  • agglomerate
  • corps
  • dumpling
  • group
  • Regiment
  • mass
  • quantity of matter without a regular shape
  • sphere, ball, circle
  • mass, lump
  • round
  • circular
  • society
  1. n.  "twinkle little star" 小星星变奏曲 / 雅音合奏   variations on
  2.   (剧团等的)先遣人员   advance agent
  3.   (合在)一起;结在一起   hold together
  4.   (在政治方面或其它集中)众所公认的头子, 要人   the biggest toad in the puddle
  5.   (对失业、50失学青年实施就业和普通50教50有50的)就业服务   Job C-
  6.   (常作 C-C-)暑期剧的巡回演出   citronella circuit
  7.   (旅行剧在一城镇)一夜的停留演出   one-night stand
  8.   (法国大革命前, 贵族及僧侣以外的)中产阶级, 平民, 第三阶级T-House [美俚](国会的)第三院(院外活动集) T-International 第三国际(共产党)(1919年成立于莫斯科, 1943年宣布解散)   third estate
  9.   (用小块已发酵的面)发面   set [lay] the sponge
  10.   (英国的)农村教区行政体   Parish council
  11.   (陪审)判定(某人)有罪   bring sb. in guilty
  12.   (陪审)判定(某人)有罪   bring in guilty
  13. n.  1.块2.凝聚3.集块岩4.附聚物, 堆, 块, 凝岩块, 大, 大块   agglomerate
  14. n.  =combination, [口]小爵士乐队, [澳俚]与土著女子结婚的白人, 小型爵士乐队, 小型伴舞乐队, 结合物, 联合体, 社, 小型爵士乐   combo
  15.   ["Not Guilty"] 陪审裁决"有罪"["无罪"]   return a verdict of "Guilty"
  16.   ["Not Guilty"] 陪审裁决"有罪"["无罪"]   give a verdict of "Guilty"
  1. 二、坚持民族平等
    II. Adherence to Equality and Unity Among Ethnic Groups
  2. 保障民族平等,促进民族结。
    Safeguarding equality among ethnic groups and promoting their unity.
  3. 这个社会体声明赞成男女平等。
    The social group declared for equality between men and women.
  4. 马术比赛体通常包括三、四个骑手。
    The team in the equestrian competition usually consists of three or four riders.
  5. 1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品交易市场和网络。
    Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug-infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug-dealing markets and networks.
  6. 1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品交易市场和网络。
    Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug- infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug- dealing markets and networks.
  7. 国家组织、协调有关部门和群众体共同实施人口与计划生育方案,将计划生育与发展经济、消除贫困、保护生态环境、合理利用资源、普及文化教育、发展卫生事业、完善社会保障、提高妇女地位等紧密结合起来,努力从根本上解决中国的人口与发展问题。
    The Government organizes and coordinates the relevant departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family planning program, striving to integrate the family planning program with economic development, poverty eradication, protection of ecological environment, rational resource utilization, universal education, advancement of public health and social security, and improvement of women's status. This is aimed at seeking a thorough solution to the problem of population and development.
  8. 古代埃及人是如何建造金字塔的?--这一直是萦绕在人们心头的谜之一。
    It's one of the world's greatest mysteries - how did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids?
  9. 在11月9~13日于多哈召开的第四次部长会议上,中国代表将在11月11日签署入世所需的全部文件。
    China's head delegate signed all the related WTO documents on Nov.11 during the organization's fourth Ministerial Conference in Qatar from Nov.9 to 13."
  10. 一不要党气,二不要气。
    We cannot put on airs as Party and League members.
  11. 有机官能团定量分析
    quantitative analysis of organic functional groups
  12. 空中机动步兵团
    An airmobile infantry regiment.
  13. 一个弦乐四重奏体将精湛琴艺摆在德行之前,协助定义一种新的音乐类型:拉小提琴的性感美女。
    A string quartet puts virtuosity before virtue and helps define a new music genre.Vixens with violins.
  14. 去年,唐四重奏和化生艺术合作跨界舞台《想像的森林》,也明显准备不足。
    Imagine Forest, a joint effort by Arts Fission Company and the T’ang Quartet, showed clearly that the preparations were inadequate.
  15. 其他精彩节目包括香港国际电影节、柏林爱乐乐四重奏、蒙地卡罗芭蕾舞的舞蹈表演、钢琴家拉莎.贝尔文及彼得.多诺浩的表演。
    Other programme highlights included the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Philharmonia Quartet Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, and pianists Lazar Berman and Peter Donohoe.
  16. 她们耐心细致、尽心尽力地为街坊邻居排解矛盾,制止了大量可能激化为刑事案件的民间纠纷,促进了邻里之间的结和睦。
    With all their heart and soul, they perform patient and painstaking work to settle disputes among their neighbors. In doing so, they quash numerous civil quarrels that might otherwise develop into criminal cases and thus promote harmony among residents.
  17. 三元里平英团遗址
    Site of the “Quell the British” Corps at Sanyuanli
  18. 为了寻找男低音,合唱实施了公关闪电行动,在每座宿舍楼里都大量而醒目地张贴了告示,号召“真正的男子汉高声唱吧!”
    In its quest for low-end sounds, the group conducted a public relations blitz, plastering every dorm with signs declaring "Real Men Sing Loud!"
  19. 过去有些同志间的争论、分歧、对立和不结,并不是在这个根本的原则的问题上,而是在一些比较次要的甚至是无原则的问题上。
    The controversies and divergences, the opposition and disunity arising among some comrades in the past were not on this fundamental question of principle but on secondary questions, or even on issues involving no principle.
  20. 数月前克林顿州长同意与布什先生交手三次,由两党组成的总统辩论委员会主办。布什助选巧妙地拖延,然后对辩论形式提出异议。委员会根据过去经验,合情合理地提议由一人主持辩论。但是布什先生坚持由一组记者来发问的笨拙形式。这种方式在过去辩论时曾窒碍难行。
    Gov.Bill Clinton agreed months ago to three encounters with Mr.Bush, sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. The Bush campaign artfully dawdled, then took issue with the debate format. The commission, reacting to past experience, sensibly proposed a single moderator. But Mr.Bush is holding out for the cumbersome format of a panel of journalist questioners that has clotted past debates.
  21. 第五集军指挥所设在机场附近的松林里,英王的座机可在此降落。
    The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty's plane was going to land.
  22. 以经济和科技为主的综合国力竞争进一步加剧,世界范围内围绕市场和资源等经济权益的斗争日趋激烈,经济全球化的加快和区域集化的加深使一国的经济发展更容易受到外来因素的影响和冲击。
    The competition to excel in overall national strength, focused on economy and science and technology, is being further intensified; globewide struggles centered on markets, natural resources and other economic rights and interests are daily becoming sharper; and the quickening of economic globalization and intensification of the formation of regional blocs render the economic development of a country more vulnerable to outside influences and impacts.
  23. 2。地空导弹兵、高射炮兵通常按师(旅)、、营、连体制编成。空降兵按军、师、、营、连体制编成。
    The ground-to-air missile force and anti-aircraft artillery force are usually organized into divisions (brigades), regiments, battalions and companies, and the airborne force into corps, divisions, regiments, battalions and companies.
  24. 退场尤指为表示抗议离开或退出会议、体或组织的行为
    The act of leaving or quitting a meeting, a company, or an organization, especially as a sign of protest.
  25. 阿涅利先生(通常被称为詹尼)去年曾在美国接受前列腺癌的治疗,一时关于他要去世的谣言风起,使境况不佳的公司股票迅速攀升,因为人们认为,没有他的影响,菲亚特集可能会对想要收购这个亏损企业的通用汽车公司更为顺从。
    Mr.Agnelli,usually known as Gianni,was treated in the United States last year for prostate cancer,at the time rumours of his death sent shares in the ailing company rocketing as it was thought that without his influence Fiat would be more compliant when dealing with General Motors which wished to buy the loss-making manufacturer.
  26. 社会各界、各人民体都以各自的方式积极参与了扶贫工作。
    Various circles and people's organizations in China have played an active part in aiding the poor in different ways.
  27. 在一九九九至二零零零学年,共有1199所资助学校由504个办学体营办。
    In the 1999-2000 school year, 1 199 aided schools were in the care of 504 sponsoring bodies.
  28. 而且,昨天戈尔参议员(他寄希望于三月间的南方初选)的一位助手说:戈尔助选正寻求联邦选举委员会,对两名民主党总统竞选对手所用的避过竞选开支限制的方法做一判决。
    Also yesterday, an aide to Sen. Albert Gore Jr., who is pinning his presidential hopes on the southern primaries in March, said the campaign is seeking a Federal Election Commission ruling on a method two rival Democratic presidential contenders used to skirt campaign spending limits.
  29. 这无疑可以加强族群的和谐与结。
    This will no doubt help to promote racial harmony and solidarity.
  30. 一部分从人种或政治上不同于大体的群体。
    a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part.
  31. 少数民族体指控市政会在分配房子问题上有种族主义。
    The minority group have accused the council of racism in their allocation of council house.
  32. 我们明白他们的呼声,我们应该在我们的余生致力于用我们国家独特而痛苦的经验去证明人类生存的条件应该是:民主、正义、和平、无种族歧视、无性别歧视、人人富裕,各族人民之间形成一种健康的环境,一种平等结的氛围。
    We understand their call, that we devote what remains of our lives to the use of our country's unique and painful experience to demonstrate, in practice, that the normal condition for human existence is democracy, justice, peace, non-racism, non-sexism, prosperity for everybody, a healthy environment and equality and solidarity among the peoples.