《霓裳中序第一 Seduction of order chiefly》《漢宮春(題西山玉隆宮) Spring palace Yu Long title Xishan Temple》《多麗(念念) Chardonnay Obsessed with》《桂枝香(題寫韻軒)》《渡江雲(春江雨宿) Cross the river goes Life jiang yu lodge for the night》《三姝媚(古衛舟。人謂此舟曾載錢塘宮人) 3 shu-mei Zhou Wei Zhou Wei Ci old who had _set_ Qiantang court ladies》《一萼紅 A red calyx》《齊天樂(贈童甕天兵後歸杭) Monkey music Complimentary child urn Imperial troops Hang after return》《阮良歸(閨情)》《八聲甘州(壽張尚書) Bashengganzhou Jiushouzhang Shang Shu》更多詩歌...