唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Xu Anzhen
唐代  唐

Poetry《书殿赐宴应制》   《从驾温泉宫》   《Lu sent to Buque Huashan Mountain to record one's achievements by engraving them on a stone tablet (for posterity)》   《Send Danyang cover》   《送王判官》   《Xiangyang Figure title》   《order Check begum lament》   《Feng and Snow Hi write poem according to the emperor's order》   《famous Neighbour Li Zheng》   《Feng and Saint-system Po-chun off early degrees》   More poems...

Read works of Xu Anzhen at 诗海
  Xuan Zhen, first name Chu Bi, Long Hill people. Should give the system a three-year-old registered a Section. Kaiyuan in the book for the middle Scheeren, Mandarin School degree. God is a Man, and more so as the grass. Assistant minister in the book end, and Li Linfu with Allusions. Tempo after the crime to avoid Hengshan mountain temple, Li Yong-sighted, as contained in the North return. Line to Changsha, which claims that keep saying: "Every Xiaoxiang enemies, see if the valley of the sun. Otherwise, the Commission carry on filling cavities." Poetry 11.
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