那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向--简而言之,那时跟现在非常相象,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容词的最高级来形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好,也是最高级的。 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
那只鹿惊慌的飞奔而逃。 The deer darted off in alarm.
爱伦和罗茜违抗罗茜父母的愿望上星期私奔了。 Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy's parents' wishes last week.
其它四足动物的快速奔跑 A fast running motion of other quadrupeds.
四分位向后移动之后将球传给向挣球线奔跑的进攻后卫。 the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage.
像很多社区里藉藉无名而雄心万丈的政客一样,这位45岁的国会议虽一直奔走于律师事务所和工会。无非是寻求足够捐款以换取政治威望。 Like little-known but ambitious politicians in many communities, the 45-year-old Congressman has been making the rounds of the state's la firms and union halls, all in a quest to raise enough money to buy political respect.
快速移动;飞奔 To move quickly; dart.
那只兔子奔进落叶松林里。 The rabbit ran into a larchen wood.
战斗变得激烈和狂暴;惨烈的交战;惨烈的战斗;这条河流变成狂奔的洪流。 the fighting became hot and heavy; a hot engagement; a raging battle; the river became a raging torrent.
他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说 They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soil and save the tropical rainforest
多数奔腾pc机配有32mram,作为标准配置,但是很多买家期待用新的应用程序和微软的windows98,把ram扩了一倍。 Most PentiumⅡ PCs are equipped with 32M of RAM as the standard configuration, but many buyers are doubling that in anticipation of new applications and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 98.
他不停地奔跑。 He ran on and on.
他奔下山去。 He ran down the hill.
他飞速地奔跑。 He ran in record time.
急流河流的急流,奔流在山峡或狭窄山谷的悬崖峭壁之间 The rapids of a river that runs between the steep precipices of a gorge or narrow valley.
这时安全出口处一阵响动,随后跳进来了为爱而疯狂、痴迷的约翰·德莱尼,他企求爱伦与他一同离开,奔向东部海岸或布朗克斯或者任何一个有着意大利式天空的地方。 Then there was a rattle of the fire-escape, and into her room jumps the mad and infatuated John Delaney, entreating her to flee or fly with him to the Riviera, or the Bronx, or any old place where there are Italian skies.
发出咕隆或呱哒作响声,尤指由急冲或奔跑发出的声音 To make a rattling or clattering sound, especially by rushing or scampering.
迈锡尼伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部的古希腊城市,在青铜器时期作为一个早期文化中心繁荣一时。它是阿伽门农的传奇式首府 An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.
假如我们冷静地回顾几个月来征调兵员的经验,我们当可看到在某些地区,正因为有了上述的缺点和错误,致使民众不能充分认识国家已经到了存亡绝续的关头,以最高的民族仇恨,奔赴抗日的前线,反会产生和增长避免兵役的心理。 If we soberly review our experience in recruiting soldiers over the past few months, we can see that, because of the aforesaid mistakes made in some areas, people may fail to realize that the future of the nation hangs in the balance and that they should rush to the front with the deepest hatred for the foreign foe, and they may, therefore, become increasingly reluctant to join the army.
一种奔放式的苏格兰旋转舞蹈。 a vigorous Scottish reel.
多立斯方言古希腊一种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言 A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.
瓦尔开着福特汽车高速向前奔驰。 Val gave the Ford full rein.
他一直奔驰到村子才勒马停下。 He did not draw rein until he reached the village.
艺术家在这幅画里任其想像力尽情奔驰 In this picture the artist certainly allowed his imagination free rein
我不再那么紧张了,直奔医院。 I relaxed and headed to the hospital.
接力赛跑中从一个奔跑者传向另一个奔跑者。 passed from runner to runner in a relay race.
但是时光飞驰,有很多事情阻碍我了却我的心愿:忙于养家糊口,奔波于世界各地写报道,离婚又再结婚,后来又身患重病。 But as the years raced by, many things got in the way. I helped rear a family, reported from around the world, divorced and remarried and later became seriously ill.
(橄榄球)通过奔跑将球向前推进。 (football) of advancing the ball by running.
我们暂且先放下不谈腾格拉尔如何怀着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷尔的耳边讲他的同伴的坏话的。且说唐太斯横过了卡纳比埃尔街,顺着诺埃尹街转入梅兰巷,走进了靠左边的一家小房子里。他在黑暗的楼梯上一手扶着栏杆,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四层楼梯。他在一扇半开半掩的门前停了下来,那半开的门里是一个小房间。 WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
随从他奔赴疆场的有他的儿子:恐怖、战栗,惊慌和畏惧,还有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(纷争的母亲)、女儿毁城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。 In the fray his sons attend him, - Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, - also his sister Eris, or Discord (the mother of Strife), his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.
我奔回房间取回自己的提包。 I run back to my room and retrieve my bag.
自发的民众在街上奔跑。 an leaderless mob running riot in the streets.