  • enslave
  • Slave
  • servant
  1.   (南北战争前)美国南方保持隶制的各州   Slave States
  2.   (美国南北战争前)实行隶制的州   slave state
  3. adj.  Hun的, 野蛮的, 匈的, 匈似的   hunnish
  4.   [美]“黑人法典”(隶制取消前南部某些州的隶法)   Black Code
  5.   [美]人民主权论(南北战争前的一种政治思想, 主张各州人民有权处理其内政, 并决定是否容许隶制)   squatter [popular]sovereignty
  6.   [美]无隶制的地方; 自由土地, 自由地区   free soil
  7.   [美废]新黑, 刚从非洲贩运到美国的黑人   new N-
  8.   [美废]种植园的黑奴   field N-
  9.   [美废]陪嫁黑(当作嫁妆的一部分)   dower N-
  10.   [谑、婉]“黑绅士”, 恶魔   (old) gentleman in blace
  11.   [谚]向守财求助, 好比向一无所有的人求助。   As good beg of a naked man as a miser.
  12.   【史】南方实行隶所有制的各州   Dixie Land
  13.   【史】非洲的黑奴   black ivory
  14. n.  一列隶或兽类, 一长列隶[兽类]   coffle
  15. n.  为废除隶制而奋斗的人们.   people working to abolish slavery
  16. n.  习惯的隶(日常生活受制於习惯的人).   The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post. 国王要派他的一名仆去任这差事. a creature of `habit person whose daily life tends to be governed by habit
  1. 美国东南部一地区,通常包括亚拉巴马州、佐治亚州、路易斯安娜州、密西西比州和南卡罗来纳州;在美国内战以前这些州生产棉花和支持隶制。
    the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery.
  2. 1959年在西藏进行的民主改革,彻底废除了长达700多年的政教合一、贵族僧侣专权的封建农制度,昔日百万农隶获得了人身自由,成了新社会的主人。
    The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
  3. 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利羊毛。
    Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of100 bales of al merino wool.
  4. 考芬,莱维1789-1877美国废主义者,他的“在印度的贵格派教徒乡村”是“帮助黑人逃跑的地下渠道”的重要部分
    American abolitionist whose Quaker village in Indiana was a significant part of the Underground Railroad.
  5. 她自己为人也好,平日间待人接物,都很和蔼,没有一些儿气,她家里有许多祖上的遗产,呼使婢,坐着穿吃,真的什么都不用忧虑,只有一件缺憾,就是她嫁了几年,还不曾生个儿子,总觉得美中不足,虽然旁人没因此就轻视了她。
    She herself treated others very well. In all her dealings with everyone, she was friendly and completely without airs. Her family had a great deal of inherited wealth, with servants and maids at their beck and call; no one had to work for a living. Truly no one had to worry about anything. There was only one thing of great regret; that is, after several years of marriage, she had not been able to beget a son. She had therefore felt something missed in the midst of plenty, although no one thought any less of her on account of this.
  6. 隶的住处;贩商;隶市场。
    slave quarters; slave trader; slave market.
  7. 1959年叛乱平息后,中央人民政府顺应西藏人民的愿望,在西藏进行了民主改革,废除了极端腐朽、黑暗的封建农制度,百万农隶翻身解放,不再被作为农主的个人财产加以买卖、转让、交换、抵债,不再被农主强迫劳动,从此获得了人身自由的权利。
    After the quelling of the armed rebellion in 1959, the central people's government, in compliance with the wishes of the Tibetan people, conducted the Democratic Reform in Tibet and abolished the extremely decadent and dark feudal serfdom. The million serfs and slaves were emancipated. They were no longer regarded as the personal property of serf-owners who could use them for transactions, transfer, mortgage for a debt or exchange or exact their toil. From that time on they gained the right to personal freedom.
  8. 中国一贯认为,对于危及世界和平与安全的行为,诸如由殖民主义、种族主义和外国侵略、占领造成的粗暴侵犯人权的行为,以及种族隔离、种族歧视、灭绝种族、贩卖隶、国际恐怖组织侵犯人权的严重事件,国际社会都应进行干预和制止,实行人权的国际保护。
    China has always held that to effect international protection of human rights, the international community should interfere with and stop acts that endanger world peace and security, such as gross human rights violations caused by colonialism, racism, foreign aggression and occupation, as well as apartheid, racial discrimination, genocide, slave trade and serious violation of human rights by international terrorist organizations.
  9. 沃克,戴维1785-1830美国主张废除隶制者,他的小册子沃克的请求鼓励隶为自由而战
    A city of west-central Michigan, a suburb of Grand Rapids. Population,17, 279.
  10. 旧西藏法律规定:“民反者均犯重法”,不但本人处死,而且家产没收,妻子为
    The law of old Tibet stated, "All civilians who rebel all commit felonies." In such incidences not only the rebel himself would be killed, but his family property would be confiscated and his wife be made a slave.
  11. 隶们奋起反抗隶主。
    The slaves rebelled against their masters.
  12. 隶们起来反抗隶主并把他们统统杀掉。
    The slaves rebelled against their masters and killed them all.
  13. 于是,他就为争取隶的自由更加辛勤地工作。不久,南方各州发动了叛乱。
    Then he worked still harder for freedom for the slaves. Soon the Southern States rebelled.
  14. 隶们起来反抗压迫他们的主人。
    The slaves rose in rebellion against their masters.
  15. 在西藏顽固坚持农制度的农主和国外反华势力相互勾结下,叛乱活动迅速蔓延。
    With the collusion of the Tibetan serf-owners bent on retaining serfdom and the foreign anti-China forces, the rebellious activities soon became rampant.
  16. 非洲奴隶贸易
    slave trade in Africa
  17. 不断出现的隶起义导致了古罗马帝国的覆灭。
    Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire.
  18. 小型而略带红色的使用隶的蚂蚁。
    small reddish slave-making ant species.
  19. 他从隶主那里把这些隶赎了回来。
    He redeemed the slaves from the control of the owner.
  20. 对未参加叛乱的农的土地和其他生产资料实行赎买政策,1300多户未参加叛乱的农主和代理人的90万克土地和82万多头牲畜由国家支付赎买金4500多万元。
    A policy of redemption was introduced with regard to the land and other means of production of serf-owners who did not participate in the rebellion. The 900,000 ke of land and over 820,000 head of livestock of the 1,300 serf-owners and their agents, who did not participate in the rebellion, were redeemed by the state at a cost topping 45 million yuan.
  21. 不是同一农主的男女农结婚要缴纳“赎身费”,有的是采取男换男,女换女的交换,有的是婚嫁后,夫妻双方的领属关系不变,将来生男孩归夫方领主,生女孩归妻方领主。
    Male and female serfs not belonging to the same owner had to pay "redemption fees" before they could marry. In some cases, an exchange was made with a man swapped for man and a woman for woman. In other cases, after a couple wedded, the ownership of both husband and wife remained unchanged, but their sons would belong to the husband's owner and their daughters to the wife's owner.
  22. 他降低了隶人口的数量。
    He reduced the population to slavery.
  23. 就这样他的人民都沦为隶了。
    Its people were thus reduced to slavery.
  24. 普鲁士农奴制改革
    reform of Prussian serfdom
  25. 据民主改革前调查,属于十四世达赖的摄政大扎的达隆绛庄园共有土地1445克,全劳力和半劳力农计81个,全年共支差21260天,折合劳动量为67.3人全年服劳役,即83%的农全年无偿地为农主支差服役。
    According to a survey conducted before the Democratic Reform, the Darongqang Manor owned by Regent Dagzhag of the 14th Dalai Lama had a total of 1,445 ke of land, and 81 able-bodied and semi-able-bodied serfs. They were assigned a total of 21,260 corvee days for the whole year, the equivalent of an entire year's labor by 67.3 people. In effect, 83 percent of the serfs had to do corvee for one full year.
  26. 与此同时,对国营工矿交通企业的生产和管理制度进行民主改革,废除官僚资本企业遗留下来的封建把头制等各种压迫和役工人的旧制度,消除封建行帮、地域观念造成的隔阂,建立工厂管理委员会和职工代表大会,吸收工人参加工厂管理,实现企业管理的民主化,使工人真正成为企业的主人,并调整旧的工资制度,推行劳动保险制度,提高了职工福利,改善了职工生活。
    At the same time, democratic reforms were carried out in the production and management systems of state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises.Various old systems which had oppressed and enslaved workers, such as the feudal gangmasters system practiced by bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises, were annulled.The divisive feudal trade associations and regionalism were abolished.Factory management committees and congresses of workers and staff members were established, which absorbed workers into factory management so as to realize democracy in enterprise management and make workers the real masters of their enterprises.Simultaneously, the old wage system was adjusted, a labor insurance system was introduced, and workers and administrative staff's welfare and living standards were improved.
  27. 与此同时,对国营工矿交通企业的生产和管理制度进行民主改革,废除官僚资本企业遗留下来的封建把头制等各种压迫和役工人的旧制度,消除封建行帮、地域观念造成的隔阂,建立工厂管理委员会和职工代表大会,吸收工人参加工厂管理,实现企业管理的民主化,使工人真正成为企业的主人,并调整旧的工资制度,推行劳动保险制度,提高了职工福利,改善了职工生活。
    At the same time, democratic reforms were carried out in the production and management systems of state-run industrial, mining and transportation enterprises. Various old systems which had oppressed and enslaved workers, such as the feudal gangmasters system practiced by bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises, were annulled.The divisive feudal trade associations and regionalism were abolished. Factory management committees and congresses of workers and staff members were established, which absorbed workers into factory management so as to realize democracy in enterprise management and make workers the real masters of their enterprises. Simultaneously, the old wage system was adjusted, a labor insurance system was introduced, and workers and administrative staff's welfare and living standards were improved.
  28. 天堂为,不如地狱为主。
    It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
  29. 天堂为,不如地狱为主。
    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.
  30. 从此,西藏人民永远摆脱了帝国主义的役和羁绊,回到祖国大家庭,和祖国各兄弟民族人民一样,充分享受到民族平等的一切权利,开始走上了自由幸福的光明大道。”
    Since then, the Tibetan people shook off forever the fetters of imperialist enslavement and tramples and rejoined the large national family. Like our sibling races throughout the country, the Tibetan people fully enjoy all rights of national equality, and are embarking on a bright road of freedom and happiness."
  31. 这位老邻居来了白官,林肯跟他说了数小时关于解放黑的问题。
    The old neighbor called at the White House, and Lincoln talked to him for hours about the advisability of issuing a proclamation freeing the slaves.
  32. 而在白宫,你将成为隶,处在没完没了的事务的无情压力之下?quot;
    In the White House,on the other hand,you would be a slave and under the relentless pressure of never finished business."