《北帳書事 Beizhang Book thing》《卞巡檢重建蘋節堂》《補和王深甫潁川西湖四篇·甘棠湖 Fill and deep-Fu Wang Yingchuan The west lake Four Kom tong hall Lake》《補和王深甫潁川西湖四篇·明月舫 Fill and deep-Fu Wang Yingchuan The west lake Four Bright moon boat》《補和王深甫潁川西湖四篇·宜遠橋 Fill and deep-Fu Wang Yingchuan The west lake Four Tibetans Bridge》《補和王深甫潁川西湖四篇·竹間亭 Fill and deep-Fu Wang Yingchuan The west lake Four Chikuma pavilion》《朝議大夫致仕張公輓辭二首 Chaoyi doctor Resign Zhanggong Wan-speech Ershou》《朝議大夫致仕張公輓辭二首 North Korea proposed Doctor Resign Zhang Gong Wan-speech Two》《陳和叔內翰得莊生觀魚圖於濠梁出以相示且邀作詩以紀其事 Chenheshuneihandezhuangshengguanyutuyu Ho leung Chuyixiangshiqieyao Poetry Yijiqishi》《承示黃君詩再和韻》更多詩歌...