三国 阮瑀 Yuan Yu  三国   (?~212)
Drive out North guo Gate line
Of Su
Yong Shi Two poems uni-
Yong Shi Two poems twain
fair Banquet Poetry
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ancient style poetry

Drive out North guo Gate line

   Yuan Yu

Guo drive out the North door. Fan Chi Ma refused.
Step hesitate to get off. YANG Zhi Yang withered off.
Gu Wen in Chulin. Chichi there moaning.
I ask those who cry out. What is this predicament.
My own mother die homes. Stepmother hate orphans.
Hungry without food and clothing. Move whip hammer facilities.
Consumers do bone muscle. If the body withered skin.
Possession of my empty rooms. Father is not kept in the dark.
Therefore, on the mound at the police. The survival of permanent parting.
Own mother what can be seen. Cried the sound is hiss.
I was here abandoned. Is anything too cheap, poor Echo.
Pass on future generations. Clear rules on this.
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