被判处绞刑并剖尸裂肢 Sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered, ie executed by hanging, the body then being opened and cut up
实际上,第一张解剖学上的x光照片就是能显示内部骨骼的伦琴夫人的左手。 In fact, the very first radiograph of human anatomy was of Mrs.Roentgen's left hand, revealing the skeleton inside.
这些工具包括具有剖析和过滤功能的工具以及根据关系进行分类和排列的软件。 These tools range from profiling and filtering features to software that sorts and ranks documents according to their relevance.
加伦希腊解剖学家、内科医生和作家。他的理论奠定了欧洲医学的基础直至文艺复兴时期 Greek anatomist, physician, and writer. His theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance.
用剖面表现,用于绘画。 represent in profile, by drawing or painting.
事后剖析,事后检讨对已结束事件的分析和回顾 An analysis or review of a completed event.
(解剖学)属于、关于或接近肋骨。 (anatomy) of or relating to or near a rib.
(解剖学)位于或出现于肋骨间。 (anatomy) located or occurring between the ribs.
切腹自杀以前日本武士所采用的一种仪式性的通过自剖其腹而死的自杀方式 Ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai.
(日本)用剑刺胸膛进行剖腹。 (Japan) ritual suicide by self-disembowlment on a sword.
在描绘蒙娜·丽莎头部时,列奥纳多对皮肤下面头骨的了解——得益于他对解剖学的研究,使得他描绘表象的技艺更臻完善。 In the depiction of Mona Lisa's head, this skill in surface painting is supported by Leonardo's knowledge of the skull beneath the skin de rived from his studies in anatomy.
半圆木料由圆木料对剖成的横截面为半圆的木料 A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat.
翼剖面;机翼;翼面一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动 A part or surface, such as a wing, propeller blade, or rudder, whose shape and orientation control stability, direction, lift, thrust, or propulsion.
腌熏的鲱鱼或鲑鱼被剖切,盐腌,和烟熏后的鲱鱼或鲑鱼 A herring or salmon that has been split, salted, and smoked.
腌熏依次用剖切、盐腌和烟熏等方法进行准备 To prepare(fish) by splitting, salting, and smoking.
粘连连接通常分离的解剖结构的疤痕组织纤维带 A fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.
他们进行了一次彻底的自我剖析。 He conducted a searching self-analysis.
进行清醒真实的自我剖析 Engaged in unblinking self-analysis.
他的自剖是勇于面对现实的。 His self-analysis was unblinking.
附件附属的或邻接的解剖学部分,如与子宫相连的卵巢与输卵管 Accessory or adjoining anatomical parts, as ovaries and oviducts in relation to the uterus.
剖析自身感官的和感性的体验的。 examining own sensory and perceptual experiences.
6月17日至7月6日,经延伸分析、试验和元器件解剖检查,最终将故障点定位到元器件上,即随动环伺服回路功率输出模块中的金铝键合点焊接质量退化失效,造成随动环伺服回路没有电流输出,从而导致随动环故障。 The intensive analysis and test, as well as dissection inspection on various components, which were conducted between June 17 and July 6, localized the fault, leading to a conclusion that the root cause of the launch failure was the poor bonding force due to deterioration of the welding quality of the gold-aluminum bonding point inside the power output module of the follow-up frame's servo-loop, causing "no current output'' from the loop.
剖腹术切开腹壁尤其是侧腹的外科手术 Surgical incision into the abdominal wall, especially into the flank.
剖面层abc土壤剖面层中深度排第三的剖面层,不受风化的影响,由上两层及其他矿物组成的母岩所构成 The third-deepest soil zone in ABC soil, unaltered by weathering and made up of the parent rock from which the two uppermost layers derive as well as other mineral materials.
dna剖析图测定最普通的一种形态,缩写为rflp,是用来表示这样一些区域中碱基的特有图案的一种方法。 The most common form of DNA profile, abbreviated RFLP, is a way of showing the unique patterns of bases in some of these areas.
如,在虚拟的空间中,学生们可以“解剖”人体,“参观”古战场,与莎士比亚“对话”等等。 In such a simulated environment, one would have an immersed sense. For example, in a Virtual space,Students can "dissect" a human body, "visit" ancient battlefields, or "talk" with Shakespeare.
(解剖学)一个一个发生的;不是成对的。 (anatomy) occurring singly; not one of a pair.
(解剖学)属于或关于前囟头盖骨。 (anatomy) of or relating to the bregma of the skull.
子宫切开术对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中 Surgical incision of the uterus, as in a cesarean section.
器官的颈部一种颈状解剖结构,如子宫末端狭窄的外端 A neck-shaped anatomical structure, such as the narrow outer end of the uterus.
当(人)还活着的时候解剖其身体。 cut (a body) open while still alive.
(解剖学)耳管的或与之相关的。 (anatomy) of or related to an ampulla.