔丝和安吉尔坐进一辆大马车时代笨重的老古董(老德伯家族罪孽传说的象征)里,来到了教堂。在他们最后离去时,一只白公鸡啼了三次。 In a lumbering old relic of coach days (symbolic of an ancient D'Urberville legend of crime) Tess and Angel are carried to church, and upon their final departure a white cock crows thrice.
这样的大劣绅、大土豪,枪毙一个,全县震动,于肃清封建余孽,极有效力。 The execution of one such big landlord reverberates through a whole county and is very effective in eradicating the remaining evils of feudalism.
不可饶恕的人的美好品行的缺失的罪过;神学家们列举出七种道义的罪孽。 an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace; theologians list 7 mortal sins.
罪孽不可饶恕的信仰;罪孽,错误 Mortal belief; sin or error.
他们认为,造成这种情况的原因是,加尔文教派的移民所能享受的丰富的物质生活,同那种认为人罪孽深重因而必须受苦的思想是互相矛盾的。 They believe that this situation may result from the fact that the material prosperity which the Calvinist settlers of this country were able to enjoy was inconsistent with the idea that man is sinful and must suffer accordingly.
使知罪使…意识到自己的罪孽或罪过 To make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt.
(旧约)上帝消除罪孽的手段。 (Old Testament) God's means of destroying sinners.
为罪孽、过错而感到或表示痛苦或悲痛的。 feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
后悔的为其罪孽或过错而感到后悔或悲痛的;悔罪的 Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent.
他叹口气回答说:“我呆在这里是因为我的罪孽”。 He sighed and answered:"I have been here for my sins."
罪孽大都能追溯到久远的时代。 There are very few sins that aren't as old as time.
解释说瘟疫是来自天上的灾难,是神灵对世人罪孽的惩罚。 interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men.
谚语说“天作孽犹可恕,人作孽不可活”,现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。 The saying goes: "Heaven may be forgiven for its iniquities, but man shall not live for his sins". Not only is the poor Earth suffering from natural calamities, but it is battered by man-made disasters as well.
“罪孽呀罪孽!有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊! “Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!
她不再是思想纯洁、天真无邪的农家少女,而是堕落家族的残渣余孽。 No chaste-minded, unsophisticated peasant maid she, but the last dregs of a decadent stock!
接近罪孽;清白或者纯洁的缺失。 a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity.
当然,静观死亡,以之为罪孽底工资,通往另一世界的去路者,是虔诚而且合乎宗教的; Certainly, the contemplation of death, as the wages of sin, and passage to another world, is holy and religious;
自作孽,自承受。 Man create the evil the endure.
天主说:“所多玛和蛾摩拉地方罪孽深重,怨声已传达我耳中。” So the Lord said, There is a great outcry over Sodom and Gomorrah;their sin is very grave.'
那些女人在上面走得两脚流血,两手破裂;但与此同时,她们把罪孽的盛装留在沿途的荆棘上,赤条条地抵达旅途的尽头,而这样全身赤裸地来到天主跟前,是用不着脸红的。 women who follow them will cut their feet and graze their hands, but will at the same time leave the gaudy rags of vice hanging on the briars which line the road, and shall reach their journey's end in that naked state for which no one need feel shame in the sight of the Lord.
自作孽,不可活。 The evil we bring on ourselves is the hardest to bear.
这里是罪孽的滋生地。 it was a hotbed of vice.
大地的赐予全被用去造孽。 The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses.
可以宽恕的罪孽,指部分美好品行的缺失。 a pardonable sin regarded as entailing only a partial loss of grace.
彼勒《旧约》和《新约》中邪恶和罪孽的化身 A personification of wickedness and ungodliness alluded to in the Old and New Testaments.
那次饥荒算是上帝对他们罪孽的惩罚. The famine was a visitation of God for their sins.
他多才多艺,能昆能京,是剧、影、视三栖演员,如电影《风流千古》,电视越剧《杜十娘》和京剧《孽缘记》、《游龙戏凤》等。 He is a versatile actor of Beijing Opera and Kunju Opera, and has also acted many characters in the Film: Eteral Great, and in Beijing Opera: Evil Relationship, etc.