  • delve
  • hole
  • Pit
  • tunnel
  • hole in the ground, usu with steep sides, from which esp minerals are dug out
  • pit, hole
  • bury, trap
  • harry
  • pit, hole, tunnel, gallery
  • defraud
  • Keng
  1.   ( kuàng kēng ) cèliáng shuǐ zhǔn   surveyor's level
  2.   [ yàn ] máng rén lǐng xiā , liǎng réndōu yào diào zài gōu ; máng lǐng zhòng rén , xiāng jiāng huǒ kēng 。   If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
  3. n.  vi. guō xué , tàn suǒ dòng xué , miàn 'āo kēng , zhǎo xué jǐng , guō xué , bīng chuān xué gān guō ,( yán shí shàng dedòng xué ,( shàng de kēng , xué   pothole
  4.   shàng xià dǎo kēng   top and bottom heading method
  5. n.  shàng pāo , xiàng shàng tóu zhì zhī , pái shù kēng   upcast
  6. n.  xià chuí , xià chuí , sōng chuí , chuí , cáo chén , āo biàn , liú yòu , biǎo miàn xiàn kēng , nèi wān chéng xíng , chéng xíng   sagging
  7.    ràng bié rén xiǎng yòng duì yòng de dōng de rén ; zhàn zhe máo kēng shǐ de rén   dog in the manger
  8.   cóng shā kēng chū qiú   Blast
  9.   cāng 'āo kēng   Micro-crater
  10.    de huái hǎo xiàng zhǒng liǎoyòng shǒu 'ànjiù yòu xiǎo kēng hén。 pit=smalldentform de they them dōushì zhǐ   ankles。
  11. v.   xiàn kēng   guǎi piàn de juàn tào .   He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies
  12. n.  shǐ mǒu chū xiàn jiǔ , xíng chéng qiǎn kēng , wén   form dimples (
  13.    dǎo kēng   side heading
  14.    shè dǎo kēng   side drift
  15. n.  xiū , kēng , táng chèn , jiē xiàn , chā   patching
  16. n.  xiū chē chù dejiǎn xiū kēng .   sunken area in the floor of a garage or workshop where the underneath part of a vehicle can be examined or repaired (
  1. rán 'ér fēn tóng zhì céng zài zhè wěi dǒu zhēng zhōng diē xià liǎo huò diē xià guò huì zhù de kēngzhè réng rán shì yīn wéi men xīn lǐng huì guò de jīng yànduì zhōng guó de shǐ zhuàng kuàng shè huì zhuàng kuàngzhōng guó mìng de diǎnzhōng guó mìng de guī liǎo jiěduì liè níng zhù de lùn zhōng guó mìng de shí jiàn méi yòu tǒng de jiě 'ér lái de
    Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  2. kuàng kēng kuàng jǐng huò cǎi shí chǎng jīng bèi huò zhèng zài bèi jué de fēn
    The parts of a mine or quarry that have been or are being excavated.
  3. zài men chéng fén huàhái shì dǎo jìn fèi de cǎi shí kēng zhǒng fāng hǎo
    Which is better, to incinerate the rubbish from our towns or to tip it into disused quarries?
  4. jīhū méi kàn guò zhè me de nǎi shuǐ kēng
    I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.
  5. dāng tóu gān gōng zuòxiǎo bìng yǎng bìng shēn yínzhè yàng de lǐng dǎo gànbùsuǒ xìng qǐng hǎohǎo xiū rán zhàn zhe máo kēng shǐ zěn me xíng
    As for those leading cadres who "put fear first", do not work, take long recuperation leaves for minor illnesses or moan and groan about imaginary illnesses, we may as well ask them to take a good long rest. How can we let them hang on to their posts without doing any work?
  6. hěn shǎo yòu xué jiā huì huái wèi hǎi xiá shuǐ xià shù bǎi qiān kuān de yǔn shí kēng jiù shì zhuàng de
    Few scientists will argue that the remnants of an ancient crater, dubbed the impact basin and hundreds of kilometers, wide, exist below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
  7. biān róng líng kēng de biān yuán
    A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater.
  8. pào hòu mǎn liǎo dàn kēng
    Artillery cratered the roads.
  9. kǎo jià yòng xūn kǎo ròu lèi de kǎo jià kēng dòng huò wài kǎo
    A grill, pit, or outdoor fireplace for roasting meat.
  10. cóng shuǐ kēng lāo chū duō
    Fish a lot of rubbish out of a pool
  11. jiā fàn guǎn de jià qián guì néng rén kēng
    The prices in that restaurant are absolutely ruinous.
  12. zuì tòng hèn qiú diào zài shā kēng
    I hate landing in the sand trap!
  13. yǔn xīng kēng yǔn shí duì biǎo chōng suǒ zào chéng de hén
    A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.
  14. kuàng kēng xiǎo kuàng huò kuàng shí de duī
    A small body or accumulation of ore.
  15. lìng wài yuē yòu 300 wàn fāng de xiè zhì zài dōng shā zhōu bié kāi de hǎi chuáng kēng nèi
    about 3 million cubic metres of contaminated mud were placed in the purpose-dredged seabed pits at East Sha Chau.
  16. shí tiáo  jìn zhǐ shì dān wèi yòng shèn jǐngshèn kēngliè róng dòng pái fàngqīng dǎo hán yòu rǎn de fèi shuǐhán bìng yuán de shuǐ fèi
    Article 41 Enterprises and institutions shall be forbidden to discharge or dump waste water containing toxic pollutants or pathogens or other wastes into seepage wells or pits, crevices or karat caves.
  17. shí 'èr tiáo  zài liáng hǎo shèn céngjìn zhǐ shì dān wèi shǐ yòng fáng zhǐ shèn lòu cuò shī de gōu kēng táng děng shū sòng huò zhě cún zhù hán yòu rǎn de fèi shuǐhán bìng yuán de shuǐ fèi
    Article 42 At places where no satisfactory impervious strata exist, enterprises and institutions shall be forbidden to use ditches, pits or ponds devoid of safeguards against seepage for conveyance or storage of waste water containing toxic pollutants or pathogens, or of other wastes.
  18. xiē xìng miǎn hài de yīn cóng cháng shòu shè huì yán chéngyīn 'ér men yào me yòu huí jiāyào me tiào lìng huǒ kēng
    Those who are not killed for their insolence6 are often so severely punished by society that they quickly go back or jump into another equally abusive partnership.
  19. shuǐ kēng huò fèn kēng
    A pit for refuse or sewage.
  20. shuǐ chí zhǒng yòng jiē shōu cóng zhù fáng pái fàng de shuǐ huò fèi shuǐ de yòu gài de dòng huò kēng
    A covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage, as from a house.
  21. shù kēng kuàng de kuàng jǐng huò shù jǐng
    The shaft of a mine.
  22. méi kuàng shàng yòng lái pái chú kōng de kēng dào
    ventilation shaft through which air leaves a mine.
  23. xiǎo 'àn jǐng kuàng jǐng céng céng zhī jiān qīng xié de huò chuí zhí de shù kēng huò tōng dào
    An inclined or vertical shaft or passage between levels in a mine.
  24. tōng fēng dàohuàn kēng kōng liú tōng de tōng dào shǐ kuàng jǐng tōng fēng de fēng dào
    A passageway or shaft in which air circulates, as in ventilating a mine.
  25. xiē nán hái dào xiē fèi de kuàng kēng tàn xiǎn jiù kuàng de shù kēng zhōng)。
    The boys went exploring in some disused workings, eg the shafts of an old tin mine.
  26. xiǎo de 'é yòu chóng zhì zhì kēng dào bìng zhǒng chǔ cáng de shí pǐn wéi shí
    small moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products.
  27. xiàn kēng   guǎi piàn de juàn tào .
    He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies.
  28. wéi shí yòu xiē 'ér tóng 'ài zài shuǐ kēng shuǐ wán ?
    Why do some children like slopping around in puddles?
  29. zài shuǐ kēng jiàn shuǐ wán de 'ér tóng
    Children sloshing about in puddles
  30. tiān huā děng liú xià dedòu 'āo xiǎo kēng shìde yīn tiān huā huò bào xìng bìng 'ér liú zài shàng dedòu 'āo
    A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.
  31.   ( ) méi tànzào zhǐ děng ménàn zhào méi tàn jiāng zhǐ zhāng děng chǎn pǐn de chǎn liàng dìng shù 'é de jīnzhuān mén yòng yíng zào kēng zào zhǐ děng yòng cái lín
    5) To make sure that coal and paper sectors shall apportion out of their output of coal, pulp and paper a certain amount of funds which shall be used exclusively for the nurturing of mine timber and timber for paper making; and
  32. zài shān shí jiào zhōu tái dǎocháng zhōudōng lóng zhōugǎng dǎo làng wān huáng zhú kēng děng xiàn de shí fēn shì 'ànxiāng xìn wéi bǎi yuè rén suǒ dōushì yòu de kǎo xiàn
    Interesting archaeological features, almost certainly made by these people, include the rock carvings, most of which are geometric in style, at Shek Pik on Lantau Island; on Kau Sai Chau, Po Toi, Cheung Chau and Tung Lung islands; and at Big Wave Bay and Wong Chuk Hang on Hong Kong Island.