唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Liu Changqing
唐代  唐(?~791 AD)

Poetry《Climbing in Autumn for a View from the Temple on the Terrace of General Wu》   《A Farewell to Governor Li on his Way Home to Hanyang》   《On Seeing Wang Leave for the South》   《While Visiting on the South Stream the Taoist Priest Chang》   《New Year's at Changsha》   《On Leaving Guijiang Again to Xue and Liu》   《On Passing Jia Yi's House in Changsha》   《An Evening View of the City of Youzhou After Coming from Hankou to Parrot Island a Poem Sent to my Friend Governor Yuan》   《On Parting with the Buddhist Pilgrim Ling Che》   《On Hearing a Lute-player》   More poems...

Read works of Liu Changqing at 诗海
  (? ~ 786-791). Word calligraphy. Xuancheng (modern Anhui) who, one for Hejian (modern Hebei) people. Youth in the Songshan study, reign in the Tang Scholars Tempo section. Sukjong D'years to monitor the censor office, the latter for the Cheung Chau Xianyu, events offend, dismissing it as Lingnan Namba Wei. After the time of Jiangxi, and the poet Li Bai, Li Chia □ A poem such dealings. Lantern years (761) returned from Namba, living in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Then Jiangnan Gang Liu, experienced the chaos, have been busy becoming wealthy Wu Jun rundown area depressed. Ji Liu Changqing a poem being to: "Air passengers to every shake off the court, the old thin by Luanli Geographical Distribution." ("Self-appointed official-Jiangxi return to the old") Daizong large calendar years (770) after the successive transfer to judge, to know Huaixi, Yue E after leaving transit. Because of strong character, so offended the E-Yueh Wu Zhong-Ru observed, has been accused of corrupt, and once again dismissed as Mu Zhou (now Zhejiang Chun) Ismail. In the Mu Zhou period, with the then Home Office Zhejiang poets have extensive contacts, such as Li Chia □, Huangfu Ran, Qin system, strict dimension, Chapter 8 yuan and others have poetry reciprocate. Corrections Jianzhong years (781), but also by any Suizhou (now with the County of Hubei) provincial governor. Shi said, "Liu Suizhou." Xing Yuan Dynasty (784) and Zhen Yuan Dynasty (785), the Huaixi Jiedushi Li Xilie separatist king, and the Tang dynasty fighting forces in the area of Hubei, Liu Changqing Suizhou that at this time to leave.
  Liu Changqing has been relegated twice, lived in many times over during the war was, so he made some sentimental life experience, but also reflects the Rebellion depressed after scene of desolation along the Central Plains. Such as "city 100 After the war, Tibetology several residual" ("Mu Ling Guan Yu Yang return to every person the North"), "Birds in the empty city, moved to Old Road Hazel wu" ("free to go to Henan, Henan Yuan Magistrate acts Miao tax full Baiguan Salary "), and" tired soldiers chapter, "" Road to the new interest, "and so desolate melancholy tone, content with the characteristics of the times.
  Liu Changqing Seven Poems by five near the main body, especially workers Wu Yan, self-proclaimed "Wu Yan Great Wall" (Quan "Qinzheng Jun Liu Suizhou school books and sing Preface"). Concise muddy including five laws, in the deep secret of see handsome. Such as "New Year", the "look Dongting Lake in Yueyang Pavilion", "Blue Stream Villas HI with Huangfu Shi Yu's visit," "salt official residences early spring", are crafted for chastening. Qilu also many shows sentence, such as "rain Shiyi not see, Xian Hua floor to listen to the silent" ("Do Shi Yan Yuan"), "Akigusa independent search gone, Hanlin see on oblique air time" ("Guo Jia Yi's home in Changsha" ), has always been passed down through the population. Quatrains, such as "Every snow places Furong Mountain," "the river on the Moon", "free spirit Master Che" Zeyi line drawing to win, interesting charm. Song Zhang Jie "ZhangJie Poetry", said: "Poetic Suizhou degree can not, as the state high Houessou simple means such as the king of Morocco can not interrogate, Meng of victory must, however, its vigor of high supports, gas grid inanimate ... ... 'Great Wall' The project, built not in vain. "But most of his poetry were thin, narrow realm, the lack of change, it could find similar phrases. Chung-Wu, "ZTE set between the gas," comments his Poem "probably 10 already on the semantics slightly different, particularly in down periods, only a narrow sharp thinking also" roughly approximate.
  "New Tang Art and Literature" was recorded in 10 volumes of his collected works, "county, school blog," "The Record Straight fast problem solving," the same. Ding C, according to the "good book room collection Chi", was recorded as "Tang Liu Suizhou poetry," 11, for the next turn of Song, Volume 10 poems, Man Volume 1. Now prevailing, such as "Exploitation in Series" version "Liu Suizhou Collection", "4 series" version "Liu Suizhou Collected Works", all 11 volumes for this. "Full Tang" catalog of 5 volumes of their poetry. See story, "Poetry Chronicle", "Tang Chuan."
  [Dali, a poet Zhen Yuan]
  "Rebellion" just in the past, leaving a trail of fieldwork in depression.
  It was also during this period, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu and other great poet passed away, activities in the calendar year in Tang Tai,
  Tang Dezong Zhenyuan on between poetry, is the younger Liu Changqing, Gu Yingwu and is known as "Frontier Fortress"
  A group of poets. Most of them are in the Tang Dynasty rich romantic time spent youth, but also have witnessed the security
  History of the disorder and the deterioration of depression after the war. "Every young, wild, when the level of a dream. Liyuan several people, should tear infinite"
  (Rong Yu, "August 15"), "white hair Zhuangxin dead, unhappy to see the country walking. Guanshan miserable colorless, suddenly startled from my dear"
  (The money to "avoid driving Luen Do Hanyun Qing Di-year-old sent") rise and fall times caused by changes in their heart, a strong loss
  Sense to make them feel extra pain. On the one hand, the accession to the WTO in the Tang Dynasty develop enthusiasm and serve our community to save the traditional literati
  People thought, the right to remove bits of Kaiyuan, Tianbao Saatchi's remember the feeling, so that they remain concerned about the community from time to time, trying to
  Save the society to realize their aspirations and ideals.
  As Yingwu "Send Chang as" the "husband as for the country, to defeat the enemy, such as destroy mountains. Why do state capital, so that gray hair sitting spot"
  Money from the "mind control to send Fu went to the Shu Army" and "with it Longquan Jian Qin Jun, Mo State Shien true to myself," have demonstrated that mood.
  When their hearts are not to burst out of some passion and pride, as Jung Yu "on Hunan Cuizhong Cheng" and "daughter may not be able to
  Transfer of, a promise never promise to kill themselves, "the money to" join the army to send Cui school books "and" Yu Jian Wei Ning reported confidant, more Long Tao Zuo division
  Law "and so on, fall into this category. But on the other hand, spared the painful reality and the concept of scholar-officials, and sexual weakness
  Lattice, but also to the poet in pain I turned to themselves, their so-called "sick to open Scriptures, made even more silent forget the heart" (money from
  "Tanglin Medic Send Zhangdao Shi"), "Mowen career matters should only be holding rod" (Lang Sze, "Chang Sun enemies")
  They all hope that this confusion of this world looking for a quiet green space, in the disappointment of mind to find a new psychological level
  The period after the one hand, the mainstream literati thought, therefore, Buddhist and Taoist teaching of two will be Increasingly, poetry
  Hearts deepen. As the "New Book of Tang Chi Five Elements," said Tempo after the disability most people was shown on the lakes Sengsi. Because
  As Buddhism and Taoism are the two special education at this time to promote a clean, elegant, fun and far from being indifferent to earthly life, Jie
  Body from the good, healthy aging attitude towards life, and the quiet temple to be located in the deep mountain environment, all
  Scholars agree on the desire to escape this world at this time trouble of mind. So Yingwu said he was "indifferent to the water channels Cardiac Health
  Air-closing doors do Xiao Shu "(" resident on the Chiu Feng Zhang 2 Scheeren send in "), Gu said that they are" savages of the self not to do
  Name, For the mountains for Life "(" title Mingxia Taiwan "), GENG Wei also said that" we would like to Buddhism, the self-cultivation, gesticulate Dragon "
  ("Late autumn places outside the temple Pei member"). This era of fashion and life but also affect the taste of their aesthetic taste. Dali,
  Zhen Yuan period, the number of poems have demonstrated an aesthetic commonality with the trend, that is, by describing the natural landscape
  Quiet, You Yuan, cold and even desolate lament of performance on the life and personal inner melancholy.
  Liu Changqing (? - About 790) the word calligraphy, Prefecture Hejian (modern Hebei), place of origin Xuancheng (now part of Anhui Province).
  Scholars and third order after the former sea salt, but soon Demotion to Namba (now Guangdong Province), North return, he served as censor to monitor, review
  School Cibu Yuan Wailang the rank, but soon again be framed bribes, and then demoted Muzhou Ismail, until it either when Suizhou Corrections
  Provincial governor. According to Dynasty and the "free government banished Namba Cheung Chau Shao Hongzhou order to dispatch to stay," said Geng Zhi Liu Changqing character proud, so
  Often Wu Bang, repeated relegation, life experience frustrations. Have "Liu Suizhou set."
  It may be rough because of life experience, his poetry often reveals a painful and hesitant, like "Thanks for the Memories," written by "Melancholy of
  Pu Yi to see life, dreams Evocation Reading Chu Ci ";
  Fallen for the same writer Han Yi, his feelings often suffered the same fate, and often lead to self-condition, such as
  "The Crimson old more by age, JIA Sheng anything for another three years" ("calendar-year-old growing new doctor because of send all official PEI"), "nobody Jiang
  Shaking down the hill Department, pity Jun anything for the End of the World "(" Guo Jia Yi Changsha home ") and so on. At the same time, he witnessed the Rebellion ago
  Changes after the rise and fall of society, heart and therefore left a deep pain, in his "Ancient Korea to states hurt by the settlement did not apply" in
  Wrote: "Waste Shu Shan smoke out wildfires in abandoned fields line." "Every Muslim who go north Ling Guan Yu Yang," also wrote: "Everywhere basil
  Times, people Yan Lei go look. "In particular, was later known as" Tang Miao sing "and" elder brother return to Li Xiang Deng recorded matter "in a poem,
  He has also given away by the occasion, wrote down a bitter poem:
  Difficult and the king with more than a decade, several shift-by-turn Pont family. Meet the first white expedition, the youth is past Luanli in. Pedestrian 杳杳
  View West York, owned by Malaysia to the north wind rustling. Han Chu Yun million, the End of the World Do not hate the infinite.
  Personal life experience rough times with the pain of turmoil, so Liu Changqing often caught in a depressed mood for. He
  Society can not find the hope of self-ideal, it can only be sad Yin own misfortune, and describe the melancholy of life; in his
  Poems, sigh Love died young, the old man and white people everywhere sentence. This depression has made him turned around Buddhism,
  Expect to obtain Buddhist realm of spiritual comfort. He and the famous monk Ran, Ling Che deep contacts in these poems
  Monks sing the poetry of entertainment, he has repeatedly said the three "unexpectedly Xu forest habitat, the first white-Gan Weng" ("Teng
  Si temple at the top of tall bamboo Maolin question ")," is now becoming For Wong-fat, would like to head off crown and white clouds "(" Che Kung Ling reward phase
  Strokes "). Therefore, his poems scattered overflow of youthful vigor and life is not warm, not far held hold high momentum, but
  A kind of sad dismal failure Sa. He has a "bird articles on Pei Yin," is available, and Li Bai's "Ode on Roc" and compared to
  More of the poem to the birds from the state, said:
  Barriers bird how little space in this elegant fly sick. Since only the edge of six-he does not cause long may Guyun unwanted. ... ... Independent
  Although light passerine group, Lonely Eagle Zhan also fear stroke. Pity the sky Wun Road, lifting melancholy twilight shadow hovering alone.
  Here has long lost its spirit soared nine miles of the Mirs, the rest is filled with despair and pain of a weak
  Little creatures of the lament. Although his poems often appear calm and washed away, indifferent to the quiet mood, but hides behind its
  Actual loss and the heart is still a loss, and thus his poetry often Kansui, sunset, snowy night, Deserted and other image and nobody,
  Yao Yao, little out of practice and other words to render the bleak panorama of the feelings of sorrow and sadness. So, Ming Hu Ying-lin "Poetry Tau" repeatedly
  Compared with Liu and Qian, saying their poem "air-bone Dayton decline."
  However, Liu Changqing skills in writing poetry, there are still unique. The cause, ideal, but disappointed the community
  Him close to the natural scenery of the landscape have a more detailed observation and experience content on the performance of these language skills are
  More accurate and sophisticated understanding of many of his works so great artistic charm of the Psalms. Such as the five unique in the "free spirit
  Master Che ":
  Gray Chikurinji, Yao Yao late bell. Dutch enterprises with the setting sun, Castle Peak alone go far.
  Write to elegant Apprehension, in the poem appear to be normal in more than contain the endless views. Another example is "Every snow Fu Yung Shan main places
  People ":
  Nightfall Cangshan far, the profile for the White House the poor. Chapman heard bark, 风雪夜归人.
  20 words in color, voice, seamless natural landscape, very succinctly outlines a Deserted Snow Hell on Frisco Bay
  Pictures, and express a non-landed in a confused and melancholy feelings. Italy stream of consistent and have a change, time from nightfall
  The night, space from the mountains, close to housing, the door to door, 20 words were arranged not only sophisticated hatchet chop the mark. He
  Have themselves as "Wu Yan Great Wall" (see Quan "Qin Liu sing poetry sequence"), indeed, he had never written a lot of Wu Yan Law
  Very good. He paid great attention to temper the words, especially good at capturing the natural delicate appropriate image, and select the rich colors
  Voice effect them Lianzhui Cheng verb or adjective phrase or a conjunction, so many of his poems are phrases made, such as "Cangshan
  Implicit twilight snow, white bird not cold "(" title Weiwan Cheng Jiang Pavilion ")," of the mountain sun shines in, hard rock light turbulence "(" is owned by
  Mu Zhou seven years to make an Beach "); He also put down good image of the line between the conjunction, so that direct patching to win more
  Lenovo space, such as "cold Example of a Lone Wild Goose, sunset 10 million Mountain" ("Autumn Pavilion Jiang-end have to make") "random sound sand Agariishi, reflection
  Cloud Tree "(" Notes on Hunan, "the 10" Wang Lung transition "), in the language of the refining and images and Autumn, the quite some South
  Korean Names, Xie Tiao's taste.
  However, many of the poems Liu Changqing read together, will find repetitive defects, as the Tang Gaozhong
  Wu, "ZTE set between the air" by critics as:
  "Probably 10 or more, with a little semantic." Such as "silver hair", "Sunset" image like "blue", "white"
  Like color, are common. This is not just a "sharp thinking only narrow" (Chung-Wu Language) issues, but more is
  In life is much too narrow, not broaden the sake of perspective.
  Poetry with similar Liu Changqing, is known as "Frontier Fortress" a group of poets. The so-called "Frontier Fortress"
  As everyone different, more reliable, is "New Tang Lu Guan Chuan," said 10 people ①, the money, the Lu Guan, Ji Zhongfu,
  Han Hong, Sikong Shu, Miao hair, Cui Cave, GENG Wei, Jaap de Hoop trial, Li Duan. Here, we coupled Lang Sze, Huangfu
  Ran and Huang have, treat them as Dali, Zhenyuan similar between poetry come together to introduce school of poets.
  ① On the Frontier Fortress modern people, mostly Chinese Yao "Jixuan" Note for the first set. However preserved the original appearance of this book
  Learn the ancient Court did not note the film Song note, Tongxing Ben's Note language actually added by later generations.
  Overall, these poets have two major characteristics. First, compare the contents of a single, mostly by natural landscape table
  Is personal inner feelings. Although they have written a number of gas cells heroic, strength of character Emotion poems (such as Han Hong, "free to go to Sun splash
  Cloud ", the money from the" mind control going to send Fu Shu Army, "Lu Guan" and under the Chang Pu She Cypriot song, "etc.) but do not have their own
  True to the frontier army, Zhang Jian Horses, but like the Zen to visit Road, in the natural landscape in search of peace of mind, so that pain
  Bitter ablation. Therefore, their emotional tone poem is a deep, sad, and only rarely burst out ahead of courage, but also
  Not a desperate call sign. They are used in finding the quiet landscape river rock, Tian He atmosphere to express themselves heart
  Environment, such as "wild bamboo through the cold river, autumn spring-home-ming" (money from "places the hole Hall"), "cloud tree Mo Chu Shan, Sha Ding White Dew
  Deep "(Lang Sze," free long-Sha Weiming House ")," according to Gu Deng cold rain, wet bamboo floating dark smoke "(Si Kongshu" Yunyang Museum and
  Han Shen Su Do ")," mountain evening clouds snow, according to Ting Hanyue Cream "(Huangfu Ran," the right way to send the three brothers ") and so on, the
  Write a quiet kind of deep feeling, and poems hold high and wide clear weather has been quite different. Second, the arts
  There is a to the Six Dynasties (especially in the second DR) poetry return to trend. Most of these poets praised Xie Lingyun Xie Tiao, in
  Their poems often have such, such as "Hibiscus cleared dew, like poetry than thank the public" (money from the "Feng and Wang Xiang Gong Qiu
  Xi Zeng per school day book ")," ready to Cifu customer may Xing Xie deep "(Lu Guan" title Li Yuan Lin Yuan ")," Monarch to the new
  Park Forest estuary, a poem should reward Xiexuan Hui "(Han Hong," see a visitor also Koto ")," If the mountain for King Pavilion, who dare to
  Xie Xuanhui "(GENG Wei," observed Geoffrey Lee nymphs rain prayer ") and so on. They hold in esteem the second Xie, because those two poems describe Xie
  Write a beautiful natural landscape of the sentence Elegant, sophisticated and elegant, and they learn the second Xie, also is in the form of words in the modification and
  The fine. Such as through careful selection of images associated suffix meaning between verbs and adjectives (the "Poetry eyes"), to poetry
  Full color images, sound and even feel the temperature, and consistent with the psychological perception, contrast the atmosphere of the whole sentence, like
  "Cicadas Static Space Museum, the rain fall color across the original" (Lang Sze, "Supplements to go and give money sent Liu School Book"), "according to Gu Deng cold rain
  Floating bamboo wet dark smoke "(Si Kongshu" Yunyang Museum and other places in South Korea gentry ")," static "," separated "," cold "," dark "are
  Excellent used without deep experience and observation of fine is not enough; some lines are purely nominal image mosaic,
  Tied to the landscape in front of the reader, the reader combination, which makes the intrinsic poetry of space to expand the capacity and associations, such as
  Si Kongshu "Hi brother Lulun see foreign places" in the famous "yellow leaves rain tree, lamp bald man", it is very artistic appeal.
  But this finicky form of text, but also thin and bring the contents of the poem a sense of a lack of overall defects, so that their
  Poetry in particular, and good at their favorite of five laws, often in conjunction sum of two rough boring, the middle two together though exquisiteness, but
  And up and down does not seem to matter much.
  (History of Chinese Literature, Pei Luo Yu, youth sweep school)
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