《祝英臺(自壽) Lovers Since the life》《酹江月(壽二月初二) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river birthday February First two days》《感皇恩(西湖) affect the emperor's kindness the West Lake》《念奴嬌(遊西湖) Stories of swim the West Lake》《浣溪沙(江陵二車席次為江梅臘梅賦) Huan xisha Jiangling two cars Berth act Jiang mei Japan allspice poetic essay》《生查子 Child health check》《柳梢青(黃梅)》《驀山溪 suddenly coulee》《滿江紅 Azolla》《次袁尚書巫山十二峰二十五韻 Times Yuan Shang shu Mt. Wu, on the Changjiang River by the Three Gorges Troubadour apex Twenty five charm》更多詩歌...