元代 郑廷玉 Zheng Tingyu  元代  
One poem at a time

Zheng Tingyu
  [仙吕端正好] 斩了贼臣,封了兄弟,新安治楚国华夷。若是子胥雪恨亡了先帝,怕来时节我当屈斩了功臣罪。
  [仙吕点绛唇] 怕楚国难安,子胥质辨,直言谏。早被乱言间,谗臣谮,忠臣叛。
  [混江龙] 兴亡有恨,二人发愿一席间。子胥胜天翻地乱,包胥胜国泰民安。若是子胥船临□□□,多成多败,非易非难。一龙离水,二虎交山。只为君臣争气,将相分颜。九间大殿,百尺高竿,我则是侧身撒手遭涂炭。怕的城荒国破,常子是胆战心寒。
  [油葫芦] 屈斩了功臣血未乾,天好还,梦中惊觉两三番。日西沉朝退群臣散,月东生烛灭深宫晚,渐将御酒尝,恰将御膳餐。夜深沈困卧才合眼,惊恐睡难安。
  [天下乐] 子见铁甲将军夜过关。非干,不奈烦,他将斩父恨处心将天下反。子为咱兵将少,以此上心胆寒,怎敢将他一例看。
  [哪吒令] 咱端坐在常朝殿九间,列着忠直臣两班。听说了临潼会一番,那里取这般忠孝人,英雄汉,顿剑摇环。
  [鹊踏枝] 秦姬辇怎敢为头?百里奚不敢邀拦。扯住秦皇,直交他送出潼关。交十二国诸侯每现眼,唬的四百员文武无颜。
  [寄生草] 无祥女颜如玉,楚平王倾江山。当时则有谗臣反,临危越把忠臣慢,出师不听忠臣谏。谁当敌借吴兵雪恨伍将军,子索告抱成王摄政周公旦。
  [ㄠ篇] 卿呵!你常想归期急,休辞惮去路难。止不过船横古渡垂杨岸,路逢庾岭滩头涧,小可如军骑羸马连云栈。你休辞惮山高水远路三千,我等你锦衣绣? 军十万。
  [金盏儿] 你道一个月借军还,我道三十日却得身安。信着寡人心嫌晚,早违了初限,借秦兵登陌路,从日出至夜将阑。为甚早交贤臣还楚国,子怕虎将过昭关。我委实当不的八面威,你休辞惮五更寒。
  [赚煞] 你去后我夜忧到明,明忧到晚。若是秦穆公将卿傲慢,你子是必曲着脊躬着身将火性减,善取奏你休冒渎天颜。那其间,借的金鼓旗幡,你那洗尘酒开怀如送路盏。可为军民不安,朝廷有难,你卿呵,休别时容易见时难!
  [越调斗鹌鹑] 他为那兄父竟萦心,借吴兵应口。离楚国青春,过昭关皓首。柳盗跖为先锋,孙武子为师首,恶噷噷,雄纠纠,早是状貌威严,可更精神抖擞。
  [紫花儿序] 将他乾坤忠孝,盖世英雄,来报那杀父母冤仇。俺弟兄每舍弃,将您子母收留。你好优游,兀的是几处笙歌几处愁?你好不焦死,储君皇后!你御宴上开怀,杀场上鉆头。
  [小桃红] 眼前烦恼腹中愁,泪落在盃中酒。痛泪偷掩锦袍袖,死临头,便道锦封未拆香先透。准备着截舌豁口,剐皮割肉,休想一醉解千愁!
  [凭栏人] 你道帘懒卷空垂玉控钩,风送兵尘满画楼。俺残生顷刻休,你逃生疾快走。
  [寨儿令] 你道腰胜柳,袜如钩,亡家败国有甚羞?身似海底沉舟,命似水上浮沤,抵多少风雨替花愁!急煎煎不敢抬头,意迟迟争忍凝眸。口不做声儿哭,泪不做点儿流。不自由,怕心去意难留。
  [调笑令] 他每是,有些父兄仇,可敢一日无常万事休。恨心不舍鞭屍首,抵三千个武王伐纣。打的皮开肉绽碎了骨头,兀的是和后怎生干休。
  [雪里梅] 俺不曾创盖摘星楼,又不曾烽火戏诸侯。把俺祖宗凌持,欺负儿孙每软弱,倚着他军权在手。
  [紫花儿序] 伍子胥除天可害,楚昭王无地逃生,申包胥有国难投。百里奚你可甚当权积行,秦穆公却甚纳谏如流。你好优游,百万貅,手段似天力扯牛,眼睁睁的见死不救。望人急偎亲,颠倒火上浇油。
  [秃廝儿] 马到处敌军乱走,枪举处鲜血交流,是他偏爱杀伐争战斗。君臣意不相投,难休。
  [圣药王] 他枪似? ,马似彪,五六行地下滚死人头。咱见阵休,一鼓收,片时间血溅了凤凰楼。休想分破帝王忧!
  [麻郎儿] 你叔侄每免忧,俺夫妇每承头。俺把你残生搭救,你抱机关休泄漏。
  [ㄠ篇] 俺两口、死后、了休,子怕一家儿泼水难收。四口儿都遭机彀,几辈儿君王绝后。
  [络丝娘] 救你叔侄命则合藏舌闭口,讲甚君臣礼诚惶顿首!子怕扶侍君王不到头,寡人依卿所奏。
  [收尾] 将文班武职难收救,最系的是嫡亲四口。他来呵眼见的去前殿后宫里搜,子索向深山大林里走。
  [中吕粉蝶儿] 一勇征夫,临潼会你为盟府。凭着一管笔三尺锟鋙,你救了姬光,伏了秦帝,不合剑吓他无祥公主。子落雁沉鱼,乱了君臣,间别了子父。
  [醉春风] 是你送了正直臣,是你昏俺明圣主。自从盘古到如今,数,数。不曾见篡君王江山。弑君王性命,揭君王坟墓。
  [迎仙客] 吴邦助着子胥,楚国陷了包胥。乱杀弟兄,慌杀子母。急煎煎死临头,眼睁睁活受苦。后面闹吵吵军卒,前面翻滚滚野水无人渡。
  [红绣鞋] 不得已央及渔夫。那里问不分世事指斥銮舆,十数载君臣一乡闾。能可长江中亡了性命,也强如短剑下碎了身躯。怎下的眼睁睁不救主!
  [石榴花] 见云涛烟浪接天隅,这的是云梦山洞庭湖。那廝大惊小怪老村夫,叫苦,唬的我魄散魂无。他道亲的身安疏的交命卒。四口儿都是亲那个疏?自犹豫,怎割情肠,难分手足。
  [普天乐] 亲的身安,疏的休疑虑。疏的休辞性命,亲的不放衣服。对面观,排头觑,这个那个相牵情肠肚。难分生死怎辨亲疏?你有留人诏书,你有免死赦书,你又有义断休书!
  [上小楼] 我交你名传万古,那里有相随百步?我交他替了御榻,逃了吾当,救了皇族。望老祖,善儿女,从新革故。交后人说楚平王家有义夫节妇。
  [ㄠ篇] 咱两个亲子父,我和他一父母。他和我近,我和他亲,你比他疏。交去水府,往地狱,儿寻娘去!能可交我无儿,怎肯交你先绝户?
  [满庭芳] 哀哉子母,古今稀有,前后俱无。是孝子真贤妇,枉祭了群鱼。儿呵,你舍命投江救主,妻呵,你抵多少出嫁从夫!知名目,瞽叟堂中生舜主,尧王殿下长丹朱。
  [耍孩儿] 怕不待相随相从相将去,子怕逢虎将无人祭祖。各分路逃生,两下里祷告青虚。你心肝厚休逢柳盗跖,我屍首完休撞着伍子胥。无拨济谁相助?我弟兄每时乖在咫尺,运拙在须臾。
  [三煞] 或是道家菴观藏,或是僧家寺院里居,者莫农家鹦鹉洲边住。吴邦军至听着号令,秦国兵来等着诏书。今年天之禄。子胥退去灾为福,包胥至复旧如初。
  [二煞] 弟兄每有限生,别离无限苦。两下里欲去回头觑。睁着眼刀刃心头搅,倒不如咬着牙仇人剑下诛。哭一声行一步,弟兄情气吁昏日月,子母恨泪洒满江湖。
  [尾] 这的是等人天易得久,秦穆公真个丑。九间大殿交人住,和俺那七代先灵做不得主。
  [双调新水令] 包胥忠孝子胥知,听得借将军来引军先退。借军的重扶的楚国安,报仇的齐和凯歌回。名姓与天齐,忠孝两完备。
  [驻马听] 子胥无敌,雪恨鞭屍惹是非;包胥有智,借兵救主定华夷。想过昭关八面虎狼威,怎如哭秦庭七日英雄泪。我身立在宝殿里,子不见同胞共乳亲兄弟。
  [沈醉东风] 自间别伯夷叔齐,央及泪眼愁眉。弟兄情,讲甚君王礼?下金阶再观天日,惶恐慌张为甚的?又怕是南柯梦里。
  [滴滴金] 虽然更了名姓,改了颜貌,争着年纪,非是庶子不是偏妃。一般衣冠。一般宫殿,一般官职,问甚贵贱高低!
  [折桂令] 这的是楚昭王嫡子亲妻,这的是殿下丹朱,这的是重添墙上泥皮。暗想当日,船难行五千水接云齐。贤皇后三从四德,孝皇储百纵千随。妻子别离,天地轮回。不防兄弟,再得完备,本待劝化人心,谁想泄漏天机,
  [落梅风] 他身死在波光内,名标在书传里。一个忠则尽命,一个孝当竭力。救得我为君有子共妻,我交那里寻同胞兄弟。
  [雁儿落] 见爷尪羸愁养耽迟,见娘残疾长回避,见兄贫寒似世人,见弟愚鲁看作奴婢。
  [得胜令] 最软的是房下子脚头妻,最敬的是大舅舅小姨姨。见丈母十分怕,见丈人百事随。见一个富相知,忒●一辈冘传一辈冘。见一个贫劣的亲戚,识的他却皮隔皮。
  [水仙子] 人乘华辇赴朝疾,我子怕船到江心补漏迟,淘淘雪浪添风力,唬得他悠悠魄散魂飞。近山村建所坟围,盖座贤妻碣,立个孝子碑,交后代人知。

Zheng Tingyu
  First off
  (Net play Jia Hongyi, and open. Do sleep Division) (sage line on the left. Q net, cloud a) (respecting child goes out) (net cloud a) (Bing is playing by the end of Phi mascot, the open) Little God is the God of day Caozeng Fu. Sage heard this call, there are even things I do not know, just born, to the cable. (Do respect the child see a) (respecting child goes out) (cloud) was brought to Saint: The people go complain to God, not Benjamin shirt. (Zunzaiyunle)
  [Sin et Lui point lip] This and other despised poor, not-shirt widowed. Nature, the cunning eloquent cunning, and my ghost are 谩 scared.
  [Mixed Martial Law] embrace his love of money off the sound price, keep the heart inch sub-species of root to shoot. Li Gan refused to do the poor, fortunate and cunning child to be married. Since Sun took to kill children laughing in the knife to kill, how well maintained front of children spend a good woman. This is not piety, who husband, not the leaders of women; Lord conceal ignorance has been the heart, cut out your mother stabbed to pick tea; children focus wave inferior, female teeth Ling teeth. Cold and cheap laughs poor people, increasingly rich Chinese and luxury. Some drive his driving, he did not get the frequency. The right to rely on at the chase, leaning at the line of the potential step. Curbing also complain, most money with Ya. Upper and lower case to buy, please drive police seal jurisdiction. For such people forget the grace, back one justice, who rely on the money! Bad customs, spoil the fun, of cold! Sheep method down to wine, different Kam veil.
  [Oil gourd] is not playing a HU face up against the King of Hell, a ghost child by pinching Fa, A Note on the raw scores do not fight worse. This is difficult and others to the public Hou Bozi placement, just gave birth to jennet horse hog. Has not been in the oil Ding Ye, sword tree Cha. Abi sin, according to his great days, may not lose his personal identity.
  [World music] to pay child put on a good film to suffer a fine animal skin! He asked students in the Capitol past life, the love of money desperately evil heart, and he see the wealth in the oil pan is also catching. Him three to five people rich, the poor of his tens of thousands, present and the recipient of the poor is also reported to him.
  (Respect for the sub-cloud) was brought to Saint: The people do not deserved sympathy shirt.
  [Us that] past life, who made this, the present penalty by folding; past life cunning, present in the Beggar; throw past life, present in the hunger to kill. But that's everything to know, son, said 谩 heart, then refuse to do its part career.
  [Magpie Tap Chi] you Kuixin also by his son, committing evil has to do to pay him.谩 However Zhanzhan blue sky, not long away from the sand. Keeping watch on the Saint trial, in vain to save him aside, that the poor management that he is very rich!
  [Parasitic grass] in life you always worry Yeniang rice, lay dead even after the tea? Dry the tears of children drops to make some cool air.  some Whey meal was willing to stop when the Sharp, ashes of burnt paper money bus maybe.  this slurry per pot over the tomb of children not before the wet and dry poured thousands of cups of tea through their lives are not under the Baptist.
  (Cloud) that others can not forgive more makeup ● Department.
  [ㄠ articles] poor man does not point each bowed head, pretend not fork stay to proceed. Teng every turn seven generations of Schering lift curse, pit got in a gun fight beings, bullying, fear of the gods was the saying. Straight, who made this second phase is a sub-embodiment, the courage to stop turning cycle of birth to six.
  (Respect for the sub-cloud) (cloud) was brought to St.: If, by two decades of wealth with the person, it is rude.
  [Six ㄠ order] This device and others can hardly contain material Shau fighting, how to arrest Heart cones? People dressed like the prime minister, hunched shoulders and a concave nose, but without some kind Qian contact. Zhafu poor children across the levy Wan Ma  early we would not slow the line. Children on the horses body Torsional twist fraud, bridge saddle oak, sunflower stapes pick.
  [ㄠ articles] wife is a narrow street, more people together. To? Chest firmly holding, jade whip busy plus; we go we line, throw line flower tread; appear white Cha, and asked very next door! There willing to climb the saddle off his horse, the poor man to kill every arrogant. Although lack of his family business consumer, the first of propriety, but also together as etiquette is also him. Not compete with your arrogant self-esteem, is the bottom Ming Zhennai frog, economy poor man some Mother big intestines. Acid in the cold begging his son a good thrift, how to eliminate the great wealth!
  (Respect for the sub-cloud) (net cloud a)
  [Make Shawei] On his body into the family is not, under Mr. ghosts seen their homes destroyed. Qianlong and his income through a home, a limited time at home right palm to your personal relationships, whether through cancellation of your lack of two decades. You report to be increased, no difference between good and bad fortune, rich and poor under God conclusion. Why tender points in March to work hard peach; Lei Qiu Ju nine open strike, is the universe just hold a moment a large flower.
  (Respect for the sub-cloud) (net do sleep Branch, cloud a) (possession of families find the cave, cloud a)
  Second fold
  (Positive end of grass-play, with the children once,? Children, and open) were surnamed Zhou Rong progenitor niche, Zibo Cheng, Luoyang live. Hun Jia Zhang, baby longevity. Consumption for the lack of furniture, and three children to visit relatives on the Southtown Caozhou to Cao. Do not want unhappy life, visiting him not, and down with the snow. Sister, like so Zensheng Oh!
  [Is the official Straighten] difficult road through the home where, heaven and earth is also the first white Laoshan. Shino cold cloud hangs, Miles Ice cover. I am willing to points outside the three children to leave their homes.
  [Gun Xiuqiu] silvery sand diffuse the mountains, Qiong Yao puzzle world. Yuzhuo into nine Street ten street, pink makeup into Twelve Towers units. South Korea may back of the saddle this snow how cold heart when, Meng ass frozen off, cut back to the Yan River in the initiative to visit the child to wear. Three children dare to freeze down in Long Street. The two fine legs, unable to offer all kinds of warfare, which sooner or later, nine ten Ye while the rich do not open, frozen hard to get.
  (Outer end of play Chen Defu, and do liquor Branch, clouds of the)
  [If the scholar] I'm hungry little soul lost soul goes hungry, cold cold discredited Lase me. I poor man around in this Piao exceptionally cold, deep snow cover the foot, the wind through the people bear arms, Mangjiang hand hides.
  (Cloud) Wu that children in the wine business, with the baby to the child in the kitchen to the fire we nest. (To do with the number of the outer end of servant Jian Li) (outside the cloud a) (with wine) (and then goes out)
  [Gun Xiuqiu] Magnetic light table wine poured, fragrant red amber. Gege Mo but not ready money to sell more? (Outer end of the cloud of) control what the new wine fermentation mash Mao Cai! This wine won the house kitchen full of incense, in time for Green Island in white, worthwhile Huanzuo Fengcheng spring. Add a cup like a sponge tires. See thousands of outside groups catkins Suifeng Wu, I've come as early as two peach on the face. Some gas will lift the spirits.
  (Outside the end ask) (positive end of the cloud) own a total of sister Zhang, baby longevity. Luoyang, we three children live in the south to visit relatives to Caozhou Cao. (Outer end of the cloud of the) (is the end of the deliberations with the children once, and cloud) brother! Niche Kenguofangzhe baby.
  [If the scholar] Code officials have children with a good life baby, an abatement of sales and a large mining family an orphan, and saw a reasonable Yeniang to his Salford. You have saved a baby suffering, as strong as the thousand monks, fasting, and was the brother King off you.
  (Outer end of the end of three being cited under a) (once on the net with the outside) (outside the end of the end of three being on the lead) (the outer end and net cloud) (positive at the end, once the children,? Child goes out, Zhengmozuoxie instruments a)
  [Gun Xiuqiu] I study the thick ink, dripping under the strokes. Last resort really helpless, thinking about this child the parent plaque control difficult situation lift! This baby is the essence of nodes on the child god, the mother picked belly gut. Baan child for everything today write in the parent cloud nine, three children two separate plug Health chirpy. Make your mother cut out the heart like knives save Shasha abdominal pain, bleeding like to do God's tears of her cheeks flapping Lailai. Pain sad!
  (Net cloud a) (writing instruments a) (to have baby, and net play? Children a)
  [If the scholar] This babe posing poor children see a word offer all kinds of responsibility? The five means they are slapped, hit the baby with the ear of the Banbi red gills. He did not dare steal a watch for, did not dare to put crying, stealing to wipe tears.
  [Spent the ancient flower] Grandma Kelian Jian, you do VII small enemy biological mother worship, high, raising his hand spared this baby. I am not afraid of trouble to kill his grandfather, I am sad to kill his grandmother was afraid. Fear of the right to be magnanimous at some ill-conceived and do a Jinbei are covered. Surname row from the night the baby, date of delivery of unsolicited child nickname change.
  (Want to do is go for the money end of Section) (net to do depends on the money Division) (outside at the end to accompany the money to do)
  [If the scholar] is not this only brother Qian all over the world, but he is not good enough for the thousands of years. You a ruthless member of Le take by force poor people outside, or satin Piece Goods Code, or when Pi Chai, a price increase only we'd put solutions.
  [Gun Xiuqiu] Code jade color with the color you did not write, read, color pale red solution of gold color. Do you often rely on arrangements with nine points servant, to write to do miscellaneous silver white snow. Solution of the season will be throwing rotten note, ransom notes the season will be expected carry. Not hate the twelve notes in addition to folding money first hundred, where the heart is willing to week rapid weight Hermeneutics Choi! Today Mengchang closed the door tight to Yin, Liu Pirates of the plantar pay you a new library will be open solution, not a Guanci!
  (Cloud) he not only ignorant of the grace of my raising money, do you think I Jiedi a curse, the more we grievances.
  [Off the blouse] an open solution that library cards who have been declared? This insect feeding mice child bore, does not accompany the compensation, this is your self-reliance under the bar painting. You do down the private sale of gold and silver, it is a robbery I Wang cottage.
  [Small okrug] one day drop shock annoying scourge of God, not like you this ill-gotten gains. Hail chaos in unison to put Nongsang bad, red is not down your rich family house.
  [ㄠ articles] your child hungry people with my harm, you are a small family rice firewood Hao, drift can not you put the money class, disability who can not raise your debt. Off the end of flooding to the door, the child the benefit money.
  [Cyprus Hong autumn] Jimang suddenly the public Sun Hongdong Gemen bedside stand, waiting for him off the North Sea bottles I be Han Jung. Fan Yao-Fu Ken you pay by the boat in the wheat, he did not learn to take the next life Pang Jushi debt. Think twice breaking pinch Taiwan, Britain broke insurance   Tianling Gai. Valley Park as early as the door from the Jinshi Chong.
  [San Sha] I'm not the biological mother abandoned child informed waiter selling children are not respecting the mother Guo Shu-chen buried. The universal sound of selling sub-Yang, were buried in the Son of years. Delays in the October to accompany pregnant dry, just the two Bo Guan money. Zensheng engine of living my tears, to the living conditions of my intestines, put my Chouhuai next! Unscrew the board tomorrow will be printed, carved with the date when baby child.
  [B evil] this song than the right and his children into the cold of winter, pine, flash get my dry old bone lotus flower hides. Finally have a personal emergency cuddle close to him, whether polar Thailand. Blessing to the soul afraid of baby, is my uses of adversity. Shau ​​anxious to fight the device can not, not quite a wall of dirt. Not bad rotten wood of the material. Zhesi regardless of a Shu Mai, only we'd make the world hangs on Finance.
  [Ending evil] as the first anniversary of the off the shelf solution redemption, urge repay principal and interest are also the five months. Satisfied that the benefit claim to take over again, it depends on the money instruments and servant. Cardiac toxicity of the poor children trapped children bad, blaming the poor, fast tongue, mouth child child poisoning. Yamen money to play the main draw of people, killing people split case notes. Secretary Cao baby to suffer a sharp, decisive Husband dare bribe to buy. Chang should not have strong cards assailant, on behalf of the more unfathomable appeal of slaves resistant. Ask, do not ask money itself, is not responsible for money to eat anger. Do not treat non-case hook to recover the relevant section of dignity that is each other. Asked people to measure a narrow row of banquet, hospitality bottles I do not Quantel. Oh for the money when the house was evil uncle, the family lost money, uh sectarian. Bad luck with his line of money, make life unhappy with his wealth. There is no virtue and ignorance cloud money, few people have moral debt wise. Green Zhanzhan not open eyes on high, drops of the hungry poor, how bitter to endure! Money flow has the _set_ hour, day plan to turn the sun. Han Fu boils back hair disaster, anti-rich food causes disease damage. Thieves _set_ fire to the hospital days of house robbery, people hurt the copy of your old Claims assessment. No money to buy rice co-pan wood, and endured the hungry little spice salt-free dishes. Often by the hungry poor is not optional, it owned more than some hard-hearted in the. You see his overbearing Xinghai, poison heart, could not adopt his family broke up there? To be lost until the fire season has been a change of position changes mourning.
  (B) (net cloud, and the next)
  The third fold
  (On the net to do is ill) (Dan and his party on the outside, clouds) (net cloud) Twenty years ago, cone Dongyue Hong willing, to pay? Child for the returner. (B) (positive at the end and play on the old village, open) from the Green Fields on the sell Caozhou Cao longevity baby, and as early as twenty years ha! I have promised Hong willing mouth. Mother! Tai Liang Kouer we would like to state also the incense, but to inquire about baby news Caozhou we CAO South.
  [Business Mandarin tone Bin] a mere walk away from Kaifeng, after some vast mountain faint water. Hope some chow towns, after some Road chomchon Square. Daiyue saw that lofty pinnacle of the East, there are no four-block walls of Tai states. This temple covers to pick Ani God, Ying Xiang red smoke purple haze. Shenzhou days of March, Sin Que Wuyun Township.
  [Happy Music] This is heaven on earth, was presented the plaque of incense burning, cover the Edict repair temples. See this business continue to head-off tour, also the mouth willing hundred and twenty lines. Listen to children for the Lord to burn incense to pay road I'm feeling badly injured. See also the school children wore seat withstand mother, I offer all kinds of cross-miss, thousands of Qi Huang. Think about a hundred times.
  (Cloud) mother, places where we sleep tonight, son, just before dawn tomorrow morning to catch fire when we first Incense. (Small end, to Xing, and do live) (positive end of the cloud) Haohen Oh brother!
  [Jinju Xiang] care of my son holy shrine was richly ornamented, not a curtain Lo Kam off your bedroom. Your servant here, old man on the rush to push servant husband, regardless of peril, a fan to discuss after the first hit.
  [Courtyard Flowers] tend to reward some of the temple official line graph, the line we are even looking forward to the guests. He saw all the notes along the heart, the child Anzhe gas money is not long. Thousand offer you in vain, in vain Tan Jian Shen you down. You agree not to mix the first furnace Zang, hiding people in the bucket on the scale. Said fourth two-pound, get us a bucket and two volume. Heaven and earth to match the sheep hiding, deceiving the poor people poor, unobservant burning front of clothes like gods,
  [Two wild goose] This is your Kuixin million Incense burn in vain! To children and grandchildren, up a long break to trap people that put children kid child Falcon. Children do not open the King off Square, had received death of Lord Square; child does not love the rich town, God has been lying in the An Letang.
  [Young boys] he was sick in the Gaohuangshu, Gaohuangshu above, someone asked the other rooms, rooms not unharmed. Shop Yinru is a heavy, and not against him next trekking away from the door, away from the other party. Mother feared son asks for a fish Xiao Feng Wang Xiang, lying dead in the winter on Ling.
  (All done sleeping Division) (positive end of the cloud) mother, how can I sleep!
  [Wu Ye children] sin material is pre-existence, present in the when, at the end of the broken ends do not burn incense? Earn not cope Saibian tears, scratch itch vain heart, cut off trade heart. Oh child, sleep sleep a wink thinking for you but a dream.
  (Cloud) child Oh, to know him you there? (Small end of sneezing a) (such as ghost pawn to get on the net) (, the net goes out)
  [Village receive as a guest drums] had a mute tomb by, say no to the anti-barrier. Slaves and so long, little knowledge is a conjunction of turmoil. Look at this young man image, like baby looks like. Son for his tea, rice and thinking, sat in line reading. Sleep in the dream thought. Remembered reunited for a long while.
  (Small end to Xingyun a)
  [Yuan and Order] sleep shift in Zhexiang season, call the season fell on the body. Forced to lean on the weak yuan is wealthy Lang, under the hand Wang Bodang! Grandpa told me he would be expensive, have done a Floating Life dream.
  [Launched Johnson] to the curses of his injury, Pimian looting, first hit after the discussion. You're so good pressure kindness tend to deceive, the lives of compensation, to do their own when their own.
  [Tour four] children of their own master you possessor of your mother, each to go to home. Five three-Qian Zhang Ling pride, dressed unusual. Strong, dressed in clothes more lies.
  [St. gourd] donkey dung your child is outside the light cones children, show off stars hwan article. No more a Master 温良恭俭让. I blog one poor short, you only high language and strong, the prince into the school.
  [After the court took] you would not warm winter to open court in March, summer in March based jade pulp. Dare to love the body in the relentless disease, heart of the sea level is side, God can never expect to have well-being, the situation did not get buried, tearful no children to see Xiao Tang. He was Qindie to offer emergency Huang Huang Xiang, without relying on my body hurts Shasha; Xu Tao Tao He is willing to live curse lies, Chuang Chuang solitary others who I do so? His high spirits are not good deals.
  [Lancet children] Yisi individual modules were like, not a sub-hearted students. One day playing in your head straight, eyes open days without light, there is plague, love to take a family members dead.
  [Higher than the evil], where if the children are afraid to see me early pro-volatile, no one Shiyang bully me. Think I was stubborn child spirit, may also wish you so energetic. Universal suffering finds no to me, selling a child together also stopped when the Secretary. This raised a small preparedness old, planting trees to cool. That go against Kenjiro, adults do not recognize Yeniang. The sphere to be stimulated directly with angry, damaged Nongsang, child Oh, are not afraid of thunder in the air in May and June in the ring!
  [Waves to where evil] I think a parent Chang, Sun gave birth to life strong. Ling Chun-an old, Tan Kwai Fong five, the ancient sages to teach the child a sense side. Also out of your home is not the one Boyu cry stick, understanding your Miser can not learn the sinus Juro!
  The fourth fold
  (Outer end, the Tigu members outside the die) (on the small end) (being the end of the children on the BU, open) state we burned incense Tai, Liang Kouer to Caozhou CAO South inquire about baby news. Ms Liang Kouer Qianxin we were to burn incense, to divine inspiration are more Oh!
  [More stressed quail fighting] Game Five Sacred Spirit of God, a person who does not edicts Bong! Total Four Divine. By Millennium Ceremonies; protection hundred and mountains and rivers, palm seventy-four Division. We offer incense, ritual paper money. Road charitable's longevity, committing evil will die.
  [Purple flowers order] Zensheng Yan Hui short-lived, Pirates of the plantar sickness, Peter Road, no children? Spirit of God who does not channel experience, integrity, and persuaded the people deal a. Quick report of the Secretary Dongyue Xintian sidewalk, Confucius made otherworldly matters. When I first came off the evil big line, choose the right person from it.
  (BU distressed families anxious children do) (is the end of panic Branch)
  [East of the original music] together the pain of his eyes, determined to catch cold limbs. (With clouds) just before the one sub-channel speech! Of evil to illness Deception to make, manifestation of the deity believed to be the holy. All children do not report me to kiss for what seems bollworm recently?
  [Cotton wadding ride] but the line at human whisper, day smell if the mines. Moment retribution, but not bad later, dedicated the Prophet did not say that the intention of the Secretary, and sent a clairvoyant can listen Oh ears. That slander Shinto words, the Son is that students do not think the old ugly.
  (Do you feel bad medicine a) (outer end with the drug a) (mention Chen Defu bulk drugs outside a)
  [Pink shirt] you're so silky snow helmet hair, sideburns, and was twenty years ago you said something. (Outer end of the cloud of the) plan to ask my name yet who is there Renshi? (Outside the cloud the end of) the pain that you sigh up and counseling. (Outside the cloud of the) German Fu! Straight until you smell the mountains Zang Zhong Shijue! A child this old lady who sold a servant, specifically remember the name of the benefactor. (Outside the cloud) De Fu: How can you forget the poor to borrow money during the week of emergency!
  (The outer cloud of) (outside the outer dead end Tigu members)
  [Ghost three] said that Pangju Shi made some quiet conscience, not hate of the poor people to take by force die. If the operator when he and others make, but also a long time and Jingzhi. Enemy dollars to creditors, I note that the rabbit Mao Dabo has. Crimping guoju buried all children, but also as strong as informed selling child.
  [Bald servant children] child burn off three very strong paper, wrapped in a coat wrapped around the dead bone. Thousand two gold can not buy a dead child will not go half points, furniture.
  (And other small end of worship, the clouds live)
  [Ghost three] children no relatives and behavior, female relatives flawless Ci. We would not marry the little children do at home. God is not doing the Magistrate Division, but not censor the West Taiwan. Yan Zi women off the end of the Jade Emperor, save days so the public young married woman, but also combination of all these Haoshou mother, but also thanks to my old age I together!
  (Small end of the cloud of the)
  [Gold Banana Leaf] See these words, he cross my teeth, and he gave me a rub cheek? Ears. Per night to burn incense and meaning is that the Ho family children, I was someone's son road swing son.
  [Make fun of that] element to be Zhesi to catch a case to sue. Very pro-God beat you so mean? And difficult to do with the conflict Yeniang! An old slut goes. My ass on the line of cut wood this rebellious son, he is not filial baby.
  [San Yao Wang] before you know he is dead. I die first, I hit send dustpan fecal Kaolao capital. Sell ​​child, stopped dead, no children from spiritual, can be driving a lift truck to pay child ass.
  [Make fun of that] I saw the name, which is now the Masters. My ancestors were three-generation children spread. Jia dry for money outside members died out, I say the name of ancestors. Two decades of hard keys, the original ancestors are all I Financial Information.
  [Ending] cycle of poverty to wealth, riches will accumulate one point it is not absolutely consistent so. Accompany the mouth with only the money off, dry cloth pull off a drag Ma son.
  Title Shucaihandian filial Shun Sun
  Name the enemy creditors Miser buy
Translated by Google

Zheng Tingyu

Zheng Tingyu

Zheng Tingyu

Zheng Tingyu
  (Red end of play Cuizi Yu, poem) five cents ghost world of God and do a radius from the rules _set_. Reverse the Road Road Health reversed, Yuen Shun the head beyond the flesh. Jinju native of their own surname Cui Ming Zi Yu. But I am full of the world know the article, a contemporary scholar, but I wonder if I mettle Zhongzhi, the slightest favor, this God Chizhi Feng, often determine the hell of the thing. Sure enough, what goes around, comes around, as the influence of nothing good, really awesome too. I have a sworn brother, called Zhangshan You, on weekdays to make Ken look through Buddha, practice Tao. I urged him sooner become a monk, to avoid falling into the dust barrier. His wife, son fiscal competition Paul Nye, sometimes too hard, what to do? (Sigh Branch, cloud) Hey, this is also mention the blame him, the word is my fame, it has not immersed. Today should be taken towards a go, can not help but to good friends house, and unless he were born with. It is: easy to persuade people to know partial birth, from the imminent Shijue difficult. (B) (end of play Zhangshan You are playing with Lao Dan Blake on children, cloud) their own surname is Zhang Shanyou, the ancestral home of the ancient city of Jinju County resident, Hunjia Lee. I have a brother eight Cuizai Yu submitted worship, he would towards a progressive fame, said that among the next few days, come with me goodbye. It was already late, he does not want to come too. Hunjia, you and the rest were clean. (BU children cloud) is getting late, I shut the door, since we go to rest. (Do sleep Division) (net play Zhao Tingyu, the poem) steamer pot with a spider silk dust, Jinju my poor poor alone. The belly of the world knows best things in life than people of the world. Home surnamed Zhao, double name Ting Yu. Mother passed away death has passed, I have no money to bury funeral. Strike, strike, strike, I am a man home, but also my desperation, learn to do child thieves. This is a day where people have a look at night to steal him some banknote, bury my mother, I do filial table. God! I used to do a few have come to the thief? Also my desperation, I was sold today at the lime, lime took him a child. You say you want the lime to do? That night dug wall, planted some lime. If people do not alerted that they stop, if alerted Oh exclaimed, "Nazei!" I looked at the Lime Road to gallop. God! I used to do a few have come to the thief? I steamed for the shop door today at the first pass, took him a Zheng Bing. Zheng Bing You say you want to do this? I'm off to find some random hair-pin children, Zheng Bing on the inside, that dog, lost Zheng Bing eat with him, signed his name is not in the mouth. God! I used to do a few have come to the thief? Also come to this wall, which carry a knife, cut out a large hole in this wall, I came into this wall. (Do liming Branch, clouds) I planted the lime. (See Section do, clouds) closed the door miles. Children carry the tank, I pour some oil in the Jiu door, the door will not listen to the sound Oh. Day Oh! I used to do a few have come to the thief? (The cloud) you are the father-mile thief! (Zhao did listen Division) (positive end of the cloud) Hunjia, we ask you, my life, the five hard earned money, you be there? (BU child goes) I put the bed in King errands. Hugh asked you, the fear of someone listening. (Positive end of the cloud) Hunjia, you said that, we rest we. (Zhao did steal the money out Branch, cloud) the five I stole his money, I do not know what name this child? This life, not his, and that students that the world, donkeys and horses do you back fill. Stole five silver, and buried my parents funeral. That the world is ass horse, when to will return the favor. (B) (positive end of the BU Department scared children, cloud) Hunjia, Wu is not a thief? You see
  That we cages. (BU children cloud) cages have. (Positive end of the cloud) we see that money we. (See Section Pu children do, clouds) Yeah, missing milk, how the can be! (Positive end of the cloud) I said what? Clear sky also, and do not make a fuss, then the culprits quietly in Qifang. (Outside play monk, and a poem) water to catch fish is not the end, the mountain is willing to put deer longevity. Fear of injury sweeping ants life, to cherish moth lamp mantles. Pinseng is Mount monks, destroyed as a result of the permitted collapse, down to ten silver copy of this, nowhere parked. Here is a elderly is Zhangshan You, I send this money to his home. This is his door first, good friends at home? (Positive end of the cloud) who call door miles, I tried to see we. (See Section do, clouds) Master come from? (Monk clouds) I Wutai monks, copy of the ten silver. Elderly people has been heard about the good, and especially to parked your home, to be discussed elsewhere, the charity, they came to pick up also. (Assemble end to do to pay Branch) (positive end of the cloud) may wish to send it, please go to the master eat vegetarian. (Monk clouds) do not vegetarian, I put on giving to the water. (B) (positive end of the cloud) Hunjia, which collected money for the master. (BU child goes) I know. (Goes back) I lost one today, money and goods, and can still send this money will be ten years, I shall discover. (Positive end of the cloud) Hunjia, just before sending the money that the master, and he received a prison. Today I went to the East Yuesheng Di temple to burn incense, Tang Huo I'm not home, monks come and take that money, Hunjia, there I am without me, you will go with him. He To fast food, you order some vegetables, vegetarian fast he is also your merit. (BU child goes) I know. (Positive end of the cloud) I burn incense to the water. (B) (BU children cloud) not that good luck! I lost five, which sent dozens of monks down. Zhangshan You are not at home, not to take that and then stop, if it came Oh, I have to rely on his death, even if he told me. (Monks, the cloud) Pinseng copy of the well. I can go Zhangshan You home to get the money back to Wutai Mountain. Zhangshan You at home? (BU child goes) is that the monk to get money too. I went to see we, the master where to? (Monk cloud) I just did send it to ten silver and have come to take away. (BU children cloud) the Master, you dare mistaken too? What I see you at home when money come from? (Monk clouds) to get up early to send my good friends in the front. Sister, how do you have to rely on me? (BU child goes) If I see you Oh, my eyes bleeding. If I rely on your, uh, I fall into eighteen heavy hell. (Monk cloud) live, live, live, Wu that her mother you listeners, I copied of ten to the charity, I am permitted to be repaired, send in your family, how do you have to rely on me? I rely on this life you these ten talents of silver, to that World Health was also indispensable to fill me. You the listener: I am a monk, of the ten pounds of silver. I'm with you Nianbi Guanyin force, even after a long-I. Ouch! This little damage from acute and distressed, I go in and look for the imperial doctor conditioning. (B) (BU children cloud) monks go too. Oh such good friends to come home, I still say he silver. Dare to be good friends to have. (Positive end, the cloud) Hunjia, I burn incense back too. That monk had come to take money it? (BU children cloud) just you go, the monk came to take, I went with him to deliver hands. (Positive end of the cloud) as also his Oh, good, good, good. Hunjia arrangements Tea Food, the fear I Cuizai Yu brother to. (Cui Zaiyu, the cloud) turned the first corner, Ma Guo wrap angle may be as early as the coming Zhang. Good Friends of the Brothers
  At home? (Positive end of the cloud) my brother, please come home. (Do see families, Cui Ziyu cloud) brother, I view you are looking, dare to be breaking some wealth? (Positive end of the cloud) while breaking a bit, does not matter. (Cuizi Yu Yun) color you young married woman, but rather have a little extra wealth. (BU child goes) what outside financial that? (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, today I want to move towards a demand government should go with you unless a path to. (Positive end of the cloud) brother, brother has a pot of watery liquor, with the brother farewell to the outside to come. (Do peer Branch, clouds) Hunjia, pour over the wine, give my brother a cup. (Do send wine, wine families back Cuizai Yu, clouds) brothers, me and you do this, I wonder a few years work on. I have a few words, to remonstrate brother, your lyrics are. (Poem) fortunes of the total gains and losses in the day, authorities in vain exhausted. She Tunxiang less people, the world is coming to an end mantis stalks the cicada. Drug-free life can be extended Qing Xiang, Yin descendants Money can not buy. Going too poor Shoufen Gan is unaffected cents. (Positive end of the cloud) Multi-bearing brother counsel, but your brother karma shallow, not out of home. Children also have a few words, chanting and his brother to listen. (Word clouds) do not love the North Tuan South Main, do not love Diocese distant buildings. Narrow body, but is security, the heads of security-inch male feet women. Wear a collar Bupao cold, hunger when the second meal porridge Yu japonica. In addition there's no other crazy map, Zhang Shanyou his life is willing to foot. (Singing)
  【】 【Yi Sun-Sin Lu】 Cuyi light and flooded rice consumption, the raising of comprehension often protect themselves, the general fate of the rich and the poor. Rao did not phase any hair, but have a little children Shanqi, happy child I am I, to the old. (Children under the same BU) (Cuizai Yu Yun) brother is also with the young married woman to go home, I went from the way we board. (Poem) This line element is not fame, is always the root without the dust cleared. Lu Chuan monastic mountain language, good mind to send the clouds layer. (Below)
  First off
  Xian Lu 【】 【】 cloud point purple lips bone mortal, Delivering Health sea, three decades. This is my fate together, (with clouds) are throwing furniture for the, uh, (singing) I have to suffer short Huang Ji rice dishes.
  Mixed Martial】 【Big Brother, a non-I, the dry manual labor seek money at home, under the product base after the House lobby, but she saved enormously wealthy man. I can do it brother Yeniang line of filial piety, but also my past life plot Yam Kung, penance come. Children willing Shoufen large, the amount sought to financial, human part, is not stained dust, clothes do not cut rungra paragraph Piece Goods, food does not sort the good and bad arrangement, Yeniang lines offer all kinds of filial piety, Qinjuan harmony of all things. If you said the beast, heaven knows how he planted row? Liu took the door to the families daily, dance pavilion song _set_s, ornament, itself and touch the eye, chin owned wine and meat, but the line at a scolded, Re Renxian, the furniture can be made by him, by him to sell. This is seen their homes destroyed Goki, not weak as Henghuo non-disaster.
  (Begging monk cloud) father took me privately how much hard work to accumulate, and to that brother hands, more to go. Wu's hurt kill me too! (Positive end of the cloud) Boss, this furniture all owe you. Woodlands that fellow! I ask you we: How long do you trade it to? (Fu monks cloud) side I did not do business, play day Shuang Lu, Qu waist phalanx or pain. You know I suffer from this so hard miles! (Positive at the end singing)
  Hulu】 【oil thieves take your hand from the prison in the heart of solutions, this client who is struggling furniture, then you ever road twenty years and half the text to seek? You, you, you, you be the next to knock against the Sun with the buy on credit, home Oh, when the holding wiped the sale. You, you, you, open tired eyes Oh no flowers, no wine Oh without looking up. Some cited a man throwing a woman throwing catching policy, you, you, you, you wait a day to spend Taiwan.
  (Fu monks cloud) Father, you take advantage of such a young baby and enjoy the happy, they still miles later! (Begging monk goes) we can see you happy is good enough, no one suffer alone. (Positive at the end singing)
  【Music】 thieves This world is the comfort zone and avoid the good, Zhesi never would put bad, I sent you if a lawsuit first and last line change. (Cloud) I do not have road with the old lady, I mother pavement: I, him, though Hello. (Singing) of the Road Bucai be a father, mother's early release to do good, used the Zhesi hundred thousand free itself.
  (Cloud) Wu that fellow, you have fewer people in the banknote to it? (Fu monks cloud) Bah! Grow ah, I do not have fewer people banknote. (Net play complex when the cloud), Zhang and Two homes, you're missing me five hundred bottles of beer money, I quickly back out. (Begging monk cloud) father, brother got bills to drinks, the door to discuss the first mile. (Positive end of the cloud) You say a lot of money, the door was the first claim that the drinks! (Fu Monks cloud) also will stop him, playing what is not tight? (Begging monk goes), what is not also his only loss to you. (BU children cloud) Big Brother, you stop him. (Begging monk cloud) strike, strike, strike, I, I. Wu's death and I do not feel bad. (Do hair Foucault) (Miscellaneous current) (b play complex when the cloud), Zhang and Two homes, you're missing my god dead money, just want me to discuss, do not take it out (begging monk cloud) the father, the door the first discussion What, God dead money, where the shouting. (Positive end of the cloud) What God dead money? (Fu monk goes) You see this old man, these also do not understand. Father in the day, asked him what God dead money? (Fu monk goes) You see this old man, these also do not understand. Father in the day, asked him a thousand consistently note by his father die, and yet he consistently thousand notes. Classroom heard wailing, and the relative order under the principal and interest, this is not the God of dead money! (Sigh Branch is the end of the cloud) Hey, there is money to come through with that fellow? (Singing)
  【Order】 You see that readers are leaning trend that port, La Lane pulled Street; gas in my old business people, spirits of the dead mourning soul; You see this little note-face, discredited Lase. (Fu monks cloud) this only makes their one, what prejudice! (Positive end of the cloud) beast! Road is the money you make is your own (singing) How to do without prejudice to their own money! (Positive end of the cloud) beast! Road is to make you money is your own (singing) How to do without prejudice to their own money? Wu is not air my poor heart break.
  Tap Chi】 【magpie family got the idea for a while, like Zhesi no talent! My tingling hands and feet of gas, steadily. Thieves, and you rarely break the family home, it would be better Liangxia Li separate early.
  (Fu monks clouds) are separated, and is pretty clean, as I asked my friend Shuazai. (Positive at the end singing)
  【Grass】 parasitic lead with some hack your Han, eat more and this sword only. You just kill the people to be sheep brewery, is to make the money you withdraw Road trowel is love, you know that an empty money bag to recruit people to do strange! Gas industry, who heads the old one I killed. (With clouds) I die Oh, (singing) season change of position you may have also thoroughly enemy debt. (Cloud) Big Brother, which also can not do anything, you have a person. (Begging monk cloud) father, your baby daytime, do buy do sell, not to the article, half the text do not, Zensheng she saved privately, have spent too him. (BU children cloud) Big Brother, you let him. (Begging monk goes) I, I. (Do hair Foucault, clouds) also to stop you. (Miscellaneous when the cloud) also my money, I go home too. (B) (positive end of the cloud) mother, while I Liangkou Er in, stop this furniture apart. Oh, if separate, long since withered after eating Zhesi indefinitely. (BU children cloud) old, this dividing how he, or a good big brother tube. (Positive end of the cloud) is separated from the strike. Brother, you should have the furniture will have to move out, and that the instruments also borrow money to get it out. (Begging monk cloud) heed. (Positive end of the cloud) mother, furniture are all here. Separated by one-third of children. (Fu monks cloud) separate the furniture Daoye Hao, Province Xu Xu Guo Guo's. (BU children cloud) the old, one-third of children separated Zensheng do? (Positive end of the cloud) his brother every two minutes, you and I keep a point. (BU children cloud) which says that all of you will be out by. (Positive at the end singing)
  Evil】 【make you wait to sleep on the sand Warm duck, I know pine is cold of winter, you will grate on the ear of my good words that do not use. The privately loss by evil I Yeniang students, I also get mad that is under the Mid Sakyamuni Buddha. Zhesi do not want to become, therefore, on the separate, to discuss doing business with you. As the saying goes mountains and rivers can not change its nature, children are still, I am afraid you have been given towards the welfare of Health disaster. (Same below)
  Second fold
  (Cuizi Yu crowned cited only waiting on the poem) were full article seven-step before, Qiluo sleeves brush Hong Egypt. Paul enjoying the royal life is not where to study! Little is also the official Cuizai Yu. After the brothers and Zhangshan You do not own, to the palace in Kyoto, the third champion in one fell swoop, the addition Cizhou Fu County warrant. Who wants to brothers moved to live in this county. Wen said he was a big baby, was stained with a sick card, better known Satan Ruo He? Little things today, Zhang Qian, the Malays, a minor official visiting in person to the brothers were born to the family. (Poem) slow ride horses, with two lines of public officials. Street and snapped off, with my relatives to know. (B) (net play Long Qing Liu, ugly beard onto the play, poem) does not come without sericulture farming, depends on the degree lie fleeting. Staggering Hades does not hook me, and the world less brush my money. Long known as Liu Qing kid, this brother is a beard turn. Second homes in the city have sheets, is a foolish servant, I both helped him make some banknote used. No money for the journey home in the past few days, I sat down to tea house, and so the second round to, why not? (Hu net cloud) in the tea house where you sit, I find that silly servant go. That sooner or later, to dare to be too. (Fu monks, the cloud) own two homes Zhang. Since the furniture apart, like the soup poured Snow, clean sweep, have made the bare sway the. Today, there are I share my brother furniture, but also harmful to eat I shall, however, I my brother now infected miles. I have two brothers several days Buceng Xian, I asked soon to go to the tea house. (Do see a net Section II, clouds) brothers, the past few days not seen you, kill me too. (Hu net cloud) little brother, I am seeking your miles. Liu Qing Long tea house, there are there for you, me and you go to. (Meet Division) (Fu monk cloud) brother, okay? (Liu net cloud) little brother, a new city under the small lady, very raw color, I a diameter Laixun you. You have to stop him, do not wait for someone else to start, first snatched. (Fu monks cloud) the principal people strike you first, I can not afford a. (Hu net cloud) your brother have money, I helped you to discuss where to go to. (Fu monks cloud) that is waiting for me and you go. (Same below) (positive end mixed as the arguments, clouds) to do one-third of children since the separation of the furniture, and furniture that of a brother, not as early as withered a little. See Big Brother is the brother brothers lived at home, turn him shelter. Big Brother did not want that fellow to the furniture, but also to free the. Big Brother gas into disease, a lie can not afford medical treatment ineffective, drug-free spirit, take a look at death, taught me not to do mercy. Small, we and you go to the temple to burn incense in the. (Miscellaneous when the cloud) Dad, let's go burn incense. (Positive at the end singing)
  【Business】 【Mandarin Bin】 transferred separately from the past and have come to Pepsi, which is the official newspaper for the children of prisoners. Old flash memory industry, bad people do not, then the thousands of dead children Anzhe thousands of breadwinners break. This is the net of heaven, and sure enough road arms. (With clouds) if I list some good Oh Brother, (singing) no idea how this made to pay the old business man Zhangshan You? Three years of a dream disillusioned. I just like taking the wine is Yu Yang, Chuang Piansi just sigh skull.
  Happy Fun】 【Yang grace of God I would claim, for baby the thing deliberately, I Zenken lightly give up! Children are, to a national crisis, I flash to vote, can not help but tear the two exchanges. Could there not the first to burn incense in my previous life, I claim to pray to the gods curse. Only willing to reduce crime and misfortunes, must consider lotus. (Cloud) come to the front of the temple. I pushed open the temple door. (Do kneeling subjects, clouds) will incense every small. Family Church Buddha, there is such a big baby, thanks to his early nights sleep, daytime and earn hides under the furniture, may be sick today; small, a baby, Chijiu gamble, not a half device, he can no disease. Family Church grandfather, Zensheng Kelian Jian, old man, was I a big baby, this disease can we recover from illness. (Do Beko) (singing)
  】 【Wuye children ever smaller stature by students, is to be chasing his friends to take advantage of friends, family day-free month is not CASTLE. Big stature, such as the old by the first, and often will not do is be there, and anxious to lose early child back, (with clouds) are saints! (Singing) You Zensheng is picking the next will start the Zhangshan You feel bad?
  (Miscellaneous when the reported cloud) Daddy, Brother faint miles! (Positive end of the cloud) as the big brother fainted, I see little brother to come along. (Same below) (Large Dan Fu monk with Blake begging children, the begging monk cloud) Mother also, I die. (BU children cloud) Big Brother, you fine with. (Begging monk goes) I watch for this disease day far into the earth near, seeing the people who live without it. (BU children cloud) baby, you're sick, you can Zensheng to feel too heavy? (Begging monk cloud) Mother also, my sick you do not know, I typical library in the solution in front of the day coincided with that sell through the burning of mutton. I saw this tasty lamb, to be together to eat, I asked him how much money a pound, pound notes he Road two consistent. I can Zensheng consistently notes that the two homes to buy food? I went to the lamb that will squeeze the two hands, I push the sheep too thin, have not been bought out. I was handed Feiyou sleeve to house the rice to Sheng, the oil that hand, I have to lick a few mouthfuls, to eat a bowl of rice. I ate five bowls of rice meal, well fed children, and I doze to go. Keep a hand oil until noon to eat rice. I do not want to fall asleep, and missed with this hand, but taking a dog to suck all the oil I only clean hands. Is that in one breath to air into my disease. I requested an imperial doctor yesterday pulse, that fellow has to say is that I am wrapped in the fresh air too. (BU children cloud) baby such as this from the disease, you are now not only the air, slowly recuperate. (Begging monk cloud) call my father, I told him we. (Positive end of the same complex as the cloud) mother, brother ill and how? (Begging monk cloud) Father, I die. (Positive at the end do sad Branch, clouds) Oh child, were you to kill the pain I have. (Singing)
  Hulu】 【vinegar with Sunburn on your chest, belly rub. I burn a strong paper to the Divine child, please call the imperial doctor Master brisk walking disease. To rescue children that I support the family, you taught me hot like burning abdominal intestinal nervous oil.
  (Begging monk cloud) father, I gave you, I die. (Do dead Division) (positive end of crying children with Blake Branch, clouds) children are, you have lost Renxia of me, and taught me to kill Wu's not hurt too. (Singing)
  Unitary articles】 【I would see him flat on the scaffold stiff, cold cut the mouth. I weeping and wailing, a child that does not break the throat, the child half-dukkha Anzhe support the family. (With clouds) days of that! (Singing) the saying goes, a good man does not live long Lai, which received a trouble Zensheng?
  (Cloud) mother, brother dead it will be dependent to what? Cui Xiang Zhao Renqu Yibi your brother to the magistrate. (Miscellaneous when the cloud) to heed. (Cui Zaiyu, the cloud) of small government Cuizi Yu, see Zhang Shanyou the baby can come too early. Zhang Qian, then the horse. (See Section, clouds) Yeah, the baby had died of good friends too. Brother you can save trouble wave. (Positive end of the cloud) brother, a big one baby is dead, seeing the brothers to try any too soon also. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, saying: Sishengyouming, rich in the day. This is also a large number, and the province of trouble. (Fu monks with the Net, on the second) (Liu net cloud) little brother, that your brother is dead, seen something home, you get two and I took the go first. (Fu monks Cloud) said that, you and me, and off he went away Huping table lamp. I can no tears, how to cry? (Liu net cloud) I handkerchief corner, are both ginger dip, and you take the eye side of a touch, tears that flow of urine may also wish to be out. (Do delivery puzzle at the end, Fu monk cry Branch, cloud) my brother, you have a text does not make half the text do not, will not, you die. My father also, you do not tend to my brother. My Mother also, you now only one I have. Also my sister, my wife also. (Make angry families, clouds) Zensheng no one pay attention to me? It seems I was stupid servant. (Positive at the end singing)
  Posts】 【unitary flowers and saw that the two hack his head, which a prodigal face with wine. You can also think of what a child by the Phi Ma mourn? So to this hall where find fights. Straight Nenban neglecting, could there be some connection you and not something he did not worry about?
  Your Road Hexi】 【poor death and life, are the days a few weeks, the Son and Mother how partial I am pulling a short chip? I am now prepared his funeral the coffin, as the corpses of my industry, but also with the collection?
  (Cloud) every next small, will help her mother and big brother in the Yibi hand, those who bought the two coffins funeral. (Miscellaneous when the cloud) to heed. (Do help lower) (positive end of grief Branch, singing)
  Feng Luan Yin】 【How can we help with my depression, worry and even at this off, the day that! Just the good wife I can not head. How can we help my depression, worry and even at this off, the day that! Side is I did not raise welfare children to stay home. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, your life is far too count miles, which would break loose some furniture, playing what is not tight! And the province of trouble wave. (Positive end of singing) into middle age, like life, this time soon, but also look very edge of success at home! With Compass you will save over the gold, only students affected by the dry down, the day that! Go find a deciduous early autumn.
  (Cloud) the old man's a big baby died, her mother has died. Under the old man did not know what made me to sin. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, who you off trouble. (Positive at the end singing)
  Where evil】 【waves to worry about without anybody knowing it, days high to thick. The children spend a total count bald, and now ex husband and wife both love his son did a hook. Ended up self-Chan from Zhou, (do sad subjects, clouds) days that! (Singing), unless students have always put the students re-repair. (Below)
  (Cui Ziyu sigh Branch, cloud) Hey, who wants his big baby, even the death of the mother is. My brother is not province of miles. (Poem) good friends this year, the fate of low double funeral son killed his wife sad. Pre-existence is doomed life industry, the deadline could not escape reminders of days. (Below)
  The third fold
  (Fu Fu Monk on the positive 旦) (Fu monk cloud) Ouch! Damage to kill me too, how not seen him come from? (B Dan called clouds) Ma'am, you were with me please father. (Big Dan should be invited to do, is complicated when the leading end of the cloud) since the big one baby died, her mother has died, furniture and cleared out. Today, a small, heavy and sick baby, and teach the old man made a deep troubles Oh. (Singing)
  【】 【Butterflies in children】 Lu Xiao Shu manual labor, is facing peace timing, migraine is my old vain Mujing Sang Yu. Code of the village house, sell the Land, how many sales lack the money and goods. The children never really Xinshu semi Sharp, unhappy day save my two eyebrows together.
  【】 Hate drunk spring like thousand of high mountains, such as the overnight rain and more tears. Mourning his late wife seeing the children, but also a sick bed, the old good business person you smooth bitter, bitter. Anzhe a baby is small if some good and bad, can send my children to pay that crucible.
  (See Section do, clouds) brother, how thou Syndrome? (Fu monks cloud) Father, I die. (Positive end of the cloud) the little old man, there's a baby can be heavy and sick. God! Zensheng Kelian Jian, old man, leaving a small baby, to send the old man into the earth that can be Ye Hao. (Singing)
  Prayer of red embroidered shoes】 【Woe a thousand words, God! Diseases of the small enemies are willing to eliminate. Children are, I will make a text tile rafters no root, but the baby is left in, is my talisman, why Full payment is positive? (Cloud) brother, you sooner or later, looking good. Do you have any left over words, telling me to we. (Fu monks cloud) Father, you do not know the disease. Others are victims of poison gas poison the water, I killed the insanity meter. (Positive end of the cloud) How is the meter insanity? (Fu monks cloud) if they are poison rice Oh, Zensheng huge a Kaolao? Father, I care not for you. (Do dead V Division) (Branch is at the end do cry, clouds) Oh child, were you to kill the pain I have. (Singing)
  【】 Also welcome cents off road and fell only a mattress lying, who knows his leisurely way to go to the deep, empty my baby cried, a thousand sentences. Yan Jun also, you Haohen heart; land also, you do at any rate. I flash the widows and the needy, how can they write you under this father go.
  (Cloud) brother also died. Each of the next small to buy a coffin, and buried by (Miscellaneous when the cloud) to heed. (Fu Fu monk down) (positive end of the cloud) the two young married woman, you come, the two baby are dead, my mother has died of. I have no children not to women, you two can have God and your mother at home, pick up a room as a lying, Go, return to their own cases. Also by you to mourning, they will get married also by you. (Once the two families do sad, clouds) Oh, I have to kill the pain! I wives in two, clean up a room for a lie, and mourning her family to go back to God. Hero is also only kill the pain I was you. (Poem) I wives fate of the humble, the man named halfway behind. Guarding the solitary widow fight I, off to the others refused to paint Crescent. (Same below) (the end is sad to do families, cloud) the two baby died, two young married woman have returned to the cases go. My mother has died, and then left the old one industry alone. I carefully think about it, quit other things, is that when God throughout the land and the Yen, hook-law and two baby will I go. I am now to be told the magistrate that his brother Cui, Yan God, his hook to land, he and I cross-checks, why not! It can not help but pull on the door, I told him the first born, to go. (B) (Cui Ziyu tensile thousand, only waiting on) (poem) Hasty Ya Gu Xiang, public officials on both sides of row. Yan Wangsheng death house, the soul units Dongyue scared. Little is also the official Cuizai Yu. Rose hall today, sit back Ya. Zhang Qian, drink throw the car. (Zhang Qianyun) in Later in Ya man, carrying the book case. (Positive end, the kneeling Division) (Cuizai Yu Yun) Order under the knees is not Zhangshan You brother, tell you what? (Positive end of the cloud) brother, we call the shots with the old man. (Cuizi Yu Yun) who bullied you come, you say that word because of that I do not call the shots. (Positive end of the cloud) I do not say goodbye, I told this when God throughout the land and Yan. Brother, you sent me to hook him to, so I asked him, I two kids and her mother, what sin do next, he's gone hook. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, you are worse. This is the nether gods, you sue him for one reason or another? (Positive since the end of Section) (singing)
  Bai Hezi】 【smart honest he was of God, in charge of Shouyao survival book. How can not I couple to white? (With clouds) Oh my two baby! (Singing) is also the cause why he?
  (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, Yang worldly, I will be good pleasure. He nether gods, how do I hook to him? Hook it to, I do not break the. (Positive end of the cloud) my brother, thou shalt not he? Since ancient times, there are several people were also broken, and Zensheng brother would not break it? (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, then a few off of the ancients? You try that and we listen. (Positive at the end singing)
  Unitary articles】 【hey, want to have the day off a Diliang Gong Fu, a witch will cast Ximen Bao. Have a broken package Daizhi daytime sun, he has the night off nether Road.
  (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, I have to pack Daizhi than how, day off sun, the night off the underworld, you have to sue to sue elsewhere. (Positive end of the cloud) to this young mother I would die so be it. Can I leave the two baby is not one? (Singing)
  I baby】 【small building on the false statement had not lied language, but also did not square head is not law. I baby the amount sought money, this sub-Going, Lock Road homebound. God also has to Shun Yan, Hu did not suddenly land. Zensheng the moment I can hook to the baby, I Zhangshan You pull victims cut belly gut.
  (Cuizi Yu Yun) You two kids and your Hunjia, there must be damned doomed criminals. You have to ask him, beating crazy battle! (Positive end of the cloud) I was her mother and two baby Oh! (Singing)
  Posts】 【unitary disobedient and did not touch the TV drama statue saint, Cha Jian a really tall temples. Buddha did not slander another, offensive, God, have fallen Feng. Co-I sub-total of the mother, wife, husband were, a complete children together, (do sad subjects, clouds) I two baby died, her mother has died, two young married woman went unto the cases. (Singing) I sent Daughter Kelian Jian never households.
  (Do kneeling subjects, clouds) and I hope my brother will hook Yan land to God, he and I we discount card. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, I will not say if the Sun world, I will break, and this nether gods, how do I break for him? You do not provincial miles to go home soon. (Being the late Branch, singing)
  Partial Shua Haier】 【Shentang temple who did? No loyal Saisuke had a martyr. But the students intended to transport machines and passion to seek early Ming Chang retribution non-framed. (Cloud) brother, awful things you do not break me, who off? (Singing) Is Yang official multi-machine changes the world, the gods are hell mixed custom. Have done to make a living Senluo Temple shop, the rich cycle of six of his free, no money to go to hell by that three-Tu.
  】 【I now have two brake pipe furniture who care? With money who call the shots? Who poured tea after my death, who libation, who cry? Who is Who On fast seven tablets? Who is driving the hearse who hang clothes? Sent only a few lines for the gates to the disobedient, nor public opinion that took the coffin color, multi-pipe is sweeping the rafters cock.
  】 【Shawei day that! Ching Ming is the most bitter cold food, the other offering on the ancestral home lead children and grandchildren. I write only to the poor withered grass in the empty mountain Topol, who is going to the tomb on top of both hands and I re-add half child soil. (Below)
  (Cui Ziyu laugh cloud) Zhangshan You go too. Although this person is a practice, and did not know his life retribution, so Yumi not province. He told 且待 again, I Yanjun his own eyes, let the two kids and that Hunjia, etc. See his servant, and said the inside knowledge. (Poem) side chamber Kuixin channel, could not escape his divine purpose, such as electricity. Reported today a significant and selfless, how kept the Yanjun complain. (Below)
  The fourth fold
  (Positive end, the cloud) old man Zhangshan You. I yesterday to complain to his brother Cuizai Yu front, to hook his land, Yan God and I folded card. How can my brother when I push the thousand thousands of resistance, just say hell gods, not hook him. Temple in again today to complain to go there. Someone said, is Nisumudiao the City God, what inspiration there? Your brother better than others, at sun down, the night manager underworld, but also surpass the packet Daizhi, do not tell you how to go? So it only Youwang County in Fujian were born to come. (B) (Cui Ziyu cited only from the last, a poem) method is day to be smooth, clear the public from security officials. Less wife husband abuse, parent Zixiao heart wide. Why I Cuizi Yu Road, which a few? Because my brother Zhangshan You, blame the wrong land, Yan Qu God, his wife and children three life hook to catch my camera came with his check against. I just can not say that a break, he went back. He must feed again today, I own an idea. Zhang Qian, Ya today to sit back, and I put those billboards carried him out. (Only from the cloud) to heed. (Positive end, the cloud) poor brother, and brother, we call the shots. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, you said that because the word up. (Positive end of the cloud) I Zhangshan You old man, and his rehabilitated, that is, those two kids and mother I have not had to do sin, but was land, Yan God, Qu Qu hook will go. Only hope that his brother head quasi-hook sent a piece of paper instruments, will it land, Yan God, but also to chase him, folded card with an old man understand. If karma really the subject that I have to rest in peace old man will die. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, hello gourd is also provided. I did not say yesterday, the sun on earth, I will break in, hell god, how do I break it? (Positive end of the cloud) Ouch! While drowsy, I slept, and we temporarily. (Do sleep Division) (Cui Ziyu cloud) this person can sleep. I have a dream of his that some non-dream, until the flowers will then see the end of the front of the temple. (Virtual lower) (Ghost force, the cloud) Zhangshan You, Yan God Taiwan Province. (Positive end of startled subjects, clouds) Zensheng Yan God hook? I was about to ask that God to Yan miles. (B) (Yan cited Ghost power of God, the poem) Saint Chile sway Welling poor heart break the big deal to get mad. If no air Shinto, Perak, where the thunder come from? Wu Shen is ten to Yanjun is also. Today there are yang Zhang Shanyou, mourning his dead wife as a child, I told the land, Yan God. Ghost force, and I taken it Zhangshan You will come. (Ghost force cloud) heed. (Ghost power to do is take the end of the Branch) some action. (Positive at the end singing)
  【Double adjustable】 【Order】 a new water custody, see Yanjun Zhao, flash hard, I ran home virtual fluttering. You know that empty doing nothing, afraid of what industry players! Tuolai the spirit of God, hell, I was positive to see the world's children and grandchildren, they die there is no hate.
  【】 To life in Malaysia to listen to the money of a pro-Chan, slow-witted but also limited the body Qi Buwen limited time? We end up only half-mound children after the death of gray lining, it's a century is a century of people who have no money to be day and night charges that the spirit of industry. By now this death, although rich and who buried the remains funeral? Half of the season would not make the text live, dead, it may also have some of your child points.
  Put wine】 【change of position of Mind you Zensheng straight ruthless, these old eyes have no points, is the parent who can be like that stranger. I cry for you _set_ the line nap sleep, (see Section fu monks, clouds) brother, our family went to. (Fu monks clouds) Who is your baby! (Positive end of the cloud) you are my second baby. (Fu monk goes) I am your child? The old, hello not smart! My predecessor element is Mount monk, you're missing me to, you now also have my double also. (Sigh Division is done late) (singing) Liangxia Li asked me to not format.
  (Cloud) This raw anger rebellious thieves! Bale, Big Brother, you also have to recognize me. (Singing)
  The saying goes, the water fairy】 【Mo Mo conceal conceal world who does not invade the heart hide from man-made. Hello if you have this pain, all ordered by Ling travel to do the sword, how the hell to do with the smooth, _set_ them in the evil spirits to God. (BU child goes) I suffer, however, Hello Health salvation I we. (Yanjun Yun) ghost power to remand into Feng Du. (Positive end of singing) was released Senluo Temple, and into the gates of Hell, Oh, you better be the next wave Chang Yanjun.
  (Ghost force children to cry under the charge BU) (Yanjun Yun) Zhangshan You, you have a dead person, you have to see it? (Positive end of the cloud), we want to see miles. (Yanjun Yun) and I come to you to invite the deity, we meet with you. (B) (Cui Ziyu on) (see Section is done late, clouds) where the saints? Even at the Spirit of God? Generic term we were last name. (Cuizi Yu Yun) Zhangshan You, pushed off to sleep in the dream. (Positive at the end do feel Branch, clouds) put me to sleep too. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brother, had just been to see what you come? (Positive end of the cloud) brother, your brother have met too. (Singing)
  】 【Wild goose down Well I have three years of parenting, particularly at night for no one recognized the pro-God? It turns out the child was his previous life I little money, a small child I made him this present.
  【Order】 This victory is also operating from my mother calamity itself, leaving children and grandchildren involved. Nothing is off again to mention scores, there are spirits to be the air channel. (Cuizi Yu Yun) brothers, you see or that? (Positive end of the cloud) brother, Zhangshan You now only see or a well. (Singing) Total as Poor, drop a body trapped heart no difficulties. This is due to repair, but also pro-free money to their loved ones do not.
  Yan Zhang Shanyou report entitled Land of God
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