法国 List of Authors
杜洛 dosFrancois VillonJoachim du BellayPierre Corneille
Victor HugoCharles BaudelaireStephane MallarmePaul-Marie Veriaine
Comte de LautréamontArthur RimbaudRemy de GourmontPaul-Jean Toulet
Francis JammesLéon-Paul FarguePaul ClaudelPaul Valery
Charles PeguyJules SupervielleAndré BretonPaul Eluard
Guillaume ApollinaireJacques PrévertLouis AragonPaul Fort
Henri MichauxJosé Maria de HerediaAntonin ArtaudPierre Reverdy
Saint-John PerseSully PrudhommeRené CharYvan Goll
Alain BosquetYves BonnefoyAndré Paul Guillaume GideAlfred de Musset
Frédéric Mistral
Léon-Paul Fargue
法国 法兰西第四共和国  (March 4, 1876 ADNovember 24, 1947 AD)
Tomb: 蒙帕纳斯公墓


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Léon-Paul Fargue (March 4, 1876 - November 24, 1947) was a French poet and essayist.

He was born in Paris, France. As a poet he was noted for his poetry of atmosphere and detail. His work spanned numerous literary movements. Before he reached 19 years of age, Fargue had already published in L'Art littéraire in 1894 and his important poem Tancrède appeared in the magazine Pan in 1895.

As an opponent of the surrealists, he became a member of the Symbolist poetry circle connected with Le Mercure de France.

He was also a poet of Paris, and later in his career he published two books about the city, D'après Paris (1931) and Le piéton de Paris (1939).

He published a book of recollections about his friend, the composer Ravel. He was a member of the Apaches and remained a lifelong friend of Ravel. One of his poems, "Rêves", was set to music by Ravel in 1927.

He died in 1947 in Paris and is buried in the Cimetière du Montparnasse.

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