秦代 都人士之什 Dou Renshizhishen  秦代  
yī shǒu yī yè

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
   rén shì qiú huáng huáng róng gǎichū yán yòu zhāngxíng guī zhōuwàn mín suǒ wàng
   rén shìtái cuō jūn chóu zhí jiàn xīn shuō
   rén shìchōng 'ěr xiù shí jūn wèi zhī yǐn jiàn xīn yuàn jié
   rén shìchuí dài 'ér jūn juǎnfà chài jiàn yán cóng zhī mài
   fěi chuí zhīdài yòu fěi juàn zhī yòu jiàn yún

  Those officers of the [old] capital,
  With their fox-furs so yellow,
  Their deportment unvaryingly [correct],
  And their speech full of elegance! --
  If we could go back to [the old] Zhou,
  They would be admiringly looked up by all the people.
  Those officers of the [old] capital,
  With their hats of Tai leaves and small black caps! --
  Those ladies of noble Houses.
  With their hair so thick and straight! --
  I do not see them [now],
  And my heart is dissatisfied.
  Those officers of the [old] capital,
  With their ear-plugs of xiu-stones! --
  Those ladies of noble Houses,
  Each fit to be called a Yin or a Ji! --
  I do not see them [now],
  And my heart grieves with indissoluble sorrow.
  Those officers of the [old] capital,
  With their girdles hanging elegantly down! --
  Those ladies of great Houses,
  With their [side] hair curving up like a scorpion's tail! --
  I do not see them [now],
  [If I could], I would walk along after them.
  Not that they purposely let their girdles hang down; --
  The girdles were naturally long.
  Not that they gave their hair that curve; --
  The hair had a natural curl.
  I do not see them [now],
  And how do I long for them!

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  zhōng cháo cǎilù yíng yán guī
   zhōng cháo cǎi lán yíng chān wéi liù zhān
   zhī shòuyán chàng gōngzhī diàoyán guān zhī shéng
   diào wéi wéi fáng wéi fáng yán guān zhě

  All the morning I gather the king-grass,
  And do not collect enough to fill my hands.
  My hair is in a wisp; --
  I will go home and wash it.
  All the morning I gather the indigo plant,
  And do not collect enough to fill my apron.
  Five days was the time agreed on; --
  It is the sixth, and I do not see him.
  When he went a hunting,
  I put the bow in its case for him.
  When he went to fish,
  I arranged his line for him.
  What did he take in angling?
  Bream and tench; --
  Bream and tench,
  While people [looked on] to see.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  péng péng shǔ miáoyīn gāo zhīyōu yōu nán xíngzhào láo zhī
   rèn niǎn chē niú xíng gài yún guī zāi
   shī xíng gài yún guī chù
   xiè gōngzhào yíng zhīliè liè zhēng shīzhào chéng zhī
   yuán píngquán liú qīngzhào yòu chéngwáng xīn níng

  Tall and strong grows the young millet,
  Fattened by the genial rains.
  Very long was our journey to the south,
  But the earl of Zhou encouraged and cheered us.
  We carried our burdens; we pushed along our barrows;
  We drove our waggons; we led our oxen.
  When our expedition was accomplished,
  We knew we should return.
  We went along on foot; we rode in our chariots; --
  Our whole host, and our battalions.
  When our expedition was accomplished,
  We knew we should return home.
  Severe was the work at Su,
  But the earl of Zhou built the city.
  Majestic was the march of our host; --
  The earl of Zhou directed it.
  The plains and low lands were regulated; --
  The springs and streams were cleared.
  The earl of Zhou completed his work,
  And the heart of the king was at rest.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
   sāng yòu 'ā yòu nán jiàn jūn
   sāng yòu 'ā yòu jiàn jūn yún
   sāng yòu 'ā yòu yōu jiàn jūn yīn kǒng jiāo
   xīn 'ài xiá wèi zhōng xīn cáng zhī wàng zhī

  In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
  And their leaves are luxuriant.
  When I see the princely men,
  How great is the pleasure!
  In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
  And their leaves are glossy.
  When I see the princely men,
  How can I be other than glad?
  In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
  And their leaves are dark.
  When I see the princely men,
  Their virtuous fame draws them close [to my heart].
  In my heart I love them,
  And why should I not say so?
  In the core of my heart I keep them,
  And never will forget them.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  bái huá jiān bái máo shù zhī zhī yuǎn
   yīng yīng bái yún jiān máotiān jiān nánzhī yóu
   biāo chí běi liújìn dào tiánxiào shāng huáiniàn shuò rén
   qiáo sāng xīnáng hōng chénwéi shuò rénshí láo xīn
   zhōng gōngshēng wén wàiniàn cǎo shì mài mài
   yòu qiū zài liángyòu zài línwéi shuò rénshí láo xīn
   yuān yāng zài liáng zuǒ zhī liángèr sān
   yòu biǎn shí zhī bēi zhī zhī yuǎn

  The fibres from the white flowered rush,
  Are bound with the white grass.
  This man's sending me away,
  Makes me dwell solitary.
  The light and brilliant clouds,
  Bedew the rush and the grass.
  The way of Heaven is hard and difficult; --
  This man does nto confirm [to good principle].
  How the water from the pools flows away to north,
  Flooding the rice fields!
  I whistle and sing with wounded heart,
  Thinking of that great man.
  They gather firewood of branches of the mulberry trees,
  And I burn them [only] in a [small] furnace.
  That great man,
  Does indeed toil and trouble my heart.
  Their drums and bells are beaten in the palace,
  And their sound is heard without.
  All-sorrowful I think of him; --
  He thinks of me without any regard.
  The marabou is on the dam;
  The [common] crane is in the forest.
  That great man,
  Does indeed toil and trouble my heart.
  The Yellow ducks are on the dams,
  With their left wings gathered up.
  That man is bad,
  Ever varying in his conduct.
  How thin is that slab of stone!
  He that stands on it is low.
  That man's sending me away,
  Makes me full of affliction.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  mián mán huáng niǎozhǐ qiū 'ādào zhī yún yuǎn láo yǐn zhī shí zhījiào zhī huì zhīmìng hòu chēwèi zhī zài zhī
   mián mán huáng niǎozhǐ qiū gǎn xíngwèi néng yǐn zhī shí zhījiào zhī huì zhīmìng hòu chēwèi zhī zài zhī
   mián mán huáng niǎozhǐ qiū gǎn xíngwèi néng yǐn zhī shí zhījiào zhī huì zhīmìng hòu chēwèi zhī zài zhī

  There is that little oriole,
  Resting on a bend of the mound.
  The way is distant,
  And I am very much wearied.
  Give me drink, give me food;
  Inform me, teach me;
  Order one of the attending carriages,
  And tell them to carry me.
  There is that little oriole,
  Resting on a corner of the mound.
  It is not that I dare to shrink from the journey,
  But I am afraid of not being able to go on.
  Give me drink, give me food;
  Inform me, teach me;
  Order one of the attending carriages,
  And tell them to carry me.
  There is that little oriole,
  Resting on the side of the mound.
  It is not that I dare to shrink from the journey,
  But I am afraid of not getting to the end of it.
  Give me drink, give me food;
  Inform me, teach me;
  Order one of the attending carriages,
  And tell them to carry me.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  fān fān cǎi zhī hēng zhījūn yòu jiǔzhuó yán cháng zhī
   yòu shǒupáozhī fán zhījūn yòu jiǔzhuó yán xiàn zhī
   yòu shǒufán zhī zhì zhījūn yòu jiǔzhuó yán zhī
   yòu shǒufán zhī páozhījūn yòu jiǔzhuó yán chóu zhī

  Of the gourd leaves, waving about,
  Some are taken and boiled;
  [Then] the superior man, from his spirits,
  Pours out a cup, and tastes it.
  There is but a single rabbit,
  Baked, or roasted.
  [But] the superior man, from his spirits,
  Fills the cup and presents it [to his guests].
  There is but a single rabbit,
  Roasted, or broiled.
  [But] from the spirits of the superior man,
  [His guests] fill the cup, and present it to him.
  There is but a single rabbit,
  Roasted, or baked.
  [But] from the spirits of the superior man,
  [His guests and he] fill the cup and pledge one another.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  jiàn jiàn zhī shíwéi gāo shān chuān yōu yuǎnwéi láo rén dōng zhēng huáng cháo
   jiàn jiàn zhī shíwéi shān chuān yōu yuǎn méi rén dōng zhēng huáng chū
   yòu shǐ bái zhēng shè yuè pāng tuó rén dōng zhēng huáng

  Those frowning rocks, --
  How high they rise!
  Over such a distance of hills and streams,
  How toilsome is the march!
  The warrior, in charge of the expedition to the east,
  Has not a morning's leisure.
  Those frowning rocks, --
  How they crown the heights!
  Over such a distance of hills and streams,
  When shall we have completed our march?
  The warrior, in charge of the expedition to the east,
  Has no leisure [to think] how he wll withdraw.
  There are swine, with their legs white,
  All wading through streams.
  The moon also is in the Hyades,
  Which will bring still greater rain.
  The warrior, in charge of the expedition to the east,
  Has no leisure [to think] of anything but this.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
  sháo zhī huáyún huáng xīn zhī yōu wéi shāng
   sháo zhī huá qīng qīngzhī shēng
   zāng yáng fén shǒusān xīng zài liǔrén shíxiān bǎo

  The flowers of the bignonia,
  Are of a deep yellow.
  My heart is sad;
  I feel its wound.
  The flowers of the bignonia [are gone],
  [There are only] its leaves all-green.
  If I had known it would be thus with me,
  I had better not have been born.
  The ewes have large heads;
  The Three stars are [seen] in the fish-trap.
  If some men can get enough to eat,
  Few can get their fill.

rén shì zhī shí Dou Renshizhishen
   cǎo huáng xíng rén jiāngjīng yíng fāng
   cǎo xuán rén jīnāi zhēng wéi fěi mín
   fěi fěi shuài kuàng āi zhēng zhāoxī xiá
   yòu péng zhě shuài yōu cǎoyòu zhàn zhī chēxíng zhōu dào

  Every plant is yellow;
  Every day we march.
  Every man is moving about,
  Doing service in some quarter of the kingdom.
  Every plant is purple;
  Every man is torn from his wife.
  Alas for us employed on these expeditions!
  How are we alone dealt with as if we were not men?
  We are not rhinoceroses, we are not tigers,
  To be kept in these desolate wilds.
  Alas for us employed on these expeditions!
  Morning and night we have no leisure.
  The long-tailed foxes,
  May keep among the dark grass.
  And our box-carts,
  Keep moving along the great roads.
rén shì
shǔ miáo
bái huá
mián mán
jiàn jiàn zhī shí
sháo zhī huá
cǎo huáng