  • ma
  • mother
  • mother, mama
  • mamma
  • mum
  1.   [俚、粗](对对方的指责、批评等表示极度不满或轻蔑)你他的!见你的鬼!滚开!   up yours (=yours ass !)
  2.   [口](原为水手们的咒骂语)他的! 见鬼!   my timbers! (=shiver [dash] my timbers!)
  3.   [美俚]他的; 去你的(表示惊讶、不相信、拒绝等)   fuck a duck
  4.   [美俚]见鬼! 他的; 我可以赌咒!   Dog my cats!
  5.   [美粗]去你的!(表示坚决拒绝)   F-you!
  6.   [谑]该死! 他的! 混账!   Damn your eyes!
  7. n.  丹尼斯和马丁最近当爸爸了.   Denise and Martin have recently become parents
  8.   交奶[保姆]照顾; [喻]由保管人代管   at nurse
  9.   他妈的!   Damn you!
  10. v.  他妈的!   Fuck (it)!
  11.   他的! (表示惊愕、厌烦等)   fuck it
  12. int.  他妈的, 混帐   fuck
  13. n.  他总是很听妈妈的话.   He always does what his ma tells him to
  14. n.  伯母, 姑, 婶, 姨, 婶母, 舅母, 姑母, 姨母, 阿姨, 大, 慈善的老妇人, 大婶, 姑, 舅   aunt
  15. n.  伯母, 阿姨, 姑, 姨母, 舅母, 姑母, 舅   auntie
  16.   你们他的真让我恶心.   I'm fucking sick of the whole fucking lot of you
  1. 当我跌倒的时候,我很惊慌。
    My mother was alarmed when I fell over.
  2. 记住阿拉莫吧;记住每天都要给你打电话。
    Remember the Alamo; Remember to call your mother every day!; Think of the starving children in India!
  3. “我要从这地方出去,送我回身边。”阿拉丁对他说。
    "I want to get out of this place, take me home to my mother," said Aladdin.
  4. 他正跪在座位上,一边望着列车窗外,一边对靠过道坐的说话。
    " He was kneeling on the seat, looking out of the train window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle.
  5. 往年夏天,我总要贮藏大量的水果和蔬菜。
    Each summer my mother used to put up great quantifies of fruits and vegetables.
  6. 我才十来岁的时候,就是我的朋友,这让我获益匪浅:学会了欣赏诗歌、正确使用分号、培养了非常有趣的数学癖、喜欢自己动手做事和赋有幽默感。
    Even when I was a teenager,Mom was my friend,which helped me gain a lot:an appreciation of poetry,well-used semicolons,interesting mathematical quirks,a love of working with my hands,an odd sense of humor.
  7. 她帮妈妈做菜。
    She aided her mother to cook.
  8. 他的则在著一件风雨衣,拎着一个饰着世界地图的手包。
    she wore a raincoat and carried a handbag illustrated with a map of the world.
  9. 在熊猫育儿时,它把窝打扫得特别干净。
    The mother panda keeps the den meticulously clean as she raises her cub.
  10. 阿加莎姨已重病6个月了,我想她活不久了。
    Aunt Agatha has been very ill for the last six months and I don't think it will be long before she departs this life.
  11. 医生说,我姑恢复的可能性未定,她正处于危险之中。
    The doctor says my aunt may or may not recover; she's right on the razor's edge.
  12. 小彼得使他爹很丢脸;他爹尽可以训他、斥责他,可他完全不理睬。
    Young Peter has got his parents on toast; they can rebuke and reprimand him as much as they like, but he takes no notice of them.
  13. 可你就是没出息,说也没用——你一辈子也改不了,就等死后见魔鬼,跟你一样!”
    Bud yah're a nowt, and it's noa use talking --yah'll niver mend uh yer ill ways, bud goa raight tuh t' divil, like yer mother afore ye!'
  14. 他和妻子并没有责备女儿,而是把水渍擦得干干净净。女儿抬起头看着他们说:“谢谢爸爸
    After the water was cleaned up without any recriminating remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, " You know, I really want to thank you guys for not being like other parents.
  15. 那孩子见他当着同学们的面亲亲热热、婆婆的对待他,感到害臊,不知如何是好。
    The child was ashamed of the affectionate fuss his mother was making of him in front of his schoolmates and didn't know where to turn his eyes.
  16. 郑重地给她的孩子提供建议。
    my mother advised her children ceremoniouslly.
  17. 没有多少女性乐于当专业,当丈夫的专业文秘,或者当个临时凑合的女人。
    "Few women relish being a mother, secretary or general picker-upper for their husbands.
  18. 当海泽和施泰因豪泽相遇的时候,他清楚的知道他正面对一个杀手,因为他已经看到了一个同事的尸体,在这几分钟前还目睹这个蒙面人大声喊道:"他的,又要上子弹了。"
    By the time he confronted Steinhaeuser, Heise was well aware that he was facing a killer because he had seen a dead colleague, and had even seen the masked figure only minutes earlier shouting: "Damn shit, I've got to reload."
  19. 这个孩子不愿意离开她的
    The child was reluctant to leave her mother.
  20. 提醒我给打电话。
    Remind me to call Mother.
  21. 我想提醒你记着的警告。
    I'd like to remind you about Mother's warning.
  22. 我觉得,要说格外走运,根本没碰到过歧视,这种可能性极小。
    It is,I suppose,remotely possible that Mom was unbelievably lucky and actually wasn't discriminated against.
  23. 和我特别喜欢柴可夫斯基的小协奏曲,您把那支曲子演奏得好极了!
    Mother and I are especially fond of the Tchaikovsky Concerto, and your rendition of it was simply superb.
  24. 玛丽英语说得好,因为她有一个有利条件,她是英国人。
    Mary speaks good English, but she has an advantage because her mother is English.
  25. 孩子上中学时,当许多因正处于青春期的孩子与自己开始疏远而痛心时,我突然想出一个挽救措施:在她事先不知情的情况下,突然去学校看望她。
    In middle school, when other mothers were already lamenting the estrangement they felt with their adolescent daughters, I hit upon a solution: rescue raids.
  26. ,大娘对那些因智慧或年老而受人尊敬的女人的称呼
    Used as a title for a woman respected for her wisdom and age.
  27. 新儿的母亲,带着给灶火烘得嫣红的脸,从厨房里捧出碗面,放在李面前,和颜悦色的说。
    With these words spoken in a kind and courteous manner, Xin-er's mother emerged from the kitchen, her face flushed with the glow of the kitchen stove, bearing a bowl of noodle with both hands and respectfully placed it in front of Li-ma.
  28. 我将永世不忘这动人的情景--奥托缩回的爪子抚摸着我的面颊。
    I will forever cherish the memory of Mom's face with Otto's paw,claws retracted,caressing the side of her chin.
  29.  女儿开始穿暴露的衣服,与男孩子约会,想为自己争取独立。这时,会感到自己被遗忘,不再被需要。
    When the daughter starts wearing revealing clothing, dating, and just wanting to be more independent, a mother starts to feel left out, or not needed.
  30. 1.阿姆的信,已代你起稿,你自己可以加减后写正。
    1. Your mother has drafted the enclosed letter for you to send to your godmother. You may wish to add or delete and thereafter rewrite it properly.
  31. 苏珊姑妈活到80高龄。
    Aunt Susan lived to the ripe old age of 80.
  32. 要是那样的话露茜爹决不会原谅你的,罗杰。
    Roger, aunt Lucy will never forgive you for that.