《次郡太守劉朔齋秋晚謁謝朓亭小飲三首 Time county Procurator Liu Shuo Zhai Qiu wan to visit (a superior) Xie tiao booth Nip 3》《次郡太守劉朔齋秋晚謁謝朓亭小飲三首 Time county Procurator Liu Shuo Zhai Qiu wan to visit (a superior) Xie tiao booth Nip 3》《次郡太守劉朔齋秋晚謁謝朓亭小飲三首 Time county Procurator Liu Shuo Zhai Qiu wan to visit (a superior) Xie tiao booth Nip 3》《登高感興 Ascend Invigoration》《登新安五嶺 ascend Xin'an the Five Ridges》《古梅 Goume》《歸日 Return date》《和趙守獨遊水西寺》《餞周東岩之石門訪汾陽氏並呈友人》《蠟梅 Chinensis》更多詩歌...