宋代 List of Authors
He ZhuCai ShenOuyang XiuYang Wanli
Jiang KuiYan ShuQin GuanZhu Shuzhen
Lv BenzhongWang GuanHu QuanLi Congzhou
Liu ChenwengXin QijiWang PangPan Lang
Zhang LinJiang JieZhang XianSong Qi
Liu YongWang ZhiwangZhu ZaoYan Jidao
Zhou BangyanHe ZhuMa ZhuangfuYu Guobao
Mo MingshiLi YuanyingChen LiangGao Guanguo
Shi DazuZhang YanWang AnshiWang Yisun
Liu KezhuangWang YuanliangChou YuanPeng Taiweng
Zhao YanduanAi ShenZhang LunLi Cengba
Zhao GongkeLv NagongWang ZhidaoFang Qianli
Lu ZugaoGe LifangXu ShenMao Pang
Sun GuangxianHan ZhenYang MojiuChao Buzhi
Chao DuanliXu FeiHan YuanjiZhao Ding
Su Zhe
宋代  北宋(1039 AD1112 AD)

poetry comment《诗病五事》
local chronicles《龙川别志》
Historical writings《龙川略志》
Class Four Books《The Analects of Confucius Supplements》
Poetry《Diaoxiaocixiao (surname) suzhou (city) twain gospel》   《调啸词(二之二)》   《Shuidiaogetou Xuzhou mid-autumn》   《Yu jia ao and Disciple keep one's birthday》   《安厚卿枢密母夫人挽词二首》   《安厚卿枢密母夫人挽词二首》   《八玺》   《8 array sand and gravel》   《Stop lifting Peace palace To also home Yingchuan》   《Parthenolide》   More poems...

Read works of Su Zhe at 历史大观
Read works of Su Zhe at 小说之家
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Read works of Su Zhe at 百家争鸣
Read works of Su Zhe at 诗海
  Son by the word, Meishan Meizhou (now Sichuan) people. Jiayou years (1057) and his brother Su Jinshi with the board. Shenzong North Korea, as the system of three Division Regulations in the case of an home. For opposing his reforms, the push for the Henan officials. Zhe, the call for the Secretary of the province of Collator. Yuanyou first year for the right Sagan, Yu Shi Zhongcheng official calendar, the Book You Cheng, Ha assistant minister. Later, because of something disobedient Zhe and Yuan Feng Zhu Chen, a known Yu Chau, then Exile Leizhou resettlement, moving through the state. Huizong Li, resettlement Yongzhou, Yuezhou. After the doctor is too complex, they promise lower home state, Resignation. Ying Bin from No. venerable old. Death, posthumous title Wending. One of the Tang and Song, Xun parent, brother Shi par, collectively known as the Su. For the sake of the text known for. Public poetry, also the word, with a "Luancheng set" 50 volumes, "after Luancheng set" 20 volumes, "Luancheng the series" XXX, "Luancheng Ying Zhao series" 12 volumes.
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