詩歌評論 poetry comment: | 《石林詩話》
| 詩詞: | 《賀新郎 congratulate benedict》 《水調歌頭(濠州觀魚臺作) Shuidiaogetou Hao Zhou fish observatory for》 《水調歌頭(九月望日,與客習射西園,餘偶病不能射) Shuidiaogetou September The 15th day of a lunar month Shooting practice with the customer West park garden I even disease Cannot radio- (chem.)》 《水調歌頭(送八舅朝請) Shuidiaogetou Send eight uncle North Korea requested》 《水調歌頭(湖光亭落成) Shuidiaogetou Lake Pavilion completed》 《水調歌頭(次韻叔父寺丞林德祖和休官詠懷) Shuidiaogetou Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Uncle Si Cheng Lynd Ancestral and Hugh official sing of one's feelings》 《水調歌頭(癸醜中秋) Shuidiaogetou Guichou mid-autumn》 《水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou》 《八聲甘州(壽陽樓八公山作)》 《八聲甘州(正月二日作是歲閏正月十四纔立春) Bashengganzhou The first month of the lunar year On the 2nd for a leap-year-old The first month of the lunar year Myristic acid ability the Beginning of Spring》 更多詩歌... |
字少藴,一作蘇州吳縣或長洲(今江蘇蘇州)人,一作烏程(浙江吳興)人,一作浙江鬆陽人。紹聖四年(1097)進士,授丹徒尉。崇寧初授婺州教授,召為議禮武選編修官,纍遷翰林學士。建炎二年(1128)除戶部尚書,三年遷尚書左丞。紹興間,任江東安撫製置大使,兼知建康府、行宮留守,全力抗金。後隱居湖州卞山石林𠔌,自號石林居士。紹興十八年卒,年七十二。《宋史》有傳。精熟掌故,於《禮記》、《春秋》、《老子》諸書,均有考釋。著有《石林燕語》十捲,《避暑錄話》二捲,《石林詩話》二捲, 《建康集》八捲。《全宋詞》收錄其詞一百零二首。