唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Lv Yan
唐代  唐(?874 AD)

Poetry《assume Chung-li Cloud Room》   《献郑思远施真人二仙》   《a procession of lanterns or torches in the flesh swordsmanship》   《Seven》   《Seven》   《In the flesh Row Baling tomb Municipal Procurator Angry Make light of employ Officials in the case of With incrimination In the flesh Poem says》   《I Xianle Yoo》   《Question Tongbaishan Huang Baas An Men》   《Wu Yan》   《Quatrains》   More poems...

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  (About AD 87 after four years of living), a rock-off, the word Lu, River Wing-lok (a cloud Hosaka) people. (For Jingzhao people in Tang Chuan. This from the Quan Tang Shi) annual birth and death unknown, the early break after about Tangxi Zong Qian living. Northern Sung Painting junior section, two tone magistrate. Value of Huang Chao Rebellion, then go fast track to bring home and put tracks between lakes. According to legend, he was in Chang'an wine shop, right from the encounter immortals Chung, then moral, disappeared. This is the famous folk "Pipedream dream" story, many novelists opera house, have to take that the novel, drama theme. Rock the poem, many spread all series for the four volumes Tang, line known to the world.
  Lu Yan (one for rock) is a famous Taoist Five Dynasties Song Dynasty. Shi-Chuan "Eight Immortals" one. No. Shun Yeung child. A name Lu said, a word Lu said. Its in membership, annual birth and death unknown. Song recorded earlier, saying he was "off the Plaza" or "off the right people," saying more consistent after the Yuan Dynasty, was in the river town of Paradise House Hosaka County (now part of Shanxi Ruicheng) people, or Shi-Chuan as Tung Ping (governance in this Dongping) people.
  Dan was on Cultivation Dongbin path within, and photo Zen, self-styled "child learning Confucian industry, long good sex cases, but is abandoned repair Tianjue Jazz, vulgar stubborn air and Gordon vacuum. Tianjue limited to personnel, vacuum separated from fate." Said: "Dan practitioners who, first being the furnace." As Dan furnace, air semen for the drugs, head, ears, mouth, nose for the furnace of the eight, "always stick to the" Do not really hurt inside, "and then in heaven and earth oven, Creator Ding, harmonic medicine, matching yin and yang, manufacturing of air. " That "Shun Tin Road, who often keep their real identity of a Wo Yuan yang qi pure, then sit induced longevity," and that "the five elements of its refining changes to care about it." Stand on the 1st when the year, spring and summer day method, by night fall and winter, "yin and yang movements, running four-sequence," Beginning and Ending day and night practice. Also that "the origin of life, go almost these cities. It to also have one husband of a woman Yan; the go also, there are three men and three women Yan. Chin-nan, Taiwan adopted the yellow tips on the nine palaces, snow on the Twelve Towers erotic collection . water, fire, to the minute gossip; yin yang within the refining to do in Kyushu. So the dragon will be three fields and faint for Qu, 1000 while on tour in Punta island off the ground carry on. the cover 10 to eight Yan: small achievements of the Road 7 , the way into the six, Dacheng Road, five. " Practice when the proposed elimination of Liu Yu from the impassioned set, Xie Xin Qi and set the product of their God. Line after elbow law, that the drug through the sink onto the back to enter the brain, to keep like Dragon and Tiger River car, so that played, but should prevent the kidney into the top of the virtual sun on the stasis caused by heat, and thus should be Chen, Hum, Gen 3 men and Xun, from, against the three women "pitch to open up, sections l deposit, do not pass urgent." Following the line of flight Jin Jing, "a hit three off", straight into the palace. Mixing of both years, such as taking into account too, then spit Yuye refining its shape. There are other payment forms such as liquid mixing method also Dan. The poems, like "a grain in the possession of the world, and 2 l frying pan and cook for mountains and rivers", "children do not drink sea turtle awareness, child ghost burning mountains meet ugly" and so strange lying strange, especially popular. After the Northern Song Dynasty, ancient people cite the name of Lu Tung-pin (or "back to Taoist priest," "back off", "Back to the Hermit," and so on), all kinds of different things OK, so deified deeds filed one after another. Dongbin frantic folk beliefs were. Song Taoist scholars have unfeigned Code "set cents Biography", said Cheng Dao Tang "independent sub-Lu Shun Yeung was force the general public." Tuoming Lv Lu's "autobiography" that called the event Zhongli, Pleioblastus real, get-saver, the Ghost of the Road. "I command the 50-year, first degree on the stove Guo, Zhao Xian Gu second", "Chang Yu Liangzhe, Bianjing, Qiao County. Taste the corner with a white robe, a mole under his right eye, such as human angels, bar headaches. Shi Yan I sell ink, Feijian take a poll, I have heard more than the of. indeed Sanjian: 1 Duanfan Nao, two off greed, lust three broken is my sword too. Shi-Chuan my God, do not If I pass the law; pass the law I do not preach my trip. why is that? man if the counter is armed while shaking hands then, finally not a Road. " Taoist Miao Shan Yuan and when classified as "Shun Yeung Ti deification of magic through Discipline" seven-volume, bringing together 108 of the story. And therefore also for the emperors worshiped Dongbin, Song Xuan, and First Year (1119) Chifeng "magic pass real," Yuanshizhu Emperor Yuan six years (1269) gift, "Shun Yeung speech are warning of Zhenjun," Tai three years (1310 ) sealed to "Shun Yeung speech are warning of Fuyoudijun."
  Legend Dongbin granted the right to pass a Zhongli "Lingbao Bi Law" Section 12, the clock Lvjin Dan Taoism Code. Since the "Nine jade book" roll ("Sung Yi Wen," the record, that "Tao Shu," Volume II of a 16), "elbow the last three chapters for" roll ("The Record Straight fast problem solving," the record that the "Tao Shu," Volume II of a 15. "directly recorded fasting" has the record, "Shun Yeung real saver tactic" volume, that that aspire toward a slightly different). The Dan Tao still scattered "Tao Shu," the "Five Precepts," "of all miracles," "refers to mysterious" and other articles in; poetry, Song Xia Yuanding Code "saver poetry tactic", and Yang Yi said, "the world pass by those 100 I articles "match, some verses cited as Yang Yi, for relying on the less; booklet," Qin Yuan Chun Dan word "Note that several of this. "Orthodox Taoist Scriptures" collected "into a set of Shun Yeung real muddy," compiled by the Yuan Taoist He Zhiyuan, the authenticity of Mixture. "Lu Zu Zhi Yi Wen," added to "knock Yao Song", and other miscellaneous song 10 and more credible. "Lu Kiln Public billet song" though there have been recorded in the "record books straight fast problem solving," However, as much of them, "Fu Cheng Kung" (Bi), "Chang Shang" (Zhang business English), "Zhao senator" ( Zhao Ding) and other names, was Department of the Southern Song Dynasty were fake. "Taoist series to" your signature with the works of Lu, mostly relying on future generations or planchette writing down document. "Lu Zu book" a vast majority of counterfeits.
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