《次韻文夫兄病目新起 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Wen fu man or boy having the same parents as another person Disease present New from》《寄蔣季莊 Jijiangjizhuang Village》《寄仲子 Send Nakago》《秋浦見陸次川會其有廣德之役同遊齊山而別既歸以詩寄之 Qiu Pu Lu plays River will see he has a wide battle with the Tour de (surname) mountain But do not return the poem of both》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》《吾兄文夫宦遊天台餘將官於江左不勝感離之情用韋蘇州那知風雨夜復此對床眠為韻作十詩以寄》更多詩歌...