《北樓次韻 North Tower write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words》《次宣州太守韻 Times XuanZhou Procurator charm》《次宣州太守韻 Times XuanZhou Procurator charm》《賦應齋捲後》《和府判給事登疊嶂樓喜雨韻 And government Award Registration of mountains Building things Timely rainfall charm》《和龔太守巡江回署之作 And Gong Procurator ambassador-at-large Jiang back For the Department of》《賀俞婺州除左史 HE Yu Wuzhou except an official historian》《會文昌宮 purpose Wenchang palace》《劇暑不可耐戲作冷語排之呈國威同捨兄 national prestige Brother with the house》《陪郡守遊西園》更多詩歌...