巴西 List of Authors
Alberto de OliveiraManuel BandeiraPericles da Silva Ramos
Vinicius de MoraesJoao Cabral de Melo NetoLêdo Ivo
塞西利亚梅 reyles
Lêdo Ivo
巴西  (1924 AD)

Poetry《Keliante Lady courtyard》   《gloomy sestet》   

Read works of Lêdo Ivo at 诗海
  Major collection of poems are "imaginary set" (1044), "Song Poems and Lamentations" (1945), "Sonnet big event" (1948), "Hymn" (1949), "Language" (1951), "a Brazilian in Paris "(1951)," Magic "(1960)," Central Station "(1964)," Sea
  The Ya "(1972)," Lights "(1976) and so on.
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