  • wait
  • watch
  • wait
  • examine
  • spy
  • examine
  • watch
  • wait on
  • serve, wait upon, attend
  1.   [ měi , kǒu ] duì mǒu rén huái hèn zài xīn , bào   have it in for sb.
  2.   [ měi ] jiē shòu huì ; qiāo zhà , sǔn rén   on the take
  3. v.  xià liè dòng jūn biǎo shì rén huò dòng wéi miǎn shòu zhù 'ér zuò chū de huǎn màn 'ér shēng de dòng zuò .Theysuggestavarietyofreasonsforthissecrecy. zhè xiē dòng 'àn shì de xíng dòng yǐn yuán yīn jìn xiāng tóng .Prowl(about,around,etc)suggestsawildanimalorcriminallookingforfoodorforsomethingtosteal*prowl(about、 around、 etc) zhǐ shòu shí huò zuì fàn xíng qiè   The following verbs indicate the slow, quiet movement of people or animals who do not want to be noticed by others.
  4.   zhù dòng shì wén jiàn chéng   active document server
  5.   jiāo liú diàn   AC servo speed indicating generator set
  6.   jiāo liú dòng tǒng   AC servo drive system
  7. v.   cìhou zhù rén hěn duō nián liǎo .   He has served his master for many years
  8. n.   hòu wáng huò gōng zhù degōng .   lady attending a queen or princess (
  9.    yìng zhuàng tài   set condition
  10.    chuàn tiáojié   servo cascade controller
  11.    hán shù shēng   servo function generator
  12.    fēn   servo analyzer
  13.    zhì dòng   servo brake
  14.      servo manometer
  15.    'ān quán   servo relief valve
  16.    kòng zhì jiā shì shù xiǎn xié   servocontrol accelerometer inclinometer
  1. nán cìhou de
    High-maintenance(requires a lot of work or taking care of, often referring to girls)
  2. xiàn jīn xiǎo fèi huì shǐ rén xiǎng dào jiǔ bǎo shì hòu rén deér qǐng bēi shì yǒu hǎo de biǎo shì
    A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture.
  3. dāng xíng dòng shí zhuī suí hòu
    when he acted, she yielded her adherence.
  4. zuò zài xiǎo yáng xiǎo lín zhī
    She was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin.
  5. shì de rén de
    Serving attendance on someone.
  6. zhè chuán dòng lún lún xiāng niè bìng shǐ zhuàndòng。"
    This driving wheel engages with that servo wheel and turns it.
  7. zhǒng chǎn shēng xìn hào biàn shū xìn hào jìn xíng jiào de diàn wèi
    A servo potentiometer that generates the signal for comparison with the input signal.
  8. zhè xiē rén duì xué háo xīng ér qiě chú liǎo tǒngpèi diàn pán suō lún zhóu biàn suǒ zhī
    Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
  9. 6 yuè 17 zhì 7 yuè 6 jīng yán shēn fēn shì yàn yuán jiàn jiě pōu jiǎn cházuì zhōng jiāng zhàng diǎn dìng wèi dào yuán jiàn shàng suí dòng huán huí gōng shuài shū chū kuài zhōng de jīn jiàn diǎn hàn jiē zhì liàng tuì huà shī xiàozào chéng suí dòng huán huí méi yòu diàn liú shū chūcóng 'ér dǎo zhì suí dòng huán zhàng
    The intensive analysis and test, as well as dissection inspection on various components, which were conducted between June 17 and July 6, localized the fault, leading to a conclusion that the root cause of the launch failure was the poor bonding force due to deterioration of the welding quality of the gold-aluminum bonding point inside the power output module of the follow-up frame's servo-loop, causing "no current output'' from the loop.
  10. shǔ huò bāo kuò tǒng de
    of or involving servomechanisms.
  11. měi zhōu dài qiǎn tān zhōng cāng bái de xiǎo yǎn jīng cháng zài tóu dǐng shàngzài shā dòng shí
    small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North and South America having eyes on stalks atop head; they burrow in sand to await prey.
  12. shè xià mái dài
    To lie in ambush for.
  13. zhè shí hòu xīn 'ér nián chàbù duō de xiǎo hái chuān jiàn chì zhe liǎng jiǎozài mén wài tàn tóu tàn nǎo de kuī
    At that moment, there was a little child, about Xin-er's age, barefooted and dressed in tatters, standing outside the door, putting his little head in and out of the doorway to try get a peep of what was going on.
  14. chūn tiān hán cháo jiàngjiāng běi wān de shuǐ dòng jié, 50 duō tóu bái jīng bèi kùn zài bīng zhōng héng héng hái yòu 'è de běi xióng 'ér dòng
    When a springtime cold snap suddenly froze the waters of an Arctic sound,more than 50 beluga whales were trapped by the ice and by the hungry polar bears in wait.
  15.   guǒ xiàng liú xíng xué pài suǒ chū de yàng men díquè yòu bāo kuò qiē guó jiā zài nèi de shì jiè lián méng zuò wéi chí jiǔ píng de bǎo zhèng me yóu mào yuán shì wán quán zhèng què de
    If, as the prevailing school requites, we assume a universal union or confederation of all nations as the guarantee for an everlasting peace, the principle of international free trade seems to be perfectly justified.
  16. " zhè chuán dòng lún lún xiāng niè , bìng shǐ zhuàndòng。 "
    This driving wheel engages with that servo wheel and turns it.
  17. liǎng sài chē shǒu jìng xiāng lǐng xiān
    The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.
  18. zhēn de de péng yǒu zhēn nán hòu
    Really? Your girlfriend is high-maintenance.
  19. rèn wéi 'ěr shì xiǎng lāo
    I thought Bill intended to be on the grab.
  20. yīn wéi men qiǎng liǎo dài wéi de men zhí zài bào men
    David is gunning for us for taking his customers away from him.
  21. bào xiǎng shāng hài yīn wéi de chéng de hǎo
    Bob is gunning for me because I got a higher mark than he did.
  22. quàn jīn hòu xīng yào bié xiǎo xīnlǎo sāng zhèng hài
    I advise you to be very careful over the next few weeks; old Sanders is gunning for you.
  23. hòu hòu de zōng juǎnfà luàn zāo de xiàng tóu xióng shìde mǎn miàn jiáér de shǒu jiù xiàng tōng gōng rén de shǒu yàng biàn chéng shì de tài hěn suí biànjīhū yòu diǎn 'ào mànér qiě diǎn méi yòu jiā hòu zhù rén jǐn shèn yīn qín de yàng
    his thick brown curls were rough and uncultivated, his whiskers encroached bearishly over his cheeks, and his hands were embrowned like those of a common labourer: still his bearing was free, almost haughty, and he showed none of a domestic's assiduity in attending on the lady of the house.
  24. zhǎo dào fèn hòu bìng rén de shǔ gōng zuò
    Lucy has a summer job waiting on an invalid.
  25. jǐng chá mái zài huǒ chē zhàn dài
    The police are laying for him at the railway station.
  26. zhè xiē shòu zǒng shì kuī zhe shēn ruò de diào duì zhě
    These beasts were always on the lookout for any weak straggler that might fall behind.
  27. rén lèi xìng de zǒng shì jìn xíng huài de
    The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch.
  28. zhènzhè rén lèi xìng de zǒng shì zuò 'è
    Earthquake, the enemy of human happiness, is always lying at lurch.
  29. xiàn zài chǎng jǐng zhuǎn dào cāng xíng xiōng zhě zhèng mái zài xíng dòng
    And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.
  30. shí nián xiān shēng shì zài zhù rén jié hūn shíjiù gēn guò lái hòu de
    `Eighteen, sir: I came, when the mistress was married, to wait on her;
  31. xíng dòngdài dào shé yǎng zhe de tóu dào shùgàn bàng shí měng jiāng shé tóu héng dīng zài shù shàng shé lín qián tòng zhēngzhá zhechén zhòng de shēn shù wān liǎo
    At last Cadmus, watching his chance, thrust the spear at a moment when the animal's head thrown back came against the trunk of a tree, and so succeeded in pinning him to its side. His weight bent the tree as he struggled in the agonies of death.
  32. jīn wǎn zhàn zài zhuō bàng biān hòu rén de shí hòudāng xīn bié dōng xīlòng
    When you are waiting at table tonight, be careful not to spill anything.