《水调歌头(寿黄殿护母) Shuidiaogetou birthday Huangdianhumu》《沁园春 Patio Spring》《贺新郎(呈刘后村,时自桂林被召到莆,又遭烦言) Congratulate benedict assume Liuhou village Since when Guilin (city) Po will again be called to Tired of words》《贺新郎(丁未守邵武,宴同官) Congratulate benedict Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Dinner with officials keep Shaowu》《贺新郎(送赵伯泳侍郎守温陵)》《贺新郎(为后村母夫人寿) Congratulate benedict act Hou village Master Fu human longevity》《摸鱼儿(闽漕王幼学作碧湾丹嶂堂,歌此词,以墨本见寄,依韵和之)》《沁园春(迎方右史德润) Write Your Right Shi Ying Fang DELHI》《念奴娇(熙春台宴同官) Stories of Warm spring Taiyantongguan》《沁园春(寿史君黄少卿) Write your life Shi Jun Huang Shaoqing》更多诗歌...