秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong Yu
Bei Feng
秦代  诗经·国风

Poetry《Bo Zhou》   《Lv Yi》   《Yan Yan》   《Ri Yue》   《Zhong Feng》   《Ji Gu》   《Kai Feng》   《Xiong Zhi》   《Pao You Ku Ye》   《Gu Feng》   More poems...

Read works of Bei Feng at 诗海
  State who the domain Uncooperative the seal, and the wind are, folk songs of the poems. That the wind who was on the of their to have words, but his words are capable of moving, such as moving objects with the Wind to sound, and its sound and sufficient to animals. Uncooperative adopted by the emperor as tribute to the emperor by the officer while out on the music, in order to test the beauty of their customs are still evil, and know these gains and losses politics Yan. Old South is positive that the second wind, so, of the Inner Door Hsiang-tang Bangguo and of the people. 13 States to change the wind, then also led officials in the music to exist when the spin-off, prepare concept province and vertical monitoring Rong ears of all 15 countries combined cloud.
  Bei Feng (The Odes of Bei)
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