《沁园春(寿高运使) Write your life High Conveyors》《别伯舆新鄱阳广文 Bieboyuxin Poyang drillmaster》《陈谓老见过云今年六十有九将预为周身之防余曰君定未死不如觅钱沽酒耳用戏成拙句赠行》《呈竹湖李端明》《酬卢威仲九日遣青衣送酒》《次徐径坂衡阳使君韵示林敬则 Cixujingban Hengyang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Ching-Yun said while》《次徐径坂四言韵 Times four Osaka Xu Yan Yun Path》《次韵叔兴见赠 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Shuxingjianzeng》《答高耻堂计使招赏海棠 A high Chitangjishi strokes admire Chinese cherry apple》《答高计使韵 A Gaojishiyun》更多诗歌...