《和邓慎思初入试院 And Deng Deliberation First joined the Test Centre》《和邓慎思秋日同文馆诗三首》《和邓慎思秋日同文馆诗三首》《和邓慎思秋日同文馆诗三首》《和邓慎思诗呈同院诸公三首 And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3》《和邓慎思诗呈同院诸公三首 And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3》《和邓慎思诗呈同院诸公三首 And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3》《和邓慎思同舍问及故山景物用钟字韵诗以答 And Deng Deliberation House asked the same reason mountain sight with the word clock verse to a》《和邓慎思未试即事难书率用秋日同文馆为首句三首》《和邓慎思未试即事难书率用秋日同文馆为首句三首 And Deng did not try that thing hard to carefully consider the rate of use of the book Autumn Wen Head Sentence 3》更多诗歌...